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1. Tax Fraud Alerts tax fraud Alerts. When in doubt seek professional advice from the IRS or a Tax Professional. Report Suspected tax fraud Activity 1-800-829-0433. http://www.ustreas.gov/irs/ci/tax_fraud/ | |
2. Tax Fraud | February 19, 2001 | Ralph Nader Ralph Nader In the public interest tax fraud. Bush's tax cut plan shows he also has problems with "the vision thing Yet the administration and the tax cut proponents in Congress ignore the http://www.sfbg.com/nader/139.html | |
3. General Tax Fraud Program HOME tax fraud Alerts General tax fraud Program. General tax fraud Program. Where Do You Report Suspected tax fraud Activity? http://www.ustreas.gov/irs/ci/tax_fraud/docgeneraltaxfraud.htm | |
4. Tax Fraud Alerts and accounting fraud, mail and wire fraud, money laundering and tax fraud. IRS Criminal Investigation activity in the nation. General tax fraud. The efforts of Criminal Investigation http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/irs/content/0,,id=106057,00.html | |
5. Tax Fraud Alerts About IRS, tax fraud Alerts. IRS Wants You To Know About with the law. Where Do You Report Suspected tax fraud Activity? If you have http://www.irs.gov/irs/content/0,,id=106057,00.html | |
6. Tax Fraud tax fraud, information provided by 'Offer in Compromise Associates' an experienced tax attorney with Internal Revenue Service experience for filing an IRS offerin-compromise. and Examination ActionsCriminal Tax Manual. Employee-Independent Contractor IRS Tax Audits. IRS Tax Code Information. IRS tax fraud. IRS Tax Levies. IRS Tax Liens. IRS Tax Penalties http://www.irs-offer-incompromise.com/taxfraud.html | |
7. General Tax Fraud About IRS, General tax fraud. Overview General tax fraud fraud investigations. Where Do You Report Suspected tax fraud Activity? If you http://www.irs.gov/irs/content/0,,id=106781,00.html | |
8. Our Fight Against Smuggling, Tax Fraud & Crime Our fight against tax fraud. Jump to other links in this section Each year Customs and Excise collects more than a third of all http://www.hmce.gov.uk/protect/ourfight/taxfraud.htm | |
9. Tax Fraud Investigations Expert tax analysis for state and private investigations involving complex or suspicious tax transactions, including tax fraud and tax evasion. http://www.taxprophet.com/taxhound1 | |
10. Our Fight Against Smuggling, Tax Fraud & Crime Our fight against smuggling, tax fraud crime. Jump to other links in this section Our fight against tax fraud. Our fight against VAT fraud. http://www.hmce.gov.uk/protect/ourfight/ourfight.htm | |
11. Halliburton Targeted In Probe Of Alleged Nigerian Tax Fraud - 2003-06-23 - Houst Halliburton Co. disclosures to U.S. regulators revealing that the Houston oil services firm may owe up to $5 million in taxes in Nigeria is now being followed by an investigation by authorities in that country. Houston Business Journal http://houston.bizjournals.com/houston/stories/2003/06/23/weekinbiz1.html | |
12. Inland Revenue: Powers To Combat Serious Tax Fraud Powers To Combat Serious tax fraud. Powers To Combat Serious tax fraud (PDF Version) (Size 40K) Powers To Combat Serious tax fraud (MS Word Version) (Size 62K). http://www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk/consult/tnfraud.htm | |
13. Techdirt:Blaming Tax Fraud On A Computer Virus Try the Advanced Search. Blaming tax fraud On A Computer Virus A man who was cleared on tax evasion charges claims that his returns were screwed up because a http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20030829/0229218_F.shtml | |
14. Employee-Independent Contractor Issues Department of Justice Criminal Tax Manual. tax fraud. Trust Fund Penalties. IRS Tax Code and Regulations tax fraud. This information is intended as technical information of use to http://www.irstaxattorney.com/taxfraud.html | |
15. Lynne Meredith Indicted For Tax Fraud tax fraud Promoters Associated with We The People Arrested by IRS Agents for Selling Bogus Trusts that Falsely Promised to Protect Income from Taxes. http://www.quatloos.com/lynne_meredith_indicted_for_tax_fraud.htm | |
16. Tax Fraud: Judicial Doctrines Copyright © 1998 Robert L. Sommers, all rights reserved. Judicial Doctrines Relevant To tax fraud Schemes. Print. 1993). Potential Defenses to tax fraud. http://www.taxprophet.com/taxhound1/juddoct.htm | |
17. Home The tax fraud Network includes a Directory of defense attorneys by city, current cases and seminars. THE tax fraud NETWORK is a forum designed to The DIRECTORY is a list of tax fraud professionals in http://www.taxfraud.net/ | |
18. Tax Fraud: Off-Shore Asset Protection Actually, the list of potential offenses is quite long and includes tax evasion (IRC Sec. 7201),tax fraud and false statements relating to taxes (IRC. Sec. http://www.taxprophet.com/taxhound1/offshore.htm | |
19. The Consortium Database of articles on illegal activities by Rev. Moon, including money laundering, bank and tax fraud, and violations of currency laws, as well as associations with the far right. From The Consortium. http://www.consortiumnews.com/archive/moon.html | |
20. Tax Fraud Alert - Practitioners tax fraud Alert. As we enter the 2003 taxfiling season, the North Carolina Department of Revenue has noted an increase in the number http://www.dor.state.nc.us/practitioner/fraudalert.html | |
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