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81. Macworld: Tape Drives For Backup sold for the PC the lack of hardware data compression OnStream s 15GB (uncompressed) tapes aren t cheap at $45 gigabyte) is the highest of all drives tested http://www.macworld.com/2000/08/bc/16reviewstape/ | |
82. GNU/Hurd Hardware Compatibility Guide Supported CDROM drives; tape drives Supported tape drives; Scanners Supported scanners; Miscellaneous Miscellaneous hardware support information. http://www.nongnu.org/thug/gnumach_hardware.html | |
83. PHAnet Tape Drives Multiple densities on recent drives usually stems from hardware compression, which produces tapes that may or may NOT be readable by other vendor s drives http://www.pha.jhu.edu/sysadmin/inventory/tapedrives.html | |
84. Data Storage Today - Storage Hardware - Product Review: Dell PowerVault 114T Tap Storage hardware, BMC. The Dell Latest News about Dell Computer PowerVault 114T is a compact, rackoptimized enclosure that allows up to two tape drives to be http://data-storage-today.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_id=23740 |
85. Linux.com - Tape Drives Linux hardware Compatibility HOWTO. 16. tape drives. 16.1. Supported. SCSI tape drives (From the SCSI HOWTO) drives using both fixed http://www.linux.com/howtos/Hardware-HOWTO/tape.shtml | |
86. IBM EServer ISeries 825 Hardware Options iSeries 825 hardware options, tape drives provide a very costeffective means for backup/restore and archival storage of your organization s information. http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/hardware/medlarge/825/options.html | |
87. IBM EServer ISeries 890 Hardware Options iSeries 890 hardware options, tape drives provide a very costeffective means for backup/restore and archival storage of your organization s information. http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/hardware/medlarge/890/options.html | |
88. Tape Backup: 9 Drives Tested: ZDNet Australia: Reviews: Hardware: Optical Storag Essentially, it is made up of two pieces of hardware the tape drive itself plus the robotics tape library units may have several drives for simultaneous http://www.zdnet.com.au/reviews/hardware/storage/print.htm?TYPE=story&AT=2027422 |
89. The Best In Storage Products - IBM Offers The Best In Disk Storage, Tape Storage IBM TotalStorage offers the most complete line of Storage in the industry. We offer Disk Storage Systems, Storage Area Networks (SAN), Network Attached Storage (NAS), tape drives and libraries, http://www.storage.ibm.com/ | |
90. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On ADIC Tape Drives At Epinions.com Epinions has the best comparison shopping information on ADIC tape drives. Compare prices from across the web and read reviews from other consumers on ADIC tape drives before you decide to buy. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.epinions.com/cmhd-Removable_Storage- |
91. IBuyernet.com Tape Drives 70GB Price Comparision Products Reviews Rebates New! iWire Issue Archive. SEARCH RESULTS FOR tape drives 70GB Most Popular. TANDBERG $6548.45 TANDBERG DLT tape drives DLT7000 35GB/70GB FAST SCSI DLT 6279EE http://www.ibuyernet.com/search~str~Tape Drives 70GB~compare_price.htm | |
92. IBuyernet.com Tape Drives SCSI Diff Price Comparision Products Reviews Rebates Your Email iWire Rebates Hot Deals. Sign up to win great prizes every month! New! iWire Issue Archive. SEARCH RESULTS FOR tape drives SCSI Diff Most Popular. http://www.ibuyernet.com/search~str~Tape Drives SCSI Diff~compare_price.htm | |
93. Tape Drives / Libraries - White Papers, Webcasts And Case Studies - ZDNet ETERNUS LT160 tape Library, Fujitsu, January 2003. http://itpapers.zdnet.com/search.aspx?scid=176 |
94. Tape Drives / Libraries - White Papers, Webcasts And Case Studies - ZDNet BrightStor CA1 tape Management, Computer Associates, January 2003. http://itpapers.zdnet.com/search.aspx?scid=176&tag=tu.hw.ont.dir2 |
95. Cintas De Respaldo SCSI (tape Drives) | Linux Foros Español | Hardware - Espaci Translate this page (tape drives). Cambiar a Selecciona un foro. http://www.espaciolinux.com/postt2314.html | |
96. Sony Ships First Terabyte Tape Drives boston.internet.com. December 23, 2002 Sony Ships First Terabyte tape drives By Enterprise Storage Staff Sony recently shipped qualification units of its first http://boston.internet.com/news/article.php/1560791 | |
97. Tom's Hardware Guide Mass Storage: Hard Drives Instead Of Tapes? 70 TB Backup RA Hard drives Instead of Tapes? 70 TB Backup RAID at the University of Tübingen While backing up data may be a minor chore for many, backing up vast http://www4.tomshardware.com/storage/20030425/ | |
98. UK And Eire Tape Drives Secure Shop Risk Free Uk Ltd HP C1555D 244949-B21 www.riskfree.co.uk/shop Orders recd before 4pm, delivered next business day* to UK and Eire5/25/2004 091455. Search Search Help. Show Pictures No. http://www.riskfree.co.uk/shop/default.asp?producttype=MULTIUSE&BlankStartAt=0 |
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