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21. Students Online: Online Program Guide Directory of summer and academic year schools, educational programs, and enrichment opportunities for gifted and talented children and youth. Sponsored by students online, a webbased service for gifted and talented students. http://www.jayi.com/so/eog/ | |
22. Summer Institute For The Gifted Threeweek residential, co-educational, summer program for academically talented students in grades 4-11. Program blends college-level courses and traditional summer camp activities. Held at selected colleges, universities, and prep schools in the northeastern United States. Courses, campuses, tuitions, and application form. http://www.cgp-sig.com/ | |
23. Liaison Bios, MTS Liaisons, Midwest Talent Searches, Center For Talent Developme He also is quite active in evaluating special programs and schools for gifted and talented children. Michigan Liaison Carol R. McCarthy. http://www.ctd.northwestern.edu:16080/mts/liaisonbios.html | |
24. Canada/USA Mathcamp! A summer camp for mathematically talented and mathematically gifted high school students from around the world. It includes advanced mathematical topics not normally covered in high schools. http://www.mathcamp.org/ | |
25. A New Era In Urban Education? barriers in urban schools are unacceptable excuses of urban schools entails dismantling entrenched gifted and talented youth. What is particularly appealing about charter schools http://www.brookings.org/comm/PolicyBriefs/pb035/pb35.htm | |
26. Gifted And Talented www.nagc.org. Announcing gifted and talented Magnet Programs. How to contact us Michele Arthur Middle School Specialist; Audra Ruffennach - Elementary School http://www.harrison.k12.co.us/curr-inst/gifted/ | |
27. The National Association For Gifted Children Aims to provide help and support to gifted and talented children and their families and others involved in their education. Contains details of publications and research, young person's area, and guide for schools. http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/nagc/ | |
28. Arkansas Governor's School Highlights the sixweek summer residential program for gifted and talented students who are upcoming seniors in Arkansas public and private high schools held at Hendrix University. http://www.hendrix.edu/AGS/ | |
29. Gifted Education Policies For Texas An interactive, graphic guide to gifted and talented education issues for Texas, featuring indepth information on state education statistics, legislation and policies, obstacles, schools, and opportunities. http://www.geniusdenied.com/StatePolicyDetails.aspx?StateCode=153&NavID=6_0 |
30. Katherine Stinson Middle School - Northside ISD Rogeness Nadia, nadiarogeness@nisd.net, inst Asst. Rowland Linda, lindarowland@nisd.net, gifted/talented. Saathoff Tamara, tamarasaathoff@nisd.net, Math. http://www.nisd.net/stinson/staff/stafflist.htm | |
31. Welcome To Washington County Public Schools Budgets, curricula, schools, support services, and technology programs. Also includes summer programs for the gifted and talented. http://www.wcboe.k12.md.us/ |
32. Home Page Collaboration between St Wilfrid's, Brinkburn, Mortimer and Harton schools, for students with interests in music, art, sport and drama. Provides information on the projects, the staff and a page for each school involved. http://www.geocities.com/thegiftedandtalented/index.htm | |
33. 1998-2000 University Of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School Catalog 715 Practicum for Teachers of the gifted and talented. and conducting learning experiences for gifted students. 741 Assessment Techniques in the schools II. http://www.wisc.edu/pubs/home/archives/grad98/ed/edpsychC.html | |
34. Welcome To Orange District - "Together The Future." Includes administration, schools, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and gifted and talented students. http://www.oranged.det.nsw.edu.au/ | |
35. Home Find out about this program for gifted and talented elementary students attending District 5 schools. http://projectchallenge.anderson5.net/ | |
36. DISD K6th Grade. Dallas ISD. http://www.dallasisd.org/schools/realtor_es.cfm?View=43&DocID=510 |
37. Tualatin Elementary Homepage School newsletter, lunch menu, calendar, talented and gifted program and PSO information. http://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/schools/tua/tua.html | |
38. WDMCS: TAG (ELP) inst. talented/gifted http://www.wdm.k12.ia.us/district/curriculum/elp.htm | |
39. 3700 Jones Bridge Road Chevy Chase MD 20815 Phone Magnet elementary school (gr 36) in the areas of Computer, Science, Math, and gifted/talented education in Chevy Chase, MD. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/nchevychasees/ | |
40. Test2 A NSW Government primary school. Includes curriculum, photo gallery, students, staff, links and the Kuring-gai Unit for gifted and talented Students. http://www.stivesnth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/ |
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