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1. CSUN: California Academic Content Standards Site Charter schools. Governor's Professional Development Initiatives AB466 (Strom-Martin) gifted and talented Education Primer on America's schools. Hoover inst. Press ISBN http://www.csun.edu/~hcbio027/k12standards | |
2. Hamilton Southeastern Schools - Staff Directory - 2003-04 Barbara. Ess. Skills/inst. Assistant. HSEJH. barbaraanderson@hse.k12.in Busche. Mary. gifted/talented Teacher. HRE. mbusche@hse.k12 Howard. Ailee. gifted/talented Teacher. FCE. ahoward@hse.k12 http://www.hse.k12.in.us/staff.asp | |
3. Dearborn Public Schools - District Phone Book 7303019. Res Tchr, Music/gifted/talented. Wendy Sample 730-3003. Res Tchr, inst Technology. Fax. 730-0794 District Information schools Operations Professional Development http://www.dearbornschools.org/District_Information/DistrictPhoneDirectory | |
4. GT-Placement FAQ identified as "gifted and talented." How Baltimore, MD. inst. for the Academic Advancement Methods; Elementary schools; Elementary School Students; *gifted; Grouping (instructional http://ericec.org/faq/gt-place.html | |
5. Gifted Education, History West Lafayette, IN. gifted Education Resource inst. 1988; 51p established programs for the gifted/talented in many American schools, educational provisions for underprivileged http://ericec.org/faq/gt-hist.html | |
6. LAUSD District A Gifted And Talented Education talented Resources LAUSD gifted and talented Programs (Web gifted Eligibility and Assessment (Document). schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) schools for Advanced http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/district_a/resources/NewSite/Inst/gate.htm | |
7. LPSWEB Curriculum Bus Aff. inst. HR. schools. News. gifted EDUCATION. Consultant Tom Hays 4361822 Differentiated curricula are modified to suit the learning needs of gifted and talented young people http://data.lps.org/about/teachings/gifted.html | |
8. Gifted Education, History gifted Education Resource inst. 1980s were marked by wellestablished programs for the gifted/talented in many American schools, educational provisions http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/eric/faq/gt-hist.html | |
9. Academic Content Standards Page This is a quick reference for standards. Charter schools. Governor's Professional Development Initiatives AB466 (Strom-Martin) gifted and talented Education Primer on America's schools. Hoover inst. Press ISBN http://www.ventura.k12.ca.us/elmhurst/resource/id81.htm | |
10. Stone Creek - Cool Links Info about Calif. schools. Language Arts SCORE. Math SCORE. inst. Academic Adv. Youth. Nat l Research gifted talented. Northwestern Univ. - Talent Dev. http://www.iusd.k12.ca.us/st/links1.htm | |
11. JACKSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS COMPREHENSIVE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PLAN Page 1 Printed 06/18/2002 Rural and LowIncome schools) tspencer@jackson- ind.k12 606) 666-8728 gifted and talented Educationtspencer@jackson Diane Little Elementary Teacher Edith McClees inst. Superv., Curr http://www.jackson-ind.k12.ky.us/CDIP/full plan.pdf |
12. UW-Madison Undergraduate Catalog survey of educational programs for the gifted, talented and creative relations with other professionals in the schools; assessment and P Grad st or cons inst. http://www.wisc.edu/pubs/home/archives/ug97/06education/edpsych.html | |
13. African American Scholarships - Page 2 Stanley E. Jackson Scholarship for Ethnic Minority gifted/talented Students with Disabilities Tel (703) 2643507 Eligible inst. US schools Deadline February http://www.littleafrica.com/resources/scholarships2.htm | |
14. Facts About Exceptional Children Series needs require the serious attention of parents as well as schools. Tips on ways parents can help identify and work with their gifted and talented child are http://www.par-inst.com/educator/products/quicktips/exception.php | |
15. Creativ-Announce 1a based strategies for providing gifted students with rural areas with the correspondence schools and contests. the needs of mathematically talented students and http://wwwmath.uni-muenster.de/math/inst/didaktik/u/meissne/WWW/TSG16-sum.htm | |
16. Instruction talented The ALPHA gifted and talented program currently serves academically and artistically gifted students in and private post-secondary schools in the http://www.chesterfield.k12.sc.us/inst.htm | |
17. USNEI-U.S. Institutions And Programs, Postsecondary Institutions Local districts and states also govern what special schools, such as those for persons with disabilities, gifted and talented students, and adult learners may http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ous/international/usnei/us/edlite-inst-prim | |
18. College Of Education Western Civilization; WCIV 1013, inst/Ideas Western in gifted education programs, schools, institutions, and other facilities for gifted/talented children. http://www.uark.edu/admin/urelinfo/95-96_catalog/educ/ed07.html | |
19. World Class Arena - Challenging Minds, Recognising Talent | Welcome To The World International initiative designed to identify and assess gifted and talented students. Devised by the Department for Education and Skills in the UK. Example questions, online assessments, registration details for schools. Focuses on mathematics and problem solving. http://www.worldclassarena.org/ |
20. GT: Gifted And Talented Schools And Programs schools and Programs For gifted, talented and Motivated Children. North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics for gifted and talented high schoolers. http://www.cache.k12.ut.us/htmlfiles/millville/tag/schools.htm | |
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