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61. Atlas: Taiwan taiwan. taiwan Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles; Flags; World geography; World Statistics. US State Profiles; US Cities; http://www.infoplease.com/atlas/country/taiwan.html | |
62. GEsource World Guide - Taiwan geography and Maps. taiwan is located in Asia, in the timezone GMT 8. The country has boundaries of 0 (km), and a coastline of 1,566.30 (km). http://www.gesource.ac.uk/worldguide/html/1036_map.html | |
63. Wen Tzao School/About Taiwan/Geography geography From mainland China, taiwan is only 160 km across the taiwan Straits. The length of the island is 395 km, and the width is 144 km. http://www.bravonet.com.tw/english/about taiwan/b.htm |
64. Department Of Geography, National Taiwan University *, Tel 8862-23629908 Fax 886-2-23622911 E-mail wyli@ntu.edu.tw. http://www.geog.ntu.edu.tw/ntu/ | |
65. Department Of Geography, National Taiwan University This is a simple map of Taipei city, and the orange circle is the location of National taiwan University(NTU). Move your mouse and http://www.geog.ntu.edu.tw/ntu/pos/index2.htm | |
66. SEND International Christian World Missions Located only 160 km across the taiwan Straits from the southeastern coast of China, the island of taiwan is shaped roughly like a large tobacco leaf, nearly http://www.send.org/taiwan/geography.htm | |
67. Taiwan - Government, History, Population, Geography And Maps taiwan source CIA World Factbook 1998, taiwan. geography. Top of Page. Location Eastern Asia, islands bordering the East China Sea http://www.worldrover.com/vital/taiwan.html | |
68. Traveljournals.net - Geography Of Taiwan East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and taiwan Strait, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China. Geographic coordinates 23 30 http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/taiwan/geography.html | |
69. Asia - EnchantedLearning.com Answers, Syria Outline Map Printout An outline map of Syria to print. taiwan taiwan Outline Map Printout An outline map of taiwan to print. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/geography/asia/ | |
70. GIS Education : Geographic Departments / Institutions In Taiwan geography Departments / Institutions in taiwan. National taiwan Normal University, Department of geography; National taiwan University, Department of geography. http://www.gisdevelopment.net/education/inst/taiwan.htm | |
71. Taiwan Maps - Weather - History - Politics - Travel - Economy - Geography Penghu (the Pescadores) is the only county not on taiwan. See also Political divisions of the Republic of China. geography. Main article geography of taiwan http://taiwan.asinah.net/ | |
72. Taiwan : Science : Geography taiwan Science geography, taiwan Science geography homepage, taiwan Science geography web, taiwan Science geography net, information about http://search.asiaco.com/Taiwan/Science/Geography/ | |
73. Taiwan, The Country Jeff Tsay Is Originally From Philippines . Facts about TaiwanCIA Publications geography, people, culture, politics, as published by the CIA. (link); Travel http://www.uta.edu/accounting/faculty/tsay/taiwan.htm | |
74. Geography Of Taiwan Volcano Live www.volcanolive.com geography of taiwan. taiwan. Geographic geography of taiwan www.volcanolive.com Copyright John Seach. http://www.volcanolive.com/taiwan2.html | |
75. CIA - The World Factbook -- Taiwan geography, taiwan, Top of Page. geography note Definition Field Listing strategic location adjacent to both the taiwan Strait and the Luzon Strait. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/tw.html | |
76. Taiwan Information: Facts, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Flag And Taiw can ask it in the Ask a Question section of MyTravelGuide. Facts, geography, People, Government, Flag, Economy and taiwan Map. http://www.mytravelguide.com/guides-and-advice/fact-book/cia/Taiwan.php | |
77. Taiwan - Asia - World Factbook - Nations/Alliances/Geographic Regions - USNI Mil geography, taiwan. Location status. geography note strategic location adjacent to both the taiwan Strait and the Luzon Strait. People, taiwan. http://www.periscope.ucg.com/mdb-smpl/nations/asia/taiwan/worldboo/index.shtml | |
78. Taiwan: General Information Sources taiwan The Island Its People, Mike Turton s guide to taiwan s geography, economy, history, international political status, people. http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/taiwan-info.html | |
79. Taiwan Business Center Your company might be listed here. Join us and it s FREE! taiwan. To learn more about taiwan, geography, people, government and more,. click here. Channels http://www.asiadragons.com/taiwan/business_center/ | |
80. Taiwan News Stand Television Chinese Television System (CTS); Formosa Television. taiwan. To learn more about taiwan, geography, people, government and more,. click here. Channels http://www.asiadragons.com/taiwan/news/ | |
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