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41. CS E6998 3D Photography, Spring 2001 SIGGRAPH 2000 Course on 3D photography. TOPICS TO BE COVERED Overview of 3d Modeling; Representations for 3-d objects; Acquisition devices Range scanners http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~allen/PHOTO/ |
42. Surface Light Fields For 3D Photography Surface light fields for 3D photography. 2 Paul J. Besl , Neil D. McKay, A Method for Registration of 3d Shapes, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=344925&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
43. Greg Erker's Home Page Try Rocky Mountain Memories or Reel 3d Enterprises. Need a 3D camera, viewer or projector? Try Berezin Stereo photography Products , 3D from Dalia. http://www.angelfire.com/ca/erker/ | |
44. Taipei Stereographic as a Foreign Language classes as related to Stereo photography. of 3d. These are located at the 3-d by Dan 3D Film, Video, and No-Budget Production Resources. http://phillips.personal.nccu.edu.tw/3d/ | |
45. Stereo Photography- The World In 3D 3D photography has been around for a century and a half. It is simply a method of photographically recreating what you already do http://www.3dphoto.net/stereo/stereo.html | |
46. 3D Photography On Your Desk - ICCV98 - Jean-Yves Bouguet - 3D Scanner - 3D Scann 3D photography on your desk. J. Walker von Brimer award for extraordinary accomplishments in the field of 3D photography Dec. 1998 learn more. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/ICCV98/.index.html | |
47. 3D Photography On Your Desk 3D photography on Your Desk. JeanYves Bouguet and Pietro Perona. Presentation given at ICCV98 - Bombay - India - January 4th, 1998. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/ICCV98/html_slides/ | |
48. SIGGRAPH 2000 Course On 3D Photography SIGGRAPH 2000 Course on. 3D photography. 3D photography is the process of using cameras and light to capture the shape and appearance of real objects. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~seitz/course/3DPhoto.html | |
49. Contents 3D photography Course Notes. Introduction Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 96, 1996, pp. 303312. Back to 3D photography 2000 Course home page. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~seitz/course/Sigg00/notes.html | |
50. Berezin Stereo Home Page Please see our Reel 3D, Berezin Stereo photography cross reference list. More information about us. Browse our products below! twinbarkit http://www.berezin.com/3d/ | |
51. 3D Photography Bulletin Board 55 05/20/04 (0) clik 3d cameras abbaswede 213915 04/09/04 (0) Realist 2.8 - Bunky 190309 04/08/04 (3) Re Realist 2.8 - Dr http://www.visi.com/~weibergc/3d/3dbbs/ | |
52. 3D Showcase: Stereoscopic Art And 3d Photography By Boris Starosta As part of this exhibit, I am showing examples of 3d images in three different formats lenticular, anaglyph, and StereoJet. In http://www.starosta.com/3dshowcase/ihome.html | |
53. C0S 597B, Fall 2002: Home Page COS 597B 3D photography. Fall, 2002. http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall02/cs597B/ | |
54. Figures For over twenty years, I have photographed the female form. When I discovered 3D photography, it seemed ideal to apply it here. http://www.ray3d.com/figures.html | |
55. Index This 3D photography site has moved you are being re-linked to the proper site. Please update your links and notify the site who linked you here. http://home1.gte.net/photo3d/stereo.html | |
56. Glossary It is, in my opinion, the best method for outdoor stereo photography. A good use for this would be 3D photographs of small objects one could make a train set http://home1.gte.net/photo3d/text/Glossary.htm | |
57. 3D Photography Project Page rays though each pixel and intersect them with the known position of the laser plane using standard vector math techniques to discover their 3D locations in http://www.thaumaturgy.net/~etgold/scanner/ | |
58. Mike Kersenbrock's Photo-3D Photography Mike Kersenbrock s Stereo Photo3D photography. Digital Camera + Pentax Stereo Adapter (page 2). Use of semi-fisheye lenses in 3D photography. Miscellaneous. http://www.photo-3d.com/ | |
59. Dr. Le Plongeon's 3D Photography Dr. Le Plongeon s 3D photography. It is probably fair to say that Chichén Itzá is one of the most frequently photographed archaeological sites in the world. http://www.ukans.edu/~hoopes/506/LePlongeon.htm | |
60. 3D Photography For Blender Nicholas Phillips. I have developed some C/C++ code implementing Drs Bouguet and Perona s technique for 3D photography on your desk. http://sans.chem.umbc.edu/~nicholas/blender/3dscan/ | |
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