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81. Part Two - Lebanese And Syrian History (and A Little Geography) History (and a Little geography). Notwithstanding current political disputes, Lebanon and syria share a narrow strip of land 400 miles long by 150 miles wide http://www.genealogytoday.com/family/syrian/part2.html | |
82. Bible History Links - Maps Geography - Archaeology Sites Maps geography Archaeology Sites Ancient Iran Site Map Oriental Institute Maps covering the ancient Near East (Egypt, Sudan, The Levant, syria, Turkey, Iraq http://www.bible-history.com/links.cfm?cat=22&sub=62 |
83. Syria Information : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology syria. CityNet syria (US); Culture of syria (US); geography of syria (US); History of syria (US); World Factbook 1999 (US). Home Places http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/places/syria.html | |
84. New Testament Geography An Overview of New Testament geography by Prof. JUDEA at times a separate province; at other times a sub-province of the Roman Province of syria http://clawww.lmu.edu/faculty/fjust/Bible/NT_Geography.htm | |
85. Syria - Country Profile - Geography UK Trade Investment. Export Information by Market or by Sector or by Subject Home / syria / geography / syria. Country Profile Introduction http://www.uktradeinvest.gov.uk/text/syria/profile/04_geography/ |
86. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Syria Arab Net syria Brief details of the history and geography of syria, as well as business, culture, government and transport information. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/s/syria.htm | |
87. Palestine Center - Geography geography. Palestine is bordered on the west by the Mediterranean with a coastline that is 230 kilometers (km) long; on the east by syria, with whom it shares a http://www.palestinecenter.org/palestine/geography.html | |
88. Syria -- Encyclopædia Britannica , syria Arab.net Information concerning syria, including country profile, history, and an overview of the geography, government, and economy. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=115293&tocid=0 |
89. Dove Booksellers Used Books Kallai, Zecharia Biblical Historiography and Historical geography Collection of Studies From Subject Category Israel / syriaPalestine - Hebrew Bible / Old http://www.dovebook.com/used/product.asp?code=like'229' |
90. Dove Booksellers New Books Aharoni, Yohanan Land of Bible A Historical geography Publisher Westminster John Knox From Subject Category Israel / syriaPalestine - History Available in http://www.dovebook.com/new/product.asp?code=like'229' |
91. Gateway To Educational Materials - Search A ready reference guide to syriaincluding background information and statistical data on syria s economy, defense, geography, weather, government...... http://eg2.ischool.washington.edu/Search/makesearch?past=keywords|People||yes|Pe |
92. The New Geography Of Conflict- Global Policy Forum - UN Security warfare over valuable export commodities have produced a new geography of conflict, a the Jordan (shared by Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and syria), the Tigris http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/natres/generaldebate/2001/0601klar.htm | |
93. Country Information: SY - Geotargeting capacity. Talks with Israel over the return of the Golan Heights have recently been revived. syria geography. Location Middle http://geotargeting.2meta.com/c/sy/ | |
94. Syria Country Information. syria Remarks - U.S. Embassy - Quick Links to Selected Annual Reports. syria. This site is managed by the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State. http://www.state.gov/p/nea/ci/c2420.htm | |
95. Economy Of Syria facts, maps, flags and pictures from countries around the world. The Economy of syria. Economy overview syria s predominantly statist http://www.abacci.com/atlas/economy.asp?countryID=334 |
96. Syria Vacations: Romantic Syria Vacation, Syria Cruises syria Travel Warning! Private American citizens currently in syria should evaluate rigorously their own security situations and should consider departing. http://www.travelwizard.com/middleeast/Syria_Overview.html | |
97. Cafe-Syria «» Map Of Syria «» Www.cafe-syria.com Cafesyria, Cafe-syria «» http//www.cafe-syria.com. Maps. syria - www.cafe-syria.com Click on the map to hear a pronunciation of the city. http://www.cafe-syria.com/Maps.htm | |
98. Syria Flags Geographic.org Syrian Flag Here Flags of syria. This flag of syria is intended for representational purposes and no claim to technical accuracy is made. Click http://www.geographic.org/flags/new1/syria_flags.html | |
99. 5. Syria-Palestine, C. 3500-323 B.C.E. 2001. The Encyclopedia Of World History syriaPalestine has three geographic zones a coastal area along the Mediterranean, a desert fringe along the syrian Desert, and a double mountain chain from http://www.bartleby.com/67/100.html | |
100. Military News About Nations Around The World Does USA have the capability to invade syria? A Shot Across the Bows Geographic coordinates 35 00 N, 38 00 E. Map references Middle East. http://www.strategypage.com/fyeo/qndguide/default.asp?target=syria3.htm&base=syr |
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