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81. Syria Calls The US To Spread The Culture Of Dialogue syria calls the US to spread the culture of dialogue. Damascus, May13,(SANA). syria on Thursday called a group of US mass media http://www.sana.org/english/headlines/13-5/syria_calls_the_us_to_spread_the.htm | |
82. Detail : Culture Of Syria Through The Ages culture of syria through the ages. Title culture of syria throughthe ages Author Toueir, Kassem Support Book (Monography) 16pp http://babsouria.online.fr/medd604.htm | |
83. Catholic Culture : Document Library : Overview Of Religious History Of Syria This article is an overview of the religious history of syria and provides a chronologyof Christianity in syria. Categories culture History Institutions http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=3657 |
84. :: Ez2Find :: Society And Culture Web Sites, Bab Souria Site Info - Translate - Open New Window Linksto cultural and travel information about syria. In English and French. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Regional/Middle_East/Syria/S | |
85. Japan Forum - Local Discussions - Japanese Community/culture In Syria? Japan Guide Homepage, Forum syria - Japanese community/culture in syria? Japanesecommunity/culture in syria? Is there a Japanese community in syria? http://www.japan-guide.com/local/local_forum.html?aID=807 |
86. NIC - Soc.culture.syria soc.culture.syria (FAQ) This is a complied list of information and datapertaining to soc.culture.syria and syria in general. cultures http://www.ibiblio.org/usenet-i/groups-html/soc.culture.syria.html | |
87. Mailgate.ORG Web Server: Soc.culture.syria Mailgate.ORG Web Server newsgroup soc.culture.syria (syrian cultural mattersand affairs.). soc.culture.syria. syrian cultural matters and affairs. http://mailgate.supereva.it/soc/soc.culture.syria/ | |
88. Near And Middle Eastern Civilizations Undergraduate Student Association Website Devoted to the study of the ancient (from c. 3100 BCE) and contemporary cultures found within modern day Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, syria, Turkey, Rhodes, Cyprus, Iraq, (to some extent Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the Republic of Georgia) and western Iran. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/nmcusa/ | |
89. Outpost Expatriate Network, For Expats Living Or Relocating Abroad syria Lebanon Travel guide, Cadogan Guide, ISBN no 1860110258. syriaCulture of the world Travel guide, Times Editions, ISBN no 9812045546. http://www.outpostexpat.nl/syria.html | |
90. SYRIAN CULTURAL TOURISM A rise in tourist numbers will not only provide much needed finance for culturein syria, it will have long lasting effects on how syria is perceived by the http://syria.by.ru/00.htm | |
91. TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents Ancient syria s cultural and artistic achievements and contributionsare many. Archaeologists have discovered extensive writings http://www.traveldocs.com/sy/people.htm | |
92. Syria - Countrywatch.com syria. Cultural Disorientation and Transitional Adjustment This sectionis a primer for use by CountryWatch.com users in learning http://aol.countrywatch.com/aol_topic.asp?vCOUNTRY=167&SECTION=APP&TOPIC=CDATA&T |
93. Syria - Countrywatch.com syria. CROSSCULTURAL ISSUES AND INFORMATION Crossing Cultural BarriersAs the world becomes increasingly connected, people both http://aol.countrywatch.com/aol_topic.asp?vCOUNTRY=167&SECTION=APP&TOPIC=CCIAI&T |
94. Caucasus Foundation The close relations between syria and Soviet Union in the post second World Warera, have Books, journals and cultural materials of Caucasus were introduced. http://www.kafkas.org.tr/english/diaspora/suriye.html | |
95. Www.albawaba.com/countries/webSearch/webfly.php3?ID=246 http://www.albawaba.com/countries/webSearch/webfly.php3?ID=246 |
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