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Syria Culture: more books (49) | ||||
61. Regional, Middle East, Syria, Society And Culture: History ComboSE The Combination Search Engine, Top Regional Middle East syria Societyand culture History. Archaeology@; Golan Heights@. Wars and Conflicts@. http://www.combose.com/Regional/Middle_East/Syria/Society_and_Culture/History/ | |
62. Saudi Aramco World : Indexes : Subjects 7. ALEPPO, syria. The Lure of Aleppo, Simarski, LT, JA 87 3440. 55.ARAB culture. The Arabs in Occitania, Meadows, I., MA 93 24-29. http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/index/Subjects.aspx | |
63. Society And Culture - Syria - Society & Culture Resources Society and culture syria. Society culture Resources. Society andculture syria Society culture Resources. WoW Search http://www.wowdirectory.com/dir/57/197.php | |
64. Johaina > Countries > Levant > Syria > Sections > Culture & Arts Click here for subscription terms. Teshreensyria site 15/5/2004, ?.. Teshreen-syriasite 15/5/2004 , .. ? ? ! http://ejohaina.ajeeb.com/countryhead.asp?category=74073&type=Co |
65. Powell's Books - Culture Shock Syria 2ND Edition By Coleman South culture Shock syria 2ND Edition by Coleman South. Available at Burnside, Travel.Free Shipping! This title ships for free on qualified orders! Find out how. http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/product?isbn=1558686118 |
66. Usenet Replayer's Open Free Directory Of Soc.culture.syria Usenet Replayer. Binary directory of the news group soc.culture.syria fromusenetreplayer. Where you can get the newsgroup soc.culture.syria. http://www.usenet-replayer.com/groups/soc.culture.syria.html | |
67. Islamset - Culture Contact In Syria During The Crusades Home Islam Islamic Civilization syria During the Crusades . CultureContacts in syria During the Crusades. Cultural interchange http://www.islamset.com/islam/civil/culsyr.html | |
68. Introduction To The Syrian Culture This Distance learning course not only discusses the culture in syria,but also its history, its politics over the last few years. http://www.american.edu/TED/etown/distance/syria.htm | |
69. Jasmin Tours Syria - Tour Operator, Culture Tour, Tourism, Travel, Hiking Tour, Tour operator in syria for groups, individuals, incentive and study tours specializedin cultural, religious and hiking tours in syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq http://www.jasmintours.com/ | |
70. Yellow Middle East, Lebanon Yellow, Miss Lebanon 2004, Egypt, Star Academy, Syri RUSSIAN CULTURAL CENTER. AL KHAT AL MOUBACHAR. FONDATION ARABE POUR LA culture ETLES ARTS. BEIT EL FAN. THE CENTER FOR ARAB culture AND ART. SADER ART AND culture. http://www.lebanonlinks.net/yellow_go.asp?id=24 |
71. Soc.culture.syria Top . soc . culture . syria. http://news-reader.org/soc.culture.syria/ | |
72. The Saudi Arabian Information Resource - Saudi Culture Symposium In Syria A wealth of information on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia., Saudi culture Symposiumin syria. 01/10/2003 Saudi culture Symposium in syria. Damascus, 1 October, 2003 http://www.saudinf.com/main/y6195.htm | |
73. Culture Et Politique En Méditerranée: Information Et Identité Méditerranéen Translate this page syria hosted, in September, a new event The Routes of Commerce that a discussionof Mediterranean commerce through an exploration of its cultural dimension. http://www.babelmed.net/index.php?menu=172&lingua=en |
74. Syria Travel Books And Guides more information. Buy from United Kingdom. 9. culture Shock! syria, cultureShock! syria from Graphic Arts Center Publishing Co. Price $11.16 http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/travel/syria_travel.htm | |
75. Syria: UNESCO Secteur De La Culture syria. syria Cette information n est pas disponible en Français.Disponible en Anglais. Secteur de la culture, Division du http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.php@URL_ID=19640&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECT | |
76. Syria: UNESCO Culture Sector Search by region. Home Traditional Music of the World Arab States syria. syria.culture Sector, Division of Cultural Heritage Mission Programme Who´s who? http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php@URL_ID=19640&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECT | |
77. EU Projects In Syria BeneficiaryMinistry of culture; DGAM Programme LocationDamascus and two pilot Museum,Thawra Street, Sarouja, PO Box 10609, Damascus, syria, tel. +963 11 http://www.delsyr.cec.eu.int/en/eu_and_syria/projects/13.htm | |
78. EU Projects In Syria Beneficiary Ministry of culture; DGAM Programme Location Selected historicalsites in syria Duration 48 months from January 2000 to December 2004 Grant http://www.delsyr.cec.eu.int/en/eu_and_syria/projects/3.htm | |
79. Republic Of Turkey, Ministry Of Culture - Syria syria. Al Fahed Travel Tourism, Fahed Shaikh Osman 96331472276 - 31-223556alfahed@mail.sy Po.B0x 361 Homs-syria. Al Farisa int l Tourism Services, http://goturkey.kultur.gov.tr/turizm_en.asp?belgeno=10194 |
80. Armenian Culture Days In Syria Armenian culture Days In syria. On this occasion, a delegation of the Ministryof culture headed by Minister Tamara Poghossian vistied syria. http://www.armeniadiaspora.com/js04/040205syria.html | |
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