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41. Al Mashriq - Syria State Minister for External Affairs, Mr. Naser Qaddour. Soc.culture.syriaSearch the soc.culture.syria newsgroup. External resources. http://almashriq.hiof.no/base/syria.html | |
42. Project Syndicate syria s culture of Fear and Stalemate by Ammar Abdulhamid. It is notsurprising that the new, young leader of an Arab country should http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentaries/commentary_text.php4?id=877&lang=1 |
43. Syrie.StartTips.com syria Cultural Portal. ·culture Travel Links. syria Tourism. ·AtlasTours Welcome to syria. ·Climate Temperatures. ·culture Travel Links. http://www.syrie.starttips.com/ | |
44. LookSmart - Directory - Society And Culture In Syria Society and culture in syria Access human rights organizations, viewgalleries of photos, and research the cultural development of syria. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560105/us560121/us5 | |
45. Syria Hello MiddleEast. Special Policy Forum Report syria s Economy. syria culture, history,economy, trade, government, tourism. syria - Economy. syria Economy. syria Gate. http://www.syriahello.com/ | |
46. Syria Resources Louis Community College at this Islamic and Bronze Age site in northeast syria. TellZiyade Ubaid culture site, under excavation by Gregory A. Johnson, Hunter http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/blsyria.htm | |
47. Syria - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The remainder are mostly Christian, although there is a small Jewish community.culture. Main article culture of syria Music of syria. Miscellaneous topics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria | |
48. Araboo.com > Arab Directory > Syria > Society And Culture HOME Arab Directory syria Society and culture, Suggest a Site under thisCategory. Society and culture, Matches Summary Categories Web Sites. http://www.araboo.com/dir/category.asp?cat=12522000000 |
49. Araboo.com > Arab Directory > Syria > Society And Culture > Cultures Domain www.ethnologue.com Added 4/30/2002 - Hits 80 - Rate - Translate.ArabNet culture - syria Cultural information and resources for syria. http://www.araboo.com/dir/category.asp?cat=12522010000 |
50. Soc.culture.syria (FAQ) monthly Lastmodified Jan 16, 1997 {~~~~SOCIAL culture syria }*}*} soc.culture.syria http://www.faqs.org/faqs/cultures/syria-faq/ | |
51. Soc.culture.syria Newsgroup FAQs cultures/syriafaq Subject soc.culture.syria (FAQ) Maintainer tbirro@bb.iu.net(Thabet Birro) Last Posted 16 Jan 1997 231610 GMT Last-modified Jan 16 http://www.faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/soc/soc.culture.syria.html | |
52. Arabic News Weekly Edition For Syria, 10/27/1997 Lebanonsyria, culture, 11/1/1997 Golan negotiations reported syria-Israel, Politics,10/31/1997 Sculpture exhibition by Jamil Qasha syrian sculptor Jamil http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Weekly/Syria/19971027.html | |
53. Arabic News Weekly Edition For Syria, 9/8/1997 syria, culture, 9/12/1997 Al Yaqaza, Jableh head to final Al Yaqaza of Deir Zouron September 10 beat the police club of Damascus with a 30 to reach the final http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Weekly/Syria/19970908.html | |
54. AdmiNet - Syria organisations Cities Towns Agriculture Law Art, culture Health Environment Sports UniversitiesPress, Entertainment Defence WWW resources about syria Thanks. http://www.adminet.com/world/sy/ | |
55. German Embassy Damascus - Culture German cultural institutions in syria the Goethe Institute Inter Nationes and theGerman Archeological Institute. Site map, addresses and further information. http://www.damaskus.diplo.de/en/kultur/ | |
56. German Embassy Damascus - Culture There are many opportunities to learn Arabic in syria. The University of Damascusas well as foreign cultural institutes offers language courses. http://www.damaskus.diplo.de/en/kultur/arabisch_sprachkurse/arabisch_sprachkurse | |
57. Ministry Of Culture Scholarship - Learn English In Syria - English - British Cou You can apply if you work for the Government of syria and show that a governmentalbody or a Ministry, should write to the Ministry of culture to nominate you. http://www2.britishcouncil.org/syria/syria-english-3/syria-english-learn-english | |
58. Arts And Culture - British Council - Syria ARTS AND culture, The British Council is the United Kingdom s internationalorganisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. http://www2.britishcouncil.org/syria/syria-arts-and-culture-2.htm | |
59. Middle East > Syria hours, Average Rating 0, Price $10.95. More about culture Shock! syria(culture Shock! Guides), culture Shock! syria (culture Shock! Guides http://books-shop.yellowpages.pl/43R13C29_Travel-Middle-East-Syria.html | |
60. Regional, Middle East, Syria: Society And Culture Related links of interest RegionalMiddle EastSociety and culture. Bab Souria Links to cultural and travel information about syria. In English and French. http://www.combose.com/Regional/Middle_East/Syria/Society_and_Culture/ | |
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