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21. Art Of The Mamluks Illustrated outline of this book by Dr. Esin Atil on the arts on the Mamluk empire of Egypt, syria, and Palestine from 1250 AD, hosted by Islamicity. Illuminated manuscripts and metalwork. http://islamicity.com/Culture/atm/atm.htm | |
22. Syria-Art Culture Home. Up. syria Books. syriaArt culture. syria-Business Economy Novelist Screenwriter from syria. syria On-Line culture Articles about syrian culture Art http://www.arabinfoseek.com/syria-art_&_culture.htm |
23. Encyclopaedia Of The Orient Capital of syria, with estimated 1.7 million inhabitants. Economy is based upon governmental administrative activities, processed food, clothing, and printed material. Includes details of economy, transportation, culture, history and administration. http://i-cias.com/cgi-bin/eo-direct.pl?damascus.htm |
24. Kurd An ethnolinguistic group inhabiting the mountainous crescent that extends from the Euphrates River in northern syria and Turkey to Kermanshah in Iran. http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/EthnoAtlas/Hmar/Cult_dir/Culture.7855 | |
25. Syria Gate - Syria - Culture & Art syria Gate, the complete information resource about syrian companies, business,cities, culture Art, society, hotels, restaurants and much much more.. http://www.syriagate.com/Syria/Culture_And_Art/Index.htm | |
26. Syria Society & Culture Guide Society culture General History. Atour The State of Assyria Assyrian awareness, news, conferences, and forum. All Out There - Forum for people to exchange ideas and stories about being lesbian/gay and Assyrian. Assyria and Nineveh - http://www.arabji.com/Syria/soc_History.htm | |
27. Syria Gate - Syria - Culture & Art - Culture society, hotels, restaurants and much much more.. syria.On.Line culturehttp//www.syriaonline.com/culture/. Back to. http://www.syriagate.com/Syria/Culture_And_Art/Culture/ | |
28. ArabBay.com: Arab Countries/Syria/Culture & Society Cheapest Rates to Call the Arab World! Home Arab Countries syria culture Society. Categories. Site Listings. syria Country with culture, Rate It. http://www.arabbay.com/Arab_Countries/Syria/Culture___Society/ | |
29. ArabBay.com: Arab Countries/Syria/Culture & Society/History Advance Options Cheapest Rates to Call the Arab World! Home Arab Countries syria culture Society History. All Directory This Category. http://www.arabbay.com/Arab_Countries/Syria/Culture___Society/History/ | |
30. Countries: Syria: Arabic Search Engine: Directory Of Arabic And Islamic Sites syria Country with culture and History 230 Photos about syria,Everything aboutsyria and syrians arround the World http//www.syrians.info (Added Sat Jun http://www.4arabs.com/links/Countries/Syria/ | |
31. Travel To Syria - Culture Shock! Syria perfect. Check out culture Shock! syria below. culture Shock! syria.Format American. I would only add that since culture Shock syria! was http://www.travel-helper.com/to/middle-east/syria/Culture-Shock-Syria.shtml | |
32. Travel To Syria - The Rough Guide To Syria of this guide have in any way disparaged the syrian people or their culture. the genuineoffers of hospitality you receive. The Rough Guide to syria has been http://www.travel-helper.com/to/middle-east/syria/The-Rough-Guide-to-Syria.shtml | |
33. SzÃria / Syria :: Culture & Tourism Links : Kulturális és Idegenforgalmi Link International catalogue of culture and tourism. Internationaler kultureller und touristischer Katalog. Nemzetközi kulturális és idegenforgalmi katalógus. http://katalogus.kulturinfo.hu/sy.html | |
34. Damascus Culture in syria, dates back to the beginning of the last century. Today in its ninth decade,the University is still one of the most important centers of Arab culture http://www.mideasttravelling.net/syria/damascus/damascus_culture.htm | |
35. Travel In Latakia - Syria - Culture - WorldTravelGate.net®- Latakia culture. It is a leading seaport of the country and its chief exportsare cotton, fruits, and tobacco - Latakia is the sea-gate to syria. http://www.mideasttravelling.net/syria/latakia/latakia_culture.htm | |
36. AriadNe/Culture & Recreation/Syria - Culture, Fun, Recreation, Sports, Tourism, Ariadne The European and Mediterranean link resource presents /culture Recreation/syria- culture, Fun, Recreation, Sports, Tourism, in syria. http://ariadne.iief.de/index.php3/Culture & Recreation/Syria | |
37. Syria-Art & Culture Yemen ?. syriaArt culture. Nihad Sirees Novelist Screenwriterfrom syria. syria On-Line culture Articles about syrian culture Art. http://www.arabinfoseek.com/syria-art_&_culture.htm | |
38. Syria سورية syria The Cradle of Civilizations features national culture, history, religion,and land and natural resource information. Usenet - soc.culture.syria. http://www.arabinfoseek.com/syria.htm | |
39. Artikelbeskrivning Artikelbeskrivning. syria culture SHOCK! Författare, culture SHOCK! ISBN,1558686118. Förlag, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company. Utgåva, 01.06. http://www.akademibokhandeln.se/db/cc/cc_main.getBook?cisbn=1558686118 |
40. VirtualTourist.com - Albateh's Syria Travel Page Page Views 1,229. Last Visit to syria 2002. syria, History and culture.by albateh last update Aug 18, 2003. syria. Send Picture as a PostCard. http://www.virtualtourist.com/m/4010a/bcf/ | |
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