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81. Phantis: Switzerland A rail worker found an explosive device halfburied in the bed of a railway lineheading from France to switzerland, government officials and the French rail http://www.phantis.com/switzerland/ | |
82. Government And Political In Switzerland switzerland Swiss government grants 2000 for Citizens of the UK - Swiss governmentgrants 2000/2001 for Citizens of the United Kingdom o p / op o p http://www.kasbah.com/vitalstats/government/switzerland_switzerland_1.htm | |
83. Switzerland - Atlapedia Online In 1993 government ministers, industrialists and business leaders attempted to persuadeantiEEA supporters that switzerland s best prospects lie in full EU http://www.atlapedia.com/online/countries/switzer.htm | |
84. SECO Standort:Schweiz switzerland s government intervention score is 0.5 point worse this year.As a result, its overall score is 0.05 point worse this year. http://www.standortschweiz.ch/seco/internet/en/news/01754/?news_lang=en |
85. Web Directory: Regional/Europe/Switzerland/Government Internet Resources on government in Regional/Europe/switzerland/government. Yourare here Web Directory Regional/Europe/switzerland/government. http://web.politinfo.com/dir/Regional/Europe/Switzerland/Government/ | |
86. BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Country Profiles | Country Profile: Switzerland Compiled by BBC Monitoring. RELATED BBCi LINKS BBC Languages switzerland. RELATEDINTERNET LINKS Swiss government. Swiss Parliament. Swiss Information and http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/country_profiles/newsid_1035000/10 | |
87. EUROPA - IDA Interchange Of Data Between Administrations It will also monitor progress achieved with the creation of an observatory ofegovernment in switzerland, built on a series of progress indicators. http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida/jsps/index.jsp?fuseAction=showDocument&documentID= |
88. Government Clears Way For Timber Industry (English Window, NZZ said the government was simply serving the interests of forestry industry at theexpense of sustainable forest management policies. ÂswitzerlandÂs forestry http://www.nzz.ch/2004/01/26/english/page-synd4666964.html | |
89. Travel-Directory.org: Destinations/Europe/Switzerland/Government Gouvernments on the WWW switzerland, Gouvernments on the WWW switzerlandStructured, multilingual index of Swiss government sites by G. Anzinger. http://www.travel-directory.org/Destinations/Europe/Switzerland/Government/ | |
90. Switzerland Chiefs Of Government Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership switzerland Local Chiefs of government.Also see switzerland Local Leaders and switzerland Ministers. http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/switzerland_chiefs_of_government.htm | |
91. Military News: Defence & Aerospace Publishing Services Switzerland Publisher of defence newsletter Military Procurement International , the CDROM database Military Research and Analysis and specialised consultancy services provider to governments and the defence industry. http://www.dapss.com | |
92. Ruf Gruppe Offers Germanlanguage applications for the public sector, including GeSoft information solutions for municipal governments running on IBM UniVerse and SystemBuilder (in German). Located in Schlieren, Zurich, switzerland. http://www.ruf.ch | |
93. Welcome To The International Telecommunication Union The ITU, headquartered in Geneva, switzerland is an international organization within which governments and the private sector coordinate global telecom networks and services. http://www.itu.int/ | |
94. Pope Pius IXÂ 21 November 1873Â Church In Italy, Germany, And Switzerland Denounces actions against the Church by the governments of Italy, Germany, and switzerland. Encyclical promulgated 21 November, 1873. http://www.ewtn.com/library/ENCYC/P9ETSIMU.HTM | |
95. AdmiNet - Switzerland http://www.adminet.com/world/ch/ | |
96. Small Times: News About MEMS, Nanotechnology And Microsystems years into a joint university and industrial nanotechnology research program inSwitzerland. Progress has been so encouraging that the government, via the http://www.smalltimes.com/document_display.cfm?document_id=4762 |
97. Gov.ch Federal level. Cantonal level. Communal level. The executive. The legislature. The judicature. Education. Public firms. Federal council and. Federal administration. States council and. Cantonal administrations. Municipalities and Local administrations http://www.gov.ch/govchen.nsf/pgHome?OpenPage |
98. Chiefs Of State And Cabinet Members Of Foreign Governments for Health Social Affairs, Engqvist, Lars. Min. for Housing Finance, Local GovernmentFinances, County Administrative Boards, Lovden, LarsErik. Min. for Intl. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/chiefs/chiefs170.html | |
99. Gov.ch Add your official site, F · D · I, eMail. Federal level, Cantonal level, Communallevel, The executive, The legislature, The judicature, Education, Public firms, http://www.gov.ch/govchen.nsf | |
100. Gov.ch Translate this page Ajoutez votre site officiel, D · I · E, eMail. Niveau fédéral, Niveaucantonal, Niveau communal, Exécutif, Législatif, Judiciaire, Enseignement, http://www.gov.ch/ | |
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