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1. Swimming History - Swimmers - Divers - Stories - Storys - About Swimming swimming history The sagas of aquatics, swimming and swimmers throughout the ages.You are here About Health Fitness Swimming. swimming history Guide picks. http://swimming.about.com/cs/swimminghistory/ | |
2. Australian Swimming | History Latest News. History. eSwimmer. Track Pack. Events Records. Inside Swimming. National Team. Photo Gallery. Audio Video Gallery. For all the latest swimming news and updates, subscribe to eSwimmer find the information you're after, we've divided our swimming history section into the following categories. The first of amazing stories and events in Australian swimming history http://www.ausswim.telstra.com.au/history/index.cfm | |
3. Swimming History, Famous Swimmers, Swimming Animals, And Swim Science Biographies, websites, and stories of swimmers, divers, water polo players, swimcoaches, and other aquatic figures and the swimming history of aquatics http://swimming.about.com/cs/famousswimmers/ | |
4. Australian Swimming | History History. In order to make it easier to find the information you re after, we vedivided our swimming history section into the following categories. http://www.swimming.org.au/history/index.cfm | |
5. SWIMMING DOG VIDEOS....Swimming Background Umbra began swimming tandem with Erikson in Lake Michigan during the summer of 1991, establishing a learning the newfangled world of computers. swimming history (details) http://www.sdogv.com/swim.html | |
6. Australian Swimming | In The Beginning In the Beginning. How it all began. The first of amazing stories and events inAustralian swimming history. The First of Australia s Swimming Champions. http://www.swimming.org.au/history/categories.cfm?id=1 |
7. NT Swimming History I Home I NT Swim History I The Natatorium I Current Season I Previous Seasons I CoachingStaff I All Americans I Pool Calendars I Handbook I Lifeguard Class I http://nths.newtrier.k12.il.us/athletics/sports/boys_swim/nt_swimming_history.ht | |
8. History Information swimming history. http://www.promotega.org/hgr00001/history.html | |
9. Swim Information For Fitness Swimming, Competitive Swimmers - Anyone Swimming help, information, and advice for fitness swimmers, competitive swimmers anyone that likes to swims. Learn about swimming workouts and fitness, swimmers, and other swim information, HomeEssentialsSwimming Pools and SpasSwimming WorkoutsSwim Technique Tipsswimming historySwim the WaterFamilies and SwimmingSwim History and StarsOther Aquatic SportsAdapted http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://swimming.about.com/&y=02B2B6EE4392D9 |
10. DAAA Swimming History DAAA swimming history. DAAA National Games. Year, Location, Events,Number of Swimmers. 1985, East Lansing Michigan, No data, No data.1986, http://www.daaa.org/swim_hist.htm | |
11. The History Of Swimming Pools The history of swimming pools first built by Gaius Maecenas of ancient Rome. swimming history. Historical information about swimming from your About guide to swimming, Mat Luebbers. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blswimmingpools.htm | |
12. Women S Synchronized Swimming History - University Of Michigan U of M Women s Synchronized Swimming. First Varsity 1974/75. Synchronizedswimming was one of the six original varsity sports for women. http://www.umich.edu/~bhl/athdept/synchwom/synchwom.htm | |
13. Westminster Boys Swimming History All Time School WonLoss Record. Boys Swimming. COACH. WON. BOYS LOSS. BOYS TIE.BOYS %. STATE FINISH. METRO FINISH. School History. 304. 149. 1. 0.671. 1st - 17.1st - 27. http://www.westminster.net/wms/main/athletics/Swim_boys/history.htm | |
14. Westminster Girls Swimming History All Time School WonLoss Record. Girls Swimming. YEAR. COACH. GIRLS WON. GIRLSLOSS. GIRLS TIE. GIRLS %. STATE FINISH. METRO FINISH. Summary. School History.252. 75. 1. http://www.westminster.net/wms/main/athletics/Swim_girls/history.htm | |
15. Ian Lentz Makes SCL Swimming History Ian Lentz makes SCL swimming history. May 5, 2004. Casa Grande HighSchool super swimmer Ian Lentz is a master of all trades or http://www.arguscourier.com/sports/news/ianlentz040505.html | |
16. Making Swimming History Making swimming history Phelps takes his fifth title at US Nationals for thesecond time Courtesy of USA Swimming // Feb. 17, 2004. Visit USA Swimming. http://www.usoc.org/cfdocs/borg/newsTemplate.cfm?spID=58&newsID=3146 |
17. Athens Academy Swimming History Athens Academy swimming history. 2004 State Meet. Name. Event, Place, Time. KarinMullendore, 200 Freestyle, 5th, 157.80. Karin Mullendore, 500 Freestyle, 6th,518.62. http://www.athensacademy.org/sports/swimming/athens_academy_swimming_history.htm | |
18. Swimming History - ¼ö¿µÃà ¿ª»ç The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.aqus.co.kr/swimlesson/hisory/history.html | |
19. UTPB Women's Swimming History Women s Swimming Team History. In a continued effort began in 1994to expand the athletic offerings, UTPB will be starting a men http://www.utpb.edu/utpb_student/students/athletics/womensswimming/history.htm | |
20. UTPB Men's Swimming History Men s Swimming Team History. In a continued effort began in 1994 toexpand the athletic offerings, UTPB will be starting a men and http://www.utpb.edu/utpb_student/students/athletics/mensswimming/history.htm | |
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