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161. Languages Comparison of Norwegian, Danish, swedish, Icelandic, and Faroese grammars examining verbal inflections and exploring uses of certain dialects. http://www.volny.cz/r.kolarik/Languages.htm | |
162. Online English To Swedish To English Dictionary www.animatedsavers.com, animated screensavers. www.wallpaperpage.com, desktop wallpapers. swedish to English Dictionary. Exact Results 1. http://www.freedict.com/onldict/swe.html | |
163. Asterix Around The World (the Many Languages Of Asterix) Asterix around the world in 100+ languages. Translations, cover pictures. Collection and exchange. Asterix dossiers Polish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Turkish, swedish. http://www.asterix-obelix.nl |
164. International Schooling In Finland An article about education given in other languages than Finnish or swedish. http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/intsch.html | |
165. Svenska Handelshögskolan Tolö 3-5.6 swedish for foreigners Âkursen firar 10 Ã¥rs jubileum med ett seminarium som belyser svenska sprÃ¥ket i Finland samt i den europeiska http://www.shh.fi/ |
166. Admark - Velkommen Translation agency, specialising in the four Scandinavian languages Danish, Norwegian, swedish and Finnish. http://www.netcomms.dk/ | |
167. Swedish Newspapers : Newspapers From Sweden : Swedish News Home, Sweden Newspapers. Ãrnsköldsviks Allehanda; ÃstersundsPosten; Ãstgöta-Correspondenten; Ãstra SmÃ¥land; Aftonbladet (Stockholm http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/sweden.htm | |
168. Textdoktorns Webbmottagning Production and editing of English and swedish texts. Translations to those languages from French, Spanish, Russian, and German. http://www.textdoktorn.se/ |
169. Betlehemskyrkan The languages used in the church are swedish, English, Finnish, Russian and Vietnamese. Events and links. http://www.abo.fi/metsku/ |
170. XDE - EXceptional Digital Enterprise Solutions WebSite Used for COM enabled languages to expose additional content to search engines. Current translation utility deals with Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and swedish. http://xde.net/products/product_Translate.htm | |
171. Ghibli Films Of The 80s > Laputa: Castle In The Sky Introduction of Laputa and scripts in different languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean and swedish). http://www.pathea.com/ghibli/1980/laputa/index.shtml | |
172. Scandinavian Keywords - Download A Free Sample Get a free list of the 250 most searched for keywords in any of the supported Scandinavian languages emailed to you within 2 hours. Enter your company name, e-mail address, name, and choose between Danish or swedish (or both). http://www.keywordmaker.com/free.asp | |
173. Betlehemskyrkan Finland. The languages used in the church are swedish, English, Finnish, Russian and Vietnamese. Overview, programme, prayer, events and links. http://www.abocom.net/metsku/ |
174. Oglethorpe University : Academics : Undergraduate : Division Viii Information on the department, faculty, and courses and majors offered. Languages offered include French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Greek, Latin, and swedish. http://www.oglethorpe.edu/academics/undergraduate/division_viii/ | |
175. SvenskMud Virtuella världar. Välkommen till SvenskMUD! Fortsätt till SvenskMUDsidorna som finns på adressen svmud.lysator.liu.se! Sidan http://www.lysator.liu.se/mud/svmud/svenskmud.html |
176. Språkbanken En språklig referensdatabas vid Göteborgs universitet. Korpusar och ordböcker. http://spraakbanken.gu.se/ |
177. Education For Foreigners http://www.oph.fi/info/maahanmuuttajat/english/kurssit/index3.html | |
178. Bredbandsbolaget Bredband. Alltid bäst kapacitet! Med Bredbandsbolagets bredband får du alltid bästa möjliga kapacitet och bandbredd utifrån dina egna förutsättningar. http://www.bredband.com/se/content.jsp?t=2&s=3&m=2 |
179. MOVED! Thank You, Rachel! MOVED! Thank you, Rachel! ). http://fan.very-uncool.net/svenska/ |
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