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Swedish Language: more books (100) | |||
141. MoDo Hockey - Hockey Factory English language site about MoDo Hockey of the swedish Elite League. Scan history, awards, rosters, photos, and former league players in the NHL. Updated in 2001. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Rink/2670/index.html | |
142. The Travel Log One swedish person's log of his activities during a yearlong study of the Japanese language in Sapporo in northern Japan. http://www.geocities.com/neosol/travellog/ |
143. JAG - Choy's Home On The Web A swedish fan's Englishlanguage JAG page, focusing on the first season. http://hem.passagen.se/choylin/jag/ | |
144. Human Language Technology Group At NADA Performs research within all aspects of human language and computers. Research on spell and grammar checking, text filtering and categorisation, summarisation, text extraction, generation, and information retrieval. Some of the contents are in swedish. http://www.nada.kth.se/theory/humanlang/ | |
145. Helsinki Education Department - Contact Info Specialised schools (comprehensive schools). Stateowned schools. swedish-language schools. Blomängens lågstadieskola. Bothby högstadieskola. Brändö gymnasium. http://www.edu.hel.fi/contact.asp?lang=3&Section=1&kw=301 |
146. Ã
bo Akademi Comprehensive swedishlanguage university. http://www.abo.fi/ | |
147. Socialantropologi Offers the Ph.D. degree program. Features Englishlanguage course listing, research projects and contact information. Located in Stockholm. English/swedish http://www.socant.su.se/html/english.htm |
148. Lingua Training - Language Learning Online Seller and developer language elearning solutions targeted to swedish schools and individuals. http://www.linguatraining.com/ | |
149. Polar Redirect Page Spell checking component that is bundled with 12 language dictionaries including English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, swedish, Danish, Latin, Slovenian, Czech, and Polish. By Polar. http://www.polarsoftware.com/products/spellchecker/index.html |
150. Chaos Racing English language site for Torkel B¶rjeson, racing a Yamaha RD350 in the swedish B400 series. http://www.algonet.se/~torkel_b/ | |
151. MAL VIKINGA Grammar and vocabulary for the common Scandinavian ancient language. Site is in English and swedish, with the swedish section being somewhat more complete. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1327/grameindex.html |
152. Centrum För Tvåspråkighetsforskning, Stockholms Universitet The Centre provides courses in bilingualism and swedish as a second language at the undergraduate evel, and offers a full PhD program in bilingualism. http://www.biling.su.se/ | |
153. Untitled Document language learning courses for Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, German, Chinese, Russian, EnglishESL, Greek, Arabic, Korean, Hebrew, Irish Gaelic, Dutch, swedish, Polish, Vietnamese, Portuguese, and Norwegian. Free language dictionary. http://www.speakalanguage.com/speak-language/learn/learning free-dictionary.htm | |
154. Mujdes Hemsida Includes historical information about Kurdistan, EnglishKurdish and swedish-Kurdish dictionaries, a list of Kurdish names, and an introductory course in Kurdish language. http://hem.passagen.se/eramura/ | |
155. Ny Sida 1 Miniature Pinscher breeder who exports throughout Europe and is located in Sweden. The site language is in swedish, English, and German. http://w1.370.telia.com/~u37011453/ | |
156. Den Virtuella Floran: Poaceae - Gräs Photo gallery and descriptions (in swedish) of Scandinavian grasses. Database (S¶k i Riksmuseets samlingar) can be searched by those unfamiliar with swedish. Grasses are given common names in English, German, and up to four Scandinavian lanuguages, the images can be useful in any language, and the Home Page (Inneh¥llsf¶rteckning) provides accessibility to plant lists using internationally recognizable visual symbols. http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/mono/poa/welcome.html | |
157. Concordia Language Villages - Home Page Offers language instruction in such languages as swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish. http://home.cord.edu/dept/clv/index.html | |
158. French                                   Eng Provider of translation services. language specialties include English and Canadian French, plus German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Danish, swedish and many more. http://www.rtgprotech.com | |
159. UMass Amherst: Department Of Germanic Languages And Literatures Offering degrees and courses in German, Dutch, Danish, swedish, and Finnish (not a Germanic language) languages http://www.umass.edu/germanic/ | |
160. Register Your .NU Domain Name Today Registers Internet domains and web addresses using the .Nu Suffix. Register a name in the language of your choice. Use swedish, Danish, Norwegian, German, and Spanish. http://www.nunames.nu/ | |
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