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21. Swedish Language - WannaLearn.com Björn Engdahl s Swedish Course a online course in the swedish language, with sound files in Wave format, a pronunciation guide and a Java final exam (Rating http://www.wannalearn.com/Academic_Subjects/World_Languages/Swedish/ | |
22. Svenska Finlands Folkting A semiofficial body representing the Swedish-speaking population. Information about the status of the swedish language. http://www.folktinget.fi/ |
23. Where To Learn Swedish Where to learn the swedish language. It includes sources, both private and public, where you can learn the swedish language other than in Scandinavia itself. http://www.pronouncement.com/WhereTo/ | |
24. Welcome To The Swedish Language Council Welcome to The swedish language Council  the official language cultivation body of Sweden. What is The swedish language Council? http://www.spraknamnden.se/andrasprak/english.htm | |
25. Draft Action Programme For The Promotion Of The Swedish Language Summary. At the request of the Swedish Government, the swedish language Council has drawn up an action programme for the promotion of the swedish language. http://www.spraknamnden.se/arkiv/handleng.htm | |
26. Swedish Language Activities At EnchantedLearning.com EnchantedLearning.com Swedish Theme Page A Picture Dictionary, Information, and Printouts to Color, Click Here for More K3 Themes. Colors in Swedish http://www.enchantedlearning.com/themes/swedish.shtml | |
27. Startsida - Finlands Svenska Scouter R.f. official page of the swedish language scouting organization in Finland Finlands Svenska Scouter r.f. http://www.fissc.scout.fi/ | |
28. Swedish Language Label Me! Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com swedish language Label Me! Elementarylevel Printouts. Answers. Go to an English/Swedish Picture Dictionary or to a swedish language theme page. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/label/swedish.shtml | |
29. Swedish Language Courses [KTH] swedish language Courses. Exchange The Language Unit at KTH offers all exchange students swedish language courses free of charge. There http://www.kth.se/eng/education/application_admission/language/ | |
30. Lund University-International Relations Living in Lund. Housing. swedish language and Orientation Programme. The mentor system. Addresses. swedish language and Orientation Programme. http://www.lu.se/intsek/international/language.html | |
31. Language Study Abroad Programs: Swedish and Stockholm When Summer Augustana College Summer School inb Sweden (ASSIS) Intensive swedish language instruction for anyone from 16 years and up. http://www.studyabroad.com/simplehtml/languages/swedish.html | |
32. Lunds Universitet - Internationellt swedish language. swedish language Courses for Exchange Students. It is semester. The swedish language courses for exchange students SVE601 http://www.lu.se/intsek/courses/sus.html | |
33. Swedish In Finland Finnishspeaking population feel that Swedish is an essential part of Finnish society, and 73% believe it would be a pity if the swedish language and culture http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/finnswedes.html | |
34. IPL Kidspace: Say Hello To The World Say Hello in the swedish language. Svenska. Did You Know You Were Speaking Swedish? Words in English from the swedish language slalom. hoot. ski. http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/hello/swedish.html | |
35. Swedish Language swedish language. Swedish is a language spoken in Sweden and Finland. The primary task of the Swedish Academy is to further the use of the swedish language. http://www.fact-index.com/s/sw/swedish_language.html | |
36. List Of Swedish Language Poets List of swedish language poets. See also List of Swedes, List of swedish language writers, List of FinlandSwedes. This article is from Wikipedia. http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_swedish_language_poets.html | |
37. Swedish At Cornell University The following swedish language courses are being offered swedish language Faculty. Lena Trancik Department of German Studies Goldwin http://people.cornell.edu/pages/lgt2/Swedish/ | |
38. Learn Swedish Online - Write Or Speak In Swedish Language Exchange Use free lesson plans. Learn to Speak Swedish. Language Exchange via Email, Text Chat and Voice Chat. Find a swedish language exchange partner now, and have fun! http://www.mylanguageexchange.com/Learn/Swedish.asp | |
39. Swedish Language Exchange Partners - Online Language Exchange swedish language Exchange Partners Members Search Results. Swedish. English. Chinese, Cantonese. Hi, I live in Sweden and I m very intressed och asian language. http://www.mylanguageexchange.com/Search.asp?selX3=44 |
40. Language Browser: Swedish , Languages index. Swedish index. *, list of titles. *, list of movies only. *, by total votes. Swiss German. Swedish. Your IMDb guide to swedish language movies. http://www.imdb.com/Sections/Languages/Swedish/ | |
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