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81. South African Embassy In Sweden, Government The South African government. government System. The government System. government Departments. National Departments. SA National http://www.southafricanemb.se/govlinks.htm | |
82. International Government Navigator The big picture is that the government of sweden does not single out mobile communication from electronic communication or any other communication channel. http://www.centerdigitalgov.com/international/story.php?docid=56335 |
83. Government Spending, By Gordon Tullock: The Concise Encyclopedia Of Economics: L from 1790 to 1990. Chart 2 shows sweden s central government expenditures as a percent of GNP. Although not many countries have http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/GovernmentSpending.html | |
84. EUROPA - The EU At A Glance - European Governments On-line - Sweden The Swedish government website features information on each member of the government (biographies, speeches, schedules, etc.) and provides hyperlinks to their http://europa.eu.int/abc/governments/sweden/index_en.htm | |
85. Sweden's Government | Swedens Government sweden s government swedens government. swedens Flag sweden s Flag. sweden s Flag Flag of sweden. Country name conventional long http://www.travelblog.org/World/sw-gov.html | |
86. Sweden: Expulsions Carried Out By US Agents Karl Soederberg, Amnesty International, said sweden s government was wrong to send the men back to Egypt We know now that the foreign ministry knew about the http://www.statewatch.org/news/2004/may/12sweden.htm | |
87. ICL - Sweden Index for princes and princesses according to which they may not marry without consent of the consent of government lest they 1905 Norway is separted from sweden. http://www.oefre.unibe.ch/law/icl/sw__indx.html | |
88. ICL - Sweden - Constitution Article 7 (1) There are primary and regional local government communes in sweden. The decisionmaking power in the communes is exercised by elected assemblies. http://www.oefre.unibe.ch/law/icl/sw00000_.html | |
89. Regional, Europe, Sweden: Government sweden government pubilcation, sweden. Coordinator Schools governments Teacher Education Research Links Co-operation Publications. webmaster, 29 March, 2002. http://www.combose.com/Regional/Europe/Sweden/Government/ | |
90. LLRX -- Update To A Guide To The Swedish Legal System Lagrummet, sponsored by the government, provides texts of recent government bills in pdf format. Information on public administration in sweden, both at the http://www.llrx.com/features/swedish2.htm | |
91. Fablis Directory For /Regional/Europe/Sweden/Government Information and directory resources about and for the category /Regional/Europe/sweden/government. Web Directory, Quick Search http://directory.fablis.com/guide/Regional/Europe/Sweden/Government | |
92. Swedish Government Figures Show That In The First Month Of 1994, 76 People From Swedish government figures show that in the first month of 1994, 76 people from the four African nations, most from Togo, requested political asylum in sweden. http://www.migrationint.com.au/news/iran/apr_1994-14mn.asp | |
93. ZapMeta Directory > Regional > Europe > Sweden > Government . The Swedish government * Editor s Choice! government agency supplying help and information to companies interested in investing in sweden. http://www.zapmeta.com/search/meta/db.pl?dir=23855 |
94. CPSR Newsletter Vol 19, No 1 sweden has uncomplicated government elections a paper ballot in a physical box. sweden has rather small government ministries, but big state agencies. http://www.cpsr.org/publications/newsletters/issues/2001/Winter/olsson.html | |
95. Pravda.RU Sweden To Assist Russia In Staging Economic Reforms The Swedish government intends to assist Russia in staging economic reforms and allocate 9 million kronas (about USD 900000) for these purposes, the press http://english.pravda.ru/economics/2001/11/01/19856.html | |
96. Pravda.RU Sweden To Spend USD 200,000 On St. Petersburg's 300th Anniversary Cele According to sweden s government chancellery, part of this money will be spent on an information technology week in St. Petersburg in 2003. http://english.pravda.ru/world/2002/09/13/36553.html | |
97. Columbus World Travel Guide - Europe - Sweden - History And Government World Travel Guide sweden - History and government - includes information on the constitution and politics. http://www.travel-guide.com/data/swe/swe580.asp | |
98. Sweden.com - Swedish Hotels, Travel, Vacations & Tourist Information belgium, hotels, stockholm, stockholm hotels, travel in sweden, car rentals, swedish tourism, sverige, svenska, swedish, swede, skansen, lappland, bed and breakfasts in sweden, swedish tourism http://www.sweden.com/ |
99. Nordic Institute Of Asian Studies An international research institute funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and sweden. Features current research, publications, links to related sites, and contact details. http://nias.ku.dk | |
100. North Atlantic University Alliance Alliance of universities, the private sector and governments from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, sweden and the United Kingdom on the North Atlantic Rim. http://www.siu.no/inst.nsf/0/e57fb10028e59b224125683b00665aa4?OpenDocument |
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