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81. Centre For Information On Low External Input And Sustainable Agriculture Aims for poverty alleviation through the promotion of agroecological approaches. Includes a collection of links, book reviews, and other information. http://www.ileia.org | |
82. Agriculture And Food: Related Sites US Department of Agriculture. The University of California sustainable agriculture Research and Education Program addresses the question, What is Sustainable http://www.wri.org/wri/sustag/aglinks.html | |
83. Permaculture Australia About permaculture and PRI's handson permaculture courses in ecological design, environmental restoration, appropriate technology and sustainable agriculture. New South Wales, Australia. http://www.permaculture.org.au/ | |
84. Centre For Sustainable Agriculture (CUL) The Centre for sustainable agriculture CUL - is a focal-point for researchers and institutions interested in research, development, education and information http://www.cul.slu.se/english/ | |
85. Regional Information Service Centre For Southeast Asia On Appropriate Technology Resource on appropriate technologies in the fields of sustainable agriculture, waste management, textiles and renewable energy, primarily in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan province in China. http://www.ist.cmu.ac.th/riseat/index.html | |
86. The Sustainable Agriculture Program çHome, sustainable agriculture Program. Many factors have convinced the agriculture community to seek new approaches to the production of food and fiber. http://www.umaine.edu/pse/sag.htm | |
87. Sustainable Agriculture-Key Text Key text Feeding the future  sustainable agriculture. Published by Does sustainable agriculture have the answers? Printerfriendly version of complete topic http://www.science.org.au/nova/071/071key.htm | |
88. Appalachian Sustainable Development Focuses on developing healthy, diverse and ecologically sound economic opportunities through education and training. ASD's two main programs are in sustainable forestry and wood products and sustainable agriculture. http://appsusdev.org | |
89. Center For Integrated Agricultural Systems What s new? Coming Events. 2004 Internship in Urban sustainable agriculture Application info. CSA Across the Nation Findings from the 1999 CSA Survey. http://www.wisc.edu/cias/ | |
90. Sustainable Agriculture Organizations sustainable agriculture organizations. Wisconsin nonprofit organizations. sustainable agriculture centers at land grant universities. http://www.wisc.edu/cias/links/orgs.html | |
91. Syngenta Foundation For Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) Promotes improved and sustainable farming through better cultivation methods and crop diversification. http://www.syngentafoundation.com/index.htm | |
92. World Sustainable Agriculture Association Goals of the World sustainable agriculture Association. The ultimate What Does the World sustainable agriculture Association Do? The World http://www.bcca.org/services/lists/noble-creation/wsaa.html | |
93. Welcome To Our Foundation - Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development A project for improved farming through better cultivation methods and crop diversification. http://www.foundation.novartis.com/pasad_philippines.htm | |
94. Energy And Sustainable Agriculture of Agriculture sustainable agriculture and Integrated Pest Management Unit promotes alternative practices which are energy efficient, environmentally sound http://www.mda.state.mn.us/esap/default.htm | |
95. Greenbook 2000: Marketing Sustainable Agriculture Greenbook 2000 Marketing sustainable agriculture. Table of Contents. Introduction pages). sustainable agriculture Loan Program (PDF 11 KB / 1 page). http://www.mda.state.mn.us/esap/greenbook2000/gb2000.html | |
96. SAI Platform sustainable agriculture Initiative Platform. A food industry platform to support the development of and communicate about sustainable http://www.saiplatform.org/ | |
97. OPIRG Sustainable Agriculture Forum Collects and disseminates information about sustainable agriculture and advocates for agricultural research in the public interest. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~pparso01 | |
98. SASA - Social Accountability In Sustainable Agriculture Social Accountability in sustainable agriculture (SASA) is a collaborative project of FLO, SAI, SAN and IFOAM, four main social and environmental verification http://www.isealalliance.org/sasa/ | |
99. CEESA - Central And Eastern European Sustainable Agriculture Translate this page Humboldt University of Berlin, CEESA - Central and Eastern European sustainable agriculture. START. http://www.ceesa.de/ |
100. SSAWG Home Page Southern SAWG was founded in 1991 to develop communication between organizations and individuals invested in sustainable agriculture, to collaborate on projects http://www.ssawg.org/ | |
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