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21. Freeing Our Children And Building Sustainable Skills/indigenous Schools The Ward family discusses using an unschooling approach to study the earth's changes, stewardship, and sustainability. Free energy experiment and science information are part of that approach. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/3732/children.html | |
22. Sustainable Energy Sustainable energy. energy security. From a national perspective, the security of future energy supplies is a major factor in assessing their sustainability. http://www.uic.com.au/nip54.htm | |
23. Eliassonassociates Consultancy for energy, sustainability and global change. http://www.eliasson.ch | |
24. World Nuclear Association | Information | Sustainable Energy Sustainable energy. May 2003. From a national perspective, the security of future energy supplies is a major factor in assessing their sustainability. http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf09.htm | |
25. GLOBE Foundation Of Canada 3 days of corporate sustainability, energy policy, climate change and sustainable cities. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. http://www.globe.ca/index.cfm?section=globe2004 |
26. Novatlantis - Nachhaltigkeit Im ETH Bereich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich initiatives for sustainability, energy, ecology and economy. Includes information about current projects and upcoming events. English/French/German. http://www.novatlantis.ch/frames_e.html |
27. ME3 - SEED Project - Sustainable Energy For Economic Development as they build their capacity to resolve their own issues of sustainability and natural resource management, including renewable energy, groundwater protection http://www.me3.org/projects/seed/ | |
28. UVic Sustainability Project This project seeks to make UVic a sustainable campus. It addresses all aspects of sustainability pertaining to the university including things like waste and energy reduction and green transportation. They also touch on issues such as investment practices, curriculum, and gender equality, http://uvsp.uvic.ca | |
29. Welcome To IISD Canada This paper, produced as part of the IndiaCanada energy Efficiency Project IISD s Dashboard of sustainability Indicators of sustainable development. http://www.iisd.org/ | |
30. Australian Energy And Environment Consultants-Hydrogen Environment and energy consultancy firm from Australia,that solves as it progresses the sustainability of natural and built environments. http://www.hydrogen-zorbas.com.au/ | |
31. EECO 2003 Environment And Energy Conference Toronto, Ontario; May 2123, 2003. A forum for leaders on sustainability in the Great Lakes Region. http://www.eeco2003.com/ | |
32. ENERGY STAR Online Trainings And Presentations : ENERGY STAR counterparts. Who should participate? Purchasing officials, energy and sustainability officers, and budget/financial officials. When? http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=business.bus_internet_presentations |
33. EUROPA - Research - Energy - Non-Nuclear Energy - Research Topics Modelling analysing different strategies for energy production and use, and elaborating short- and long-term scenarios to improve sustainability. http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/energy/nn/nn_rt_en.html | |
34. Spiked-science | Debate | Energy | Responses | No Shortcut To Sustainable Energy future? No shortcut to sustainable energy 18Feb-2002. That said, sustainability and energy make an uncomfortable marriage. However http://www.spiked-online.com/articles/00000002D413.htm | |
35. UNIDO - Service Module 6: Sustainable Energy And Climate Change - Overview GHG) pollutants. In this sense also, energy impinges on the MDGs, which call for environmental sustainability. As the predicted http://www.unido.org/doc/5071 | |
36. Sustainable Energy From Nuclear Fission Power Sustainable energy from Nuclear Fission Power (Print This) 2000. World energy Assessment energy and the Challenge of sustainability. http://www.nae.edu/NAE/naehome.nsf/weblinks/MKEZ-5HUMJH?OpenDocument |
37. KTH-EGI Sustainable Energy Utilization, 6 Credits This course will discuss the utilisation of energy in the present day society, taking into account sustainability and environmental aspects. sustainability. SSi. http://www.energy.kth.se/index.asp?pnr=12&ID=221&lang=0 |
38. Energy For Sustainable Development Affair (UNDESA) and the World energy Council (WEC), established the World energy Assessment energy and the Challenge of sustainability, which provides the http://www.undp.org/energy/approach.htm | |
39. FCUN : Sustainability - Sustainable Energy Sustainable energy an Earthfriendly View. by William Beale. Sustainable energyan Earth-friendly View, Living Lightly on the EarthIn the City, http://www.fcun.org/sustain/energy.html | |
40. FCUN : Sustainability - Sustainable Energy some followup itemsMeeting House and home energy audits; accessing funding for green energy. We shared some of the current sustainability issues that are http://www.fcun.org/sustain/ | |
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