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1. NSBH: Sustainability: Energy Efficiency sustainability energy Efficiency. Energy efficiency continues to be an important issue for the future. Since the energy crisis http://www.notsobighouse.com/ee.asp | |
2. Sustainable Energy - WWW Links for Renewable Energies (CARE) an authoritative source of news on the renewable energy industry in Canada Who's Who in Renewable energy. The sustainability Net run by a Chicago http://www.newenergy.org/links.html | |
3. Institute For Sustainable Energy Events Calender 2003 sustainability Conference energy Planning Reports The Institute for Sustainable energy is funded and supported by the Connecticut energy Conservation and http://www.sustainenergy.org/ | |
4. Cerulean Environmental Strategies LLC Consultancy services in environmental sustainability, alternative energy, and climate change. http://www.ceruleanconsultants.com |
5. Sustainability Series Workshops sustainability Workshops in the northeastern USA; organized by the Northeast Sustainable energy Association (NESEA). http://www.nesea.org/buildings/workshops/index.html | |
6. A Place For All Of Us: Living Room Web magazine and forum dedicated to discussions of sustainable living practices in human communities, with emphases on transportation, urban design, environmental and economic justice, community, and energy efficiency. Topics include Bike People, Suburbia Project, and sustainability. http://www.living-room.org | |
7. The Pembina Institute For Appropriate Development A notfor-profit environmental policy research and education organization dealing with sustainable energy, climate change, environmental governance, ecological fiscal reform, sustainability indicators, and the environmental impacts of the energy industry. http://www.pembina.org/ | |
8. Leonardo Academy --Â A Nonprofit Environmental Organization Policy and technical analysis of energy and environmental issues as well as environmental education. Explores both market mechanisms and traditional approaches to achieving environmental improvement, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Mainly lists of links but a few reports http://www.leonardoacademy.org | |
9. Seattle City Light Conservation | Sustainable Building Seattle energy conservation sustainable programs and services; power for use, not profit to the U.S. Department of energy's Center for Sustainable Development, buildings consume U.S. Department of energy's Smart Communities Network website on sustainability. Seattle http://www.cityofseattle.net/light/conserve/sustainability | |
10. BC Climate Exchange Provides clearinghouse of resources to make climate change relevant, by showing link to sustainability solutions like green buildings, community planning and energy efficiency that also have other social and economic benefits. Coordinated by the Fraser Basin Council. http://www.BCClimateExchange.ca |
11. DIE OFF - A Population Crash Resource Page CYCLE Encircling the Production Peak 3, by Richard Duncan, Institute on energy and Man, Seattle, WA, 1999 a snip from energy AND THE ECONOMICS OF sustainability by John Peet http://dieoff.org/ | |
12. Rocky Mountain Institute--Home Page Nonprofit research and educational foundation aiming to foster efficient and sustainable use of resources. Founded by Amory and Hunter Lovins. Research areas are energy, transportation, green development, climate change, water, economic renewal, corporate sustainability, and security. http://www.rmi.org | |
13. UNC-Chapel Hill Sustainability Coalition: Energy Task Group The mission of The energy sustainability Task Group is to exhibit energy usage and energy conservation are major issues related to sustainability. energy is consumed in each campus http://sustainability.unc.edu/energy.html | |
14. 5th Annual Renewable Energy Roundup - Sept 24-26, 2004 Annual green living and sustainability fair featuring technologies, techniques, and lifestyles in renewable energy, green and sustainable building, organic and sustainable gardening, and farming. http://www.theroundup.org/ | |
15. Energy, Geopolitics, Sustainability, And Engineering (editorial) energy, Geopolitics, sustainability, and Engineering (editorial) (Print This) Author George Bugliarello. Source The Bridge. Volume 33, Number 2 Summer, 2003 and concerns about global sustainability. energy is a complicated nexus among four major components energy, geopolitics, sustainability, and engineering. The energy Proposition http://www.nae.edu/NAE/naehome.nsf/weblinks/MKUF-5NTNHC?OpenDocument |
16. Pledge For Climate Protection - Sustainable Energy Institute for the Âtechnofix for industry could be ecocide renewable energy cannot support a warming, but those of us in the vanguard to sustainability are getting http://www.culturechange.org/global_warming_pledge.html | |
17. EcoSystems Mission Aims to develop, promote and market methodologies, technologies, and products that conserve natural resources and advance our planet towards sustainability through the use of solar energy. http://www.ecotopia.com/ecosystems/ | |
18. EcoFootage: Royalty Free Environmental Stock Footage Royaltyfree video stock footage collections on environmental and sustainability-related topics including the natural world, land use, water, energy, transportation, recycling and green building. http://www.ecofootage.com | |
19. The Increasing Sustainability Of Conventional Energy Promoting an American public policy based on individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peaceful international relations. Extensive library of studies, articles and monographs A "reality check" of the increasing sustainability of conventional energy, and a better appreciation of the http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-341es.html | |
20. Idaho Department Of Water Resources Established in 1895 to ensure that water and energy are conserved and available for the sustainability of Idaho's economy, ecosystems, and resulting quality of life. http://www.idwr.state.id.us/ | |
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