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1. New Course Sustainability Ecology Economics New Course sustainability ecology Economics By Jeffrey Pompe, Department of Economics Marion University The course sustainability ecology and Economics was offered http://www.sc.edu/sustainableu/2002PompeFinal.pdf |
2. Home to explore options related to sustainability at UBC, SENSE mapped undergraduateprograms into three rings of sustainability ecology, economy and society. http://www.sustain.ubc.ca/sense2/ | |
3. Ecosustainable Links - Eco Sustainable Gateway & Resources Thousands of links to resources tools on ecology, environment sustainability,made available to visitors researchers without charge. http://www.ecosustainable.com.au/links.htm | |
4. Toward A Sustainable Washington TO ecology'S sustainability WEBSITE. The purpose of this web site is to provide you with Sponsored by ecology's sustainability Team. We are currently working behind the scenes http://www.ecy.wa.gov/sustainability | |
5. CUES - Center Of Urban Ecology And Sustainability Order here! IPM of Midwest Landscapes. Publication Jan. 2004. Prepublication cost $35* Publication cost $50* * Title page. Index. DegreeDay Calculations. Ambrosia Beetles. Clearwing Borers. Hort http://www.entomology.umn.edu/cues | |
6. Ecosustainable Hub - Ecology Environment Sustainability Onestop connection to resources and tools on ecology, environment and sustainability.Facilitating cooperation, networking and ethical developments. http://www.ecosustainable.com.au/ |
7. Centre For Human Ecology - Home Specialising in ecology and community, provides details of MSc Human ecology, transformation and sustainability courses, events and research. http://www.che.ac.uk/ | |
8. Eco-Portal: Sustainability/Ecology ecology and Society a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability(Added Tue Jan 23 2001 Hits 219 Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. http://www.environmentalsustainability.info/Sustainability/Ecology/welcome.asp | |
9. RichGiving: Home Community site exploring ways to make gift giving more meaningful, through giving of the self, for the soul and for the future. Emphasis on ecology, sustainability, simplicity and spirituality. http://www.richgiving.com | |
10. Conservation Ecology: Sustainability, Stability, And Resilience Holling. 1997. sustainability, stability, and resilience. Conservation ecology online1(1) 7 others have raised concerns about the sustainability of the resource flows from these http://www.consecol.org/Journal/vol1/iss1/art7 | |
11. Novatlantis - Nachhaltigkeit Im ETH Bereich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich initiatives for sustainability, energy, ecology and economy. Includes information about current projects and upcoming events. English/French/German. http://www.novatlantis.ch/frames_e.html |
12. TÃB - HomePage A supraregional service project which aims to contribute to the ecological sustainability of development co-operation. A flexible advisory and research service has been established, which supports projects of German development cooperation on demand. Research results are directly used by the respective project, and they serve TÂB to develop innovative instruments for ecologically sound project planning and management. http://www.gtz.de/toeb/english/ | |
13. Tropical Forest Ecology - The Woods Hole Research Center Outlines research and mission of the Amazon Program. Research themes focus on fire dynamics; mission focuses on sustainability of resources. Research, publications, datasets. http://www.whrc.org/science/tropfor/tropfor.htm |
14. GROW BIOINTENSIVE Gardening, Biointensive Mini-farming, Ecology Action, Conservi Leading organization researching and promoting biointensive gardening and minifarming, and its relation to soil, conserving soil and resources, sustainability; definitions, tours, workshops, conferences, books, brief case histories. http://www.growbiointensive.org/ | |
15. Resource: Ecosustainable Hub - Ecology Environment Sustainability NextStep is a sustainable communities site created by MnSCN, the Minnesota Sustainable Communities Network, and includes sustainabilityrelated resources, calendar events, and jobs. Keywords Environment, sustainability, ecology, Renewable Energy, Search Portal, Forum, Projects our contribution towards ecology, environment and sustainability by providing a one http://www.nextstep.state.mn.us/res_detail.cfm?id=874&xx=Business |
16. Governors Award Contact Mariann Cook Andrews at the Department of ecology (360) 4076740 or email whatpromises to be a long road towards the ultimate goal of sustainability. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/sustainability/GovAward/gov_awards.htm | |
17. Resurgence Magazine On-line An international forum of radical thought on environmental and social issues ecology, human scale education, sacred art, the economics of wellbeing, sustainability and a holistic philosophy infused with spirituality and creativity. In print and online. http://resurgence.gn.apc.org/ | |
18. Conservation Ecology: Ecological Sustainability Of Birds In Boreal Forests. Niemi, G., J. Hanowski, P. Helle, R. Howe, M. Mönkkönen, L. Venier, and D. Welsh. 1998. Ecological sustainability of birds in boreal forests. Conservation ecology online 2(2) 17. the context http://www.consecol.org/Journal/vol2/iss2/art17 | |
19. Fishace Sustainable Aquaculture, Mariculture & Freshwater Ecology fishace www_ready_since_1995 sustainability, Innovation, Simplicity commerciallydeveloping sustainable aquaculture systems Sustainable Organic http://www.fishace.demon.co.uk/ | |
20. Enhancing Communities For Sustainability A Travel Ecology Approach 1ENHANCING COMMUNITIES FOR SUSTAINABILITYA TRAVEL ecology APPROACHThomas D. http://www.strom.clemson.edu/publications/Potts/te2.pdf |
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