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Suriname Geography: more detail | ||||
81. Vitalog.com - Search By Location geography, Country name Republic of suriname Capital city Paramaribo Location Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between French http://www.vitalog.com/cgi-bin/exploring/country.cgi?cod=1227&ctype=birth&sort=n |
82. Global Index Suriname Travel Information suriname. All data is derived from the CIA World Factbook All travel links if Map (48K) geography. Top of Page. Location Northern South America, bordering the http://www.globalindex.com/countries/suriname/factbook.htm | |
83. Guidez.net: Suriname - Maps & General Information geography and Economy. suriname s economic prospects for the medium term will depend on renewed commitment to responsible monetary and fiscal policies and to http://www.guidez.net/place=442/topic=19/sight=0/article=668 | |
84. Suriname Country Report Public Finances. Major Macroeconomic Issues. Medium term Perspectives. Appendix. The History of suriname. geography. People. Highlights. Overall Country Risk Rating, B. http://www.parbo.com/information/hamilton.html | |
85. Suriname - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia geography. Main article geography of suriname Nsmap.jpg. suriname, the smallest country in South America, is situated on the Guiana http://www.phatnav.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Suriname |
86. Suriname geography suriname is situated at 26° northern latitude and 54-58° western longitude. The country can be divided into four regions http://www.hridir.org/countries/suriname/ | |
87. GEODOK - Search For ISO-3166 Country Code: Sr 2. Wong, T. Vletter, D. Krook, L. 1998 The history of earth sciences in suriname Country Code sr. Keywords suriname , geography/History , Geology http://www.geodok.uni-erlangen.de/cgi-bin/geodok/_geodok.pl?Iso=sr |
88. Guyana.ro - Facts Of Guyana Timber 94 signed, but not ratified none of the selected agreements geography note the third-smallest country in South America after suriname and Uruguay http://www.guyana.ro/facts/geography.htm | |
89. ::: L3xicon.com ::: (Mostly in Dutch.) http//www.sr.net/ Gateway suriname A guide to the country, including geography, people, economy, history, government and travel. http://s.l3xicon.com/suriname.html | |
90. Welcome To The Caribbean Geography And Geographical Features geography and Geographical Features. located in the tropics, extends in a broad arc of over 4000 km from the Bahamas in the north to Guyana and suriname in the http://www.welcometothecaribbean.com/geography.htm | |
91. TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents geography suriname is bordered to the north by the Atlantic Ocean, to the east by the Marowijne River (which forms the border with French Guiana), to the west http://www.traveldocs.com/sr/geog.htm | |
92. Suriname - Wikitravel geography. Imagensmap.png Map of suriname. Location Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between French Guiana and Guyana. http://wikitravel.org/en/article/Suriname | |
93. South America Vacations: South America Hotels And Resorts, South America Tours suriname Overview. suriname suriname is reachable of Paramaribo. suriname is reachable by car from Guyana and French Guiana only. No roads http://www.travelwizard.com/southamerica/Suriname_Overview.html | |
94. Suriname Republic of suriname. click on map for larger version map of surinameGeography people Area 163,265 sq. km. Cities Capital Paramaribo (pop. http://www.bramley.demon.co.uk/suriname/Suriname.html | |
95. Geographical Information About Suriname Geographical Information about suriname. Map of suriname (Bosatlas). suriname is situated in the north of South America. It borders http://www.sr.net/srnet/InfoSurinam/geograph.html | |
96. GEsource World Guide - Suriname http://www.gesource.ac.uk/worldguide/html/1030_links.html | |
97. Suriname (Country Profiles From National Geographic MapMachine) Independent since 1975, suriname has suffered several coups and revolution on a Text source National Geographic Atlas of the World, Seventh Edition, 1999. http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/mapmachine/profiles/ns.html | |
98. GEODOK - Search For Suriname List of papers in the Virtual Geographic Library Database GEODOK Search for suriname. Virtual Geographic Library Database GEODOK. http://www.geodok.uni-erlangen.de/cgi-bin/geodok/_geodok.pl?s1=Suriname |
99. Laser National Geographic Map MachineAmericas - The National Geographic Map Machine provides Weather-suriname - Search by country and city for the latest weather http://laser.msu.edu/info.php?country=19&user=student |
100. Travelguides4u.com http://www.travelguides4u.com/TravelGuides.asp?LocationID=178 |
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