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101. BW Online | March 15, 2001 | A Plastic Future For Superconductors A Plastic Future for superconductors. Researchers at Bell Labs have founda way to make polymers conduct electricity with virtually no resistance. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/mar2001/nf20010315_424.htm | |
102. APPLICATION OF SUPERCONDUCTORS In Electronics, Communications And Computing APPLICATION OF superconductors in Electronics, Communications and Computing. Overview.The superconductors conference will take place as scheduled. http://www.knowledgefoundation.com/events/6191028.htm | |
103. Emerging Device Technology: Fundamental Studies Of Superconductors At Microwave Emerging Device Technology Fundamental Studies of superconductorsat Microwave Frequencies, University Fast Find. http://www.edt.bham.ac.uk/supermwf.htm | |
104. :: 2002 MRS Workshops - Superconductors :: International Workshop on Processing and Applications of superconductorsAugust 12, 2002 Park Vista Resort Hotel Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA. http://www.mrs.org/meetings/workshops/2002/superconductor/ | |
105. Spotlight Superconductors With Split Personalities superconductors with split personalities. New superconductors first place.There are two camps among physicists studying cuprate superconductors. http://www.psigate.ac.uk/spotlight/issue5/superconductors.html |
106. IEEEVM: Superconductors Other Resources. Â, None. superconductors. superconductors are materials thathave no resistance to the flow of electricity, as all other substances have. http://www.ieee-virtual-museum.org/collection/tech.php?taid=&id=2345886&lid=1 |
107. Session Q4 - Buckley And Onsager Prizes. Center. Q4.01 Probing the Symmetry of the Pairing State of Unconventionalsuperconductors by SQUID Interferometry Measurements. http://epswww.epfl.ch/aps/BAPSMAR98/abs/S3210.html |
108. A Hot Time For Cold Superconductors A hot time for cold superconductors. Contact Jim Danneskiold,jdanneskiold@lanl.gov, (505) 6671640 (03-156). http://www.lanl.gov/worldview/news/releases/archive/03-156.shtml | |
109. Superconductors|KLUWER Academic Publishers GBP Add to cart. Electromagnetic Absorption in the Copper Oxide superconductorsFrank J. Owens, Charles P. Poole Jr. January 1999 http://www.wkap.nl/home/topics/N/1/8/ | |
110. A Hot Time For Cold Superconductors 6671640 DOE/Los Alamos National Laboratory A hot time for cold superconductors.BOSTON, Dec. 3, 2003 A new way to manufacture http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-12/danl-aht120803.php | |
111. Argonne And Reagan President Ronald Reagan, attending a scientific conference in the nation s capitol,received an upclose look at how high-temperature superconductors work from http://www.anl.gov/OPA/news96arch/news960728.html |
112. Prof. F. Nori, U. Of Michigan simultaneous voice. Microscopic Derivation of the Kim and Bean Statesin superconductors; Vortex Plastic Flow in superconductors; Plastic http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~nori/ | |
113. HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTORS - Storming Media HIGH TEMPERATURE superconductors. Click on the titles below to find US governmentreports identified by the key word or phrase HIGH TEMPERATURE superconductors. http://www.stormingmedia.us/cgi-bin/keywords.php?keywordID=3142 |
114. SUPERCONDUCTORS - Storming Media superconductors. Click on the titles below to find US government reportsidentified by the key word or phrase superconductors. Development http://www.stormingmedia.us/cgi-bin/keywords.php?keywordID=3104 |
115. SRI: PSD's Superconductors superconductors Ongoing research in superconductors at SRI has resulted in the design,construction, and testing of novel fluidizedbed CVD systems for high http://www.sri.com/psd/research/superconductors.html | |
116. Science -- Sign In SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Tuning Order in Cuprate superconductors. SubirSachdev and ShouCheng Zhang Cuprate superconductors are able to http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/295/5554/452 | |
117. Alternate View Column AV-22 Warm superconductors. After Chu s announcement, perhaps 100 research laboratoriesaround the world jumped into the investigation of warm superconductors. http://www.npl.washington.edu/AV/altvw22.html | |
118. Structure And Arrangement Of Vortices In Superconductors Structure and Arrangement of Vortices in superconductors. 37 April2002, Prague. Scope. This workshop will focus on the structure http://www.fzu.cz/activities/workshops/vortex/ | |
119. Superconductors • Browse • Materials Learning And Teaching Resources required. key stage 4, post16, undergraduate, course, chemistry, materials,ceramic, physics, superconductors. American Superconductor. http://www.materials.ac.uk/resources/browse.asp?browseid=149 |
120. Superconductivity For Electric Systems Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Power Technologies Superconductivity for Electric Systems. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/htsc/htsc.html |
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