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81. Magnetic Materials - Superconductors superconductors. Table 4. Critical temperatures of some superconductors. Compoundor Element, T C (K), Compound or Element, T C (K). Mercury, 4, Nb 3 Sn, 18. http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Area_of_Interest/Organic___Inorganic_Chemistry/Mater | |
82. Howstuffworks "What Is Superconductivity?" The following table shows the critical temperatures of various superconductors Howdo electrons travel through superconductors with no resistance? http://www.howstuffworks.com/question610.htm | |
83. Springer-Verlag - Condensed Matter Vortices in Unconventional superconductors and Superfluids SeriesSpringer Series in SolidState Sciences, Vol. 132 Huebener, RP http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-109-22-2167156-0,00.ht | |
84. Superconductors Page Products Services / Products by Industries / superconductors, Printer FriendlyPage. superconductors. Contact us sales.superconductors@outokumpu.com. http://www.outokumpu.com/template/Page____7084.asp | |
85. Science, Technology, Materials: Superconductors Provides links to web resources on all aspects of superconductors, including researchand development, applications, producers, education and public policy. http://www.combose.com/Science/Technology/Materials/Superconductors/ | |
86. Ten Spider Enterprises - Technology & Science, Materials Science: Â Superconduct superconductors. RELATED LINKS. HIGH TEMPERATURE superconductors. CR Nave,HyperPhysics, Georgia State University. THE HISTORY OF superconductors. http://www.tenspider.net/Tech/MatSci/T4_MatSci_Superconductor.html | |
87. E2TAC Technology Thrusts - Next Generation Superconductors High temperature superconductors based on YBCO has significant commercial opportunitysince operation at temperatures above liquid nitrogen are now possible. http://www.e2tac.com/technology/superconductor.cfm | |
88. Superconductors sources, evaporation materials, single crystal substrates, and engineered ceramicsfor research and commercial applications of superconductors, solid oxide http://www.electronics-ee.com/Energy_and_environment/Energy_storage/Superconduct | |
89. Correlated Fermions And High Critical Temperature Superconductors The superconductor activity (besides organic superconductors) of the laboratoryis based on the three great issues that are discussed on the international http://www.lps.u-psud.fr/Activites/ThemeA.asp | |
90. PhysOrgForum Science, Physics And Technology Discussion Forums -> High Temperatu High temperature superconductors Post. Unregistered, What is the highestknown temperature of superconductors these days? Top. Igor http://forum.physorg.com/index.php?showtopic=160 |
91. Combined ESF Vortex And ESF PiShift Workshop 2004 The Joint International Workshop on Nanostructured superconductorsFrom fundamentals to applications May 1. http://www.fz-juelich.de/conference/esf-workshop | |
92. CCASWeb.org For more information, contact contact@ccasweb.org. Coalition for the CommercialApplication of superconductors. © 2003 CCAS. All Rights Reserved. http://www.ccasweb.org/ | |
93. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Technology > Materials > Superconductors superconductors.org Superconductor Information for the Beginner. A nicely writtensite, with much basic information. superconductors.org Site Info. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=121301&mode=general |
94. Apollon: Watching Superconductors Becoming Super Magnets Watching superconductors becoming super magnets. superconductors are materialsthat can transport electricity without resistance and loss of energy. http://www.apollon.uio.no/2003_4/english/supercond.shtml | |
95. Superconductivity For Electric Systems: History Of Superconductivity was born. For the next several decades, superconductors remained ascientific curiosity with few practical applications. Then in http://www.eere.energy.gov/superconductivity/about_history.html | |
96. Nb3Sn Superconductors Nb3Sn superconductors. OST is the world leader in Nb3Sn production,most commonly used in magnets with field 10 Tesla. We make http://www.oxinst.com/OSTPDP334.htm | |
97. Commercial Crystal Laboratories Inc Ceramics and Optics superconductors. Custom slicing and polishing serviceson a custom or production basis. We cuts. superconductors. http://search.ugenius.com/superconductors-a.html | |
98. Science Search > Superconductors Home. Current location Technology Materials superconductors, 2.superconductors.org Superconductor Information for the Beginner. http://www.science-search.org/index/Technology/Materials/Superconductors/ | |
99. Materials Chemistry - Superconductors superconductors are also perfectly diamagnetic (ie they repel a magnetic field);this property was discovered in 1933 and named the Meissner effect. http://imr.chem.binghamton.edu/labs/super/superc.html | |
100. APPLICATIONS OF SUPERCONDUCTORS APPLICATIONS OF superconductors. As you can see application of superconductorsis only just beginning. APPLICATIONS OF superconductors. http://www.physnet.uni-hamburg.de/home/vms/reimer/htc/pt4.html | |
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