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61. Superconductors Power Up superconductors Power Up They find uses in medicine and in cellphonesystems; the next step is Detroit s electric power grid. By http://www.memagazine.org/backissues/january99/features/superpower/superpower.ht | |
62. Organic Superconductors Their history started in 1964 when Bill Little (Stanford U.) suggested that thecritical temperature of superconductors could be increased and he applied his http://physics.clarku.edu/superconductor/superconductor.html | |
63. Metallic Superconductors Products/Metallic superconductors. Metallic superconductors. for medicaland analytical technology. NMR - spectroscopy; NMR - tomography. http://www.vacuumschmelze.com/dbw/public_vac/Homepage_en/$pages/Supraleiter_star | |
64. Feature Article: Cover Story superconductors on the High Seas. But superconductors offer a way to shrink themotor, gain power density, and at least consider pods, Littlefield says. http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/WEBONLY/publicfeature/jan04/0104tran1.html | |
65. The ESF "VORTEX" Programme . . Vortex Matter in superconductors at Extreme Scales and Conditions. http://www.fys.kuleuven.ac.be/vortex/ | |
66. The ESF "VORTEX" Programme . . Vortex Matter in superconductors at Extreme Scales and Conditions. VortexMatter in superconductors. Crete Greece 20-28 September, 2003. http://www.fys.kuleuven.ac.be/vortex/vortex03_a.htm | |
67. Magnesium Diboride Superconductors Summarized Publication and Citation Data from ISI® for the Analysis ofResearch Trends Performance in Magnesium Diboride superconductors. http://www.esi-topics.com/mgb2/ | |
68. The Maglev 2000 Of Florida Corporation superconductors history. Certain materials, when cooled below their transitiontemperatures, become superconducting that is, electrical http://www.maglev2000.com/works/how-07.html | |
69. - ALSTOM Power Conversion - Magnets & Superconductors wires, cables and magnets for the superconductivity market. The companyis a world leader in the field of low TC superconductors. http://www.powerconv.alstom.com/msa.html |
70. Corrosion Of Glass, Ceramics And Ceramic Superconductors Corrosion of Glass, Ceramics and Ceramic superconductors Edited by Clark, DE; Zoitos,BK © 1992 William Andrew Publishing/Noyes Title Details Ordering http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/Toc.jsp?SpaceID=10057&BookID=362 |
71. Are Superconductors The Future? - Chapter 6 - Are Superconductors The Future? Are superconductors the Future? by Jacob Eapen. Chapter 6 Are superconductorsthe Future? Are superconductors the future? Supercomputers http://www.eapen.com/jacob/superconductors/chapter6.html | |
72. Are Superconductors The Future? - Chapter 5 - High Temperature Superconductors Are superconductors the Future? by Jacob Eapen. Chapter 5 High Temperaturesuperconductors. Since Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered http://www.eapen.com/jacob/superconductors/chapter5.html | |
73. WONDERMAGNET.COM - NdFeB Magnets, Magnet Wire, Books, Weird Science, Needful Thi Levitation, superconductors, ferrofluid, diamagnetism, Halbach arrays,how to view a magnetic field, and much more! Magnet Science FAQs. http://www.wondermagnet.com/ | |
74. Superconductivity Type 1 superconductors. Are perfect diamagnets below their critical temperature,that is they repel any magnetic flux that attempts to enter. http://www.egglescliffe.org.uk/physics/supercond/bob.html | |
75. Knowledge Problem: NEW MATTER DISCOVERY January 29, 2004. NEW MATTER DISCOVERY. A new discovery may make roomtemperature superconductors possible A longsought new form http://www.knowledgeproblem.com/archives/000683.html | |
76. TESTING SUPERCONDUCTORS? ABBESS INSTRUMENTS TESTING superconductors? SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT A successfulscientist knows how important it is to use the right tool for the job. http://abbess.com/physics/mpmstest.html | |
77. Superconductors superconductors and MagnetismA Type 1 superconductor in a magnetic field will completely repelall field lines. This is called the Meissner effect, and it is http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ueic/articles/a25_705/frame.html | |
78. Properties Of Superfluids Quantized vortices are of great interest to the further study of quantum fluids,and they turn out to be theoretically similar to flux lines in superconductors http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/212_fall2003.web.dir/Rodney_Guritz Folder/properties | |
79. Superconductors Do More With Less Reprint Linking Info Email this Article PrinterFriendly Design Applicationsuperconductors Do More With Less While Carriers Struggle With Financial http://www.wsdmag.com/Articles/ArticleID/6000/6000.html | |
80. DISORDERLY SUPERCONDUCTORS CAUGHT IN THE ACT Berkeley Lab, DISORDERLY superconductors CAUGHT IN THE ACT. Atom by atom,researchers track down granularity in a hightemperature superconductor. http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/MSD-granular-superconductor.html | |
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