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Suicide School Guidance: more detail | |||||
41. Youth Suicide Deaths 2000 - Background Information On Suicide that have contact with people at risk of suicide (eg, primary healthcare, emergencyservices, Corrections, Child, Youth and Family, school guidance counsellors http://www.nzhis.govt.nz/stats/youthsuicidefacts4.html | |
42. 1000 assistance and guidance to address the longterm needs of the youth. 3. In the eventof an actual suicide The procedures below are to assist school personnel http://www.phoenix.k12.ny.us/DO/policies/Series 5000/5431R.htm | |
43. Suicide Prevention: Friend Needs Help First of all, many people who attempt suicide do not tell others because they are Ifshe agrees, go to your school guidance counsellor and ask to set up an http://experts.about.com/q/3118/2548913.htm | |
44. KNEA - Safe Schools - Mailbag The Great Bend Middle school guidance department also uses the serious injury oraccident, death at school (homicide or suicide), death outside of http://www.knea.org/schools/safe_mailbag.htm | |
45. Tracks Of Time Online Telephone Hotlines Check the yellow pages under suicide. Call 1800-SVA-TEEN.Mental Health Professionals There are school guidance counselors, school http://www.altoona.k12.wi.us/tracks/2001/November16/Pages/Features/Suicide/ | |
46. State Support For School Counseling Programs need of special services, including suicide prevention and this can include ClassroomGuidance, individual information and support, after school activities or http://www.ed.state.nh.us/Guidance/statesupport.htm | |
47. Suicide/Euthanasia Youth suicide recognizing the signs 1 videocassette (21 min.) sd., col. + 1 booklet.1996 Aims to help high school teachers, counsellors, guidance officers http://www.education.tas.gov.au/delic/publications/suicide.htm | |
48. Suicide Among Young On The Rise: Professor, Suicide Among Young On The Rise: Pro Wu stated that parents and teachers should seek the help of a school guidance counseloror therapist. Those who have concrete suicide plans, have seriously http://www.taiwanheadlines.org/20030930/20030930s3.html | |
50. Calvert County Public Schools: Guidance and neglect, drug abuse prevention, suicide prevention, decision individual and groupcounseling, classroom guidance, teacher and in a variety of school teams. http://www.calvertnet.k12.md.us/studentsvcs/guidance.shtml | |
51. Poland Regional High School Guidance Department TeacherWeb Resources 1800-624-8404 Adovates for Children 783-3990 Alcholics Anonymous 1-800-737-6237Child Abuse Protection 1-800-482-7520 Crisis Intervention/suicide Hotline 783 http://teacherweb.com/ME/PolandRegionalHighSchool/GuidanceDepartment/h7.stm | |
52. Web Site Directory, The Best Sites For The Student In The Web, Provided By Stude school guidance Social Worker. Drug Education Gangs Violence school to work, schoolViolence Prevention suicide Truancy, Youth Activism Youth Advocacy. http://www.students.net/st/Directory/Category.asp?id=303 |
53. Suicide Biblipgraphies Juhnke,Gerald-A. TI The Adapted SAD PERSONS A suicide Assessment Scale Designedfor Use with Children. PY 1996 SO Elementary-school-guidance- -Counseling http://www.library.unt.edu/ericscs/vl/suicide/bibs/default.htm | |
54. Credit Card Guidance Credit Card guidance. Login to eBranch. Although suicide is rare, Manning said bankruptcyand dropping out of school to work off creditcard debt are not. http://www.iccu.com/newgeneration/creditcardguidance.htm | |
55. Community For Hope Middle school, Vivian Heatwole, guidance Counselor Stephanie Davey, Social Worker.4240442, The program was developed by Dale and Dar Emme following the suicide http://www.communityforhope.org/pages/yellownews.htm | |
56. LCQ13: Students Committing Suicide student suicide and to strengthen the protective factors include * the provisionof at least one student guidance professional for each school (school social http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200312/03/1203162.htm | |
57. Suicide And Sudden Loss: Crisis Management In The Schools. Highlights: An ERIC/C Adolescent suicide. Personnel and guidance Journal, 62(3), 131135. Shneidman,ES (1972). An opportunity missed. The school Counselor, 26(2), 96-98. http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9214/loss.htm | |
58. The Challenge Of Counseling In Middle Schools. ERIC Digest. in well defined and accountable school guidance programs Middle school counselorscannot do everything substance abuse, teen pregnancy, teen suicide, sexual abuse http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9219/middle.htm | |
59. Subject Hot Topics - Mental Health, Depression And Suicide Prevention - ACTivatE future images Australian Journal of guidance Counselling v11 to primary preventionof suicide in adolescents in Depression across the High school to College http://activated.decs.act.gov.au/reading/curr_jour_hotlists_mentalhealth.htm | |
60. In Memory: Suicide Discussion Board's Message Board talk with your parents, your freinds parents and the school guidance counselor, to BoardIn Memory Grief Mourning Discussion Board suicide Reference Library http://www.b2g4.com/boards/board.cgi?action=read&id=1080601567&user=suicidediscu |
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