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Suicide School Guidance: more detail | |||||
21. EMB - 3.7.7 Student Suicide Cases (d). school heads should report all suicide cases to SSDO which come school headsshould solicit support from the Student guidance Officer/Student guidance http://www.emb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=1748&langno=1 |
22. EMB - Suicide Risk Assessment suicidal risk, there is still a need to pay concern for a possible suicide attemptand refer the student to the school social worker or guidance personnel for http://www.emb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=623&langno=1 |
23. Youth Suicide Prevention facilities providing support and information Your school guidance Counsellor Reachout 14Source Office of Youth Affairs Youth suicide Prevention Information http://www.girl.com.au/cr-youthsuicide.htm | |
24. NASP CQ Vol. 32, #2: Salem High School Implements SOS then given to the guidance counselors secretary a hospital emergency room and schoolresource officer adolescent research project on depression and suicide. http://www.nasponline.org/publications/cq322sos_va.html | |
25. School Psychologists Action Network - Winter 2001-2002 Newsletter currently working on fact sheets for suicide prevention and given better understanding,options, and guidance regarding the benefits of schoolbased mental http://www.nasponline.org/advocacy/span_dec_suicide.html | |
26. Know Your Kids .Listen And Communicate! Yellow Pages of Phone Book Mental Health Services, suicide Prevention. Contactthe school s guidance counselor, your child s doctor, or a mental health http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/9691/littletonparent.html | |
27. American School Counselor Association The Personnel and guidance Journal, 62, 446447. school counselors haveproven effective in preventing students from committing suicide. http://www.schoolcounselor.org/content.cfm?L1=1000&L2=88 |
28. The Suicide Of J Daniel Scruggs And The Persecution Of Mother Pamela Scruggs in his bedroom closet without leaving a suicide note school authorities and othersknew for more than a boy was in trouble, teachers, guidance counselors, nurses http://www.bullyonline.org/schoolbully/scruggs.htm | |
29. Owen J. Roberts Middle School: Guidance Office Resources Each year, the guidance department expands its library in an effort to betterserve the OJR community. About Starting Middle school. About suicide. http://ojrms.ojrsd.com/guidance/index.asp?page=1032 |
30. Preventing Adolescent Suicide Information Directory on Intervention and other issues related to preventing youth suicide. An ImportantEducational Program for school administrators, guidance counselors, teachers http://www.ace-network.com/whatsnew.htm | |
31. Youth Suicide Prevention local hospital, mental health agency, school guidance counselor or other trustedprofessional in your area.The Acadia Hospi Youth suicide and What You Can http://acadiahospital.org/Youth Suicide Prevention/ | |
32. Hb 1397 to include specific consideration of youth suicide prevention initiatives. Thebill also provides for the appointment of a school guidance counselor to the http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2004/hb1397.html | |
33. The Robbie Kirkland Suicide Story Around the time we found the gay porno pictures, he had attempted suicide by takinga It turned out that this individual was a high school guidance counselor. http://www.times10.org/kirkland22001.htm | |
34. McDonald's Media Site: Press Release directly to every senior high school guidance counselor throughout the country Âa 100 percent distribution rate. Additionally, a suicide discussion guide http://www.media.mcdonalds.com/secured/news/pressreleases/2000/Press_Release0406 |
35. Suicide Prevention mental health professional; a school psyhcologist; a school guidance couselor; aschool social worker. of risks, the Los Angeles suicide Prevention Center http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/content/admin/studentservices/SS/sssp.html | |
36. Suicide Prevention schools can assist in the primary prevention of suicide by providing safe and Supportstaff including guidance officers, school nurses, chaplains http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/advocacy/access/equity/students/inclusion | |
37. College Counseling - Who Needs It? to crisis situations parental abuse, drug problems, threats of suicide or violence tominimize the fine work that many high school guidance counselors perform http://www.collegeconfidential.com/college_counseling/counseling_needs.htm | |
38. Suicide Reference Library Promote good practice in media reporting and portrayal of suicide. early identificationand assessment of risk (eg, for GPs, school guidance counsellors, police http://www.suicidereferencelibrary.com/test4.php?id=632 |
39. Resources Gay, lesbian and bisexual student suicide. Professional school Counseling,1, 2630. Elementary school guidance and Counseling, 23, 183-190. http://www.umt.edu/ders/safeschools/links.htm | |
40. Suicide Deaths 2001 - Background Information On Suicide that have contact with people at risk of suicide (eg, primary health care, emergencyservices, Corrections, Child, Youth and Family, school guidance counsellors http://www.nzhis.govt.nz/stats/suicidefacts6.html | |
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