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Suicide School Guidance: more detail | |||
1. School Guidance And Counseling participating in gang activity or committing suicide; b) who are in need of modified consultant to teachers conducting lessons based on the school's guidance curriculum. http://www.tea.state.tx.us/guidance | |
3. Suicide And Schools in a health class, by the school nurse, school psychologist, guidance counselor or etal found that 67% of completed youth suicides involved mixed http://www.baltimorepsych.com/Suicide.htm | |
4. TeachersFirst - Subject Search Results could be useful for school guidance counselors, nurses, or teachers who suspectan eating disorder in one of their students. All About suicide, Grades 1 to 12, http://www.teachersfirst.com/tchr-subj-prof.cfm?subject=guidance&lower=1&upper=1 |
5. STOPPING THE PAIN awareness, the guidance department distributed pamphlets; wrote about suicide inthe monthly guidance newsletter; held clinics for school personnel, parents http://www.bphs.com/PTSA/STOPPING THE PAIN.htm | |
6. Murdock Middle School Guidance Department The goal of the Murdock Middle school guidance Department is to help each student realize his/her full Drug Abuse800/6624357. suicide. suicide Crisis Hotline800/637-2464 http://www.ccps.k12.fl.us/schools/MMS/guidance.html | |
7. Responding To Students Who May Be At-Risk For Suicide-Schools 230. Nelson, RE, Crawford, B. (1990). suicide among schoolagedchildren. Elementary school guidance Counseling, 25, 123-128. http://soeweb.syr.edu/chs/OnlineField/suicide/schoolcounselors.htm | |
8. Guidance Counselors May Miss Suicide Warning Signs this directive guidance Counselors May Miss suicide Warning Signs reports high school guidance counselors believe it is their job to spot teens at risk for suicide but only http://namipa.nami.org/winter00/counselors.html | |
9. Youth Suicide Prevention Programs Youth suicide Prevention Programs A Resource Guide General suicide Education. These schoolbased programs provide to suicide prevention and postvention. Referral/selection procedures Appropriate school personnel (guidance staff http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/prevguid/p0000024/p0000024.asp | |
10. Counselors directors or supervisors of counseling, guidance, or pupil drug and alcohol abuseto death and suicide. students, budget constraints at every school level will http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos067.htm | |
11. American School Counselor Association Effectiveness of school Counseling. Many states have made important strides in classsize reduction, higher academic standards, greater accountability and improved teacher preparation. school counselors. Elementary school guidance Counseling, 23 guidance Journal, 62, 446-447. school counselors have proven effective in preventing students from committing suicide http://www.schoolcounselor.org/content.cfm?L1=1000&L2=88 |
12. MWCSD - Middle School Guidance As your Middle school guidance counselors, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you in crisis, e.g. suicide prevention, child abuse, pregnancy, substance abuse, and http://mw.k12.ny.us/schools/middle/msguide.html | |
13. SUICIDE IDEATION PROTOCOL The student should meet with the guidance counselor and/or other will be told notto discuss in school their ideation or attempted suicide with other http://www.sau53.org/sau53/policies/epsom/jldb.html | |
14. CHS High School Guidance Office High school. guidance Office. ExPan Arrives. The guidance Office is pleased to announce the arrival of a new software package ExPan. Canajoharie High school's guidance Office is your best resource for career, educational, and personal development Strong Families, Strong schools. suicide Prevention Advocacy Network http://www.canajoharie.k12.ny.us/guidance/guidance.htm | |
15. Marshfield High School Guidance Department -> Our Services kept and maintained in the guidance office educational, community, and posthigh schooleducational representatives II, ACT, ASVAB suicide Intervention Alcohol http://www.marshfield.k12.wi.us/guidance/services.htm | |
16. Suicide British Journal of guidance Counselling. V 30 p 383399 November Â02. Speaker,Kathryne M. Âschool violence and adolescent suicide Strategies for http://www.wsd1.org/PC_LMS/pf/suicide.htm |
17. ABCNEWS.com : Mom Faces Trial For Son's Suicide he was a victim of bullying and at risk for suicide. safeguard s included his mother,his teachers and his guidance counselor, the school nurse, the http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/GoodMorningAmerica/scruggs030909.html | |
18. What Does The Bible Say About Suicide And Depression? thoughts of suicide should promise himself or herself not to take any action untildiscussing it with a minister, priest, school guidance counselor, physician http://www.twopaths.com/faq_suicide.htm | |
19. CARDINAL SPELLMAN HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE PAGE Making High school Count Program www.makingitcount.com. Group guidance in classroomsfor Implementation of educational SOS Program (Signs of suicide). http://www.spellman.com/Guidance/guidancewebpagea.htm | |
20. JHH Counselor 2426172 Jessica C. Moore guidance Counselor 242 1618 All schools StephaniePotter school Psychologist 365 the student is at imminent risk of suicide. http://www.iwcs.k12.va.us/policy/JHH.html | |
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