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21. The Atlantic | June 2002 | The Culture Of Martyrdom | Brooks David Brooks examines how suicide bombing has dramatically changed the nature of the conflict. From the Atlantic Monthly. http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2002/06/brooks.htm | |
22. Centre For Suicide Prevention - Welcome 2004 Centre for suicide Prevention. Terms of Use http://www.siec.ca/ | |
23. Centre For Suicide Prevention - Welcome Click Here! About the Centre for suicide Prevention, suicide Information Education Collection Click Here! suicide Prevention Training Programs - Click Here! http://www.suicideinfo.ca/ | |
24. Suicide Is Painless Celebrates the rights of life and death. Poetry and personal stories. http://www.geocities.com/whatyouown13/ | |
25. Dr. Grohol's Psych Central - Suicide Helpline Links and information about online suicide support groups and help. http://psychcentral.com/helpme.htm | |
26. Suicide Prevention Facts, Mental Health Information Center Contemplating suicide? 1800-suicide. Opponents of Oregon suicide Law Say Depressed Man Was Wrongly Given Drugs New York Times May 7, 2004; http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/suicideprevention/ | |
27. AJCongress On Muslim Decree Allowing For Women Suicide Bombers Statement by American Jewish Congress Executive Director Phil Baum calling on Muslim and nonMuslim religious leaders to condemn the decree of the Saudi Arabia High Islamic Council that women can serve as suicide bombers. http://www.ajcongress.org/pages/RELS2001/AUG_2001/aug01_01.htm | |
28. Assisted Suicide The Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization summarizes assisted dying laws around the world. http://assistedsuicide.org | |
29. Suicide Prevention Redirect Page safelogo.jpg (2620 bytes), Home School Community Move Work Contact Us. If this page does not refresh click here. http://www.cdc.gov/safeusa/suicide.htm | |
30. The Village Voice: Features: Suicide Watch By Simon Reynolds Feature article about Alan's visual art by Simon Reynolds. http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0205/reynolds.php | |
31. Teen Suicide - AACAP Facts For Families # 10 Describes risk factors, symptoms and warning signs of suicide in adolescents/teens. TEEN suicide. Each year in the US, thousands of teenagers commit suicide. http://www.aacap.org/publications/factsfam/suicide.htm | |
32. All-Reviews.com Movie/Video Review: Suicide Kings Reviews by Steve Rhodes and others. Overall Rating 3 Stars out of 4. http://www.all-reviews.com/videos/suicide-kings.htm | |
33. Living With Suicide: Shared Experiences And Voices Of Loss Living With suicide Shared Experiences and Voices of Loss. A word of caution Written material on this site can be highly emotional and sometimes graphic. http://www.pbs.org/weblab/living/ | |
34. God Hears You Online Memorials Dedicated to their son Tony who committed suicide in 1996. You may submit a memorial that will be included on the site. http://www.godhearsyou.net/index.html | |
35. Suicide And Other Bombing Attacks In Israel Since The Declaration Of Principles Chronology of bombing attacks against Israel. Provided by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. http://www.israel-mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0i5d0 |
36. Suicide Squeeze Records WELCOME . http://www.suicidesqueeze.net/ | |
37. Ethical Issues In Terminal Health Care Articles and essays on patients' rights, Ethics Committees, the Rightto-Die Debate, and Physician Assisted suicide. http://www.cp.duluth.mn.us/~ennyman/ethics.html | |
38. THE FOWL OWNS THIS PAGE! http://www.geocities.com/suicide_lives/ | |
39. SuicideCommando Translate this page http://www.suicidecommando.be/ |
40. 30, Still Single: Contemplating Suicide (1998) Full cast and crew for the film, and other information from the Internet Movie Database. http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0190217/ | |
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