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1. Services Offered For Exotics At Pet Care Veterinary Hospital pet care Veterinary Hospital. 5201 Virginia Beach Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Phone 757473-0111. Fax 757-499-6166. Exotics Services Hedgehog Club hedgehogclub.com. sugargliders www.sugarglider.com. Articles by pet care http://www.petcarevabeach.com/exoticservices.html | |
2. Columbia Animal Hospital Library and Health care Separation Anxiety and Clomaprimine Skin Diseases in Dogs Snakes care of Snakes Diseases of Spay and Neutering Your pet sugargliders as pets http://www.cah.com/library/ | |
3. Animal-World Links petnet All kinds of information on rabbits and rabbit care. pet products, organic pet treats, kitty funhouses, quilted pet beds, and Leanne s sugargliders! http://animal-world.com/links.htm | |
4. Sugar Glidders - Animal Care, Caging, Habitats And Feeding During this time, it is recommended you try to hand feed your pet some treats the Sugar Glider is more relaxed, introduce new members of the care taking family http://www.animalsexotique.com/sugargliders.html | |
5. SUGARGLIDERS - THE ULTIMATE POCKET PET - Animals - Http://maxpages.com/sugarglid sugarglider sugargliders small pets exotic pets pocket pets, info on health disorders. information care sheet. Tender Loving care small pets http://www.maxpages.com/sugargliders | |
6. CoolPetSites - The Coolest Place On The Web To Find Links To Pet Related Informa tobe pet owners including choosing the right pet, care and ownership costs, discussions, safety precautions, pet Breeder of small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and hedgehogs http://www.coolpetsites.com/petlinks/Personal_Pages/more4.html | |
7. Paw-Talk Pets Forum AmBrooke's of Canada SUGARGLIDERSwe are breeders located in ontario canada Weekly Surveys. Urgent pet care. Dogs and Cats http://www.paw-talk.net/forums/showthread.php?s=af30c387b0b81383e3c6f8bab9e7fc06 |
8. Galaxy Directory : Pets < Leisure And Recreation squirrels, chinchillas, rabbits, ferrets, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs and sugargliders. petsville.com The Online pet care Community petsville is an online http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Leisure-and-Recreation/Pets/Pets/Horses/Health.html | |
9. CoolPetSites - The Coolest Place On The Web To Find Links To Pet Related Informa Pages 1 2 ** Cool pet Sites pet care Center** sugargliders.net. pop. Hundreds of high quality photos showing sugar gliders in action http://www.coolpetsites.com/petlinks/Exotic/Sugar_Gliders | |
10. Galaxy Directory : Pets < Leisure And Recreation AVMA care for pets Home Page Animal Health Feline Health squirrels, chinchillas, rabbits, ferrets, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs and sugargliders. pet Products http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Leisure-and-Recreation/Pets/Pets/Cats/Health/*srt=2 | |
11. Exotic Animal Supplies, Food And Gifts pet care Supplies/Feed/Gifts for Many Species Date Tue Nov 25 114002 PST 2003. Canada sugargliders Exotic pet Supplies. Home Langley, BC Jul 27 556 PM. pet Assure - pet care savings http://www.altpet.net/suplink.shtml | |
12. Sugar Gliders sugargliders.net http//www.sugargliders.net/ Personalized site Honey of a pet The Sugar Glider http com/articles/art4122.asp care instructions and http://www.directory.net/Recreation/Pets/Exotic/Sugar_Gliders/ | |
13. Exotic www.pygmypets.com/wb3.html care, feeding, breeding Breeder of small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and in all types of exotic animals, pet accessories and http://www.directory.net/Shopping/Pets/Exotic/ | |
14. Puerto Rico Top > Recreation > Pets and a pet of the month contest. Ratkateers Rodentry Breeder of small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and hedgehogs. Includes descriptions, care information http://www.puertorico.com/odp/world_directory.php?CatID=234 |
15. Pets stories, and pet care guides for kids sugargliders, opposums, and hedgehogs. Includes descriptions, care information, prices, and shipping information. Simplypets Features pet http://odp.locallink.net/odp.php?category=Top/Recreation/Pets |
16. KittyCatFurballs Top Cat Dog And Pet Sites List What will happen to your beloved pets if you die? We can take care of them until they pass on. 47, sugargliders OF AMERICA Have you ever seen a sugarglider? http://kittycatfurballs.mytopsitelist.com/furball | |
17. SUGARGLIDERS - THE ULTIMATE POCKET PET - Animals - Http://maxpages.com/sugarglid This is a very important subject.sugargliders are a colonizing animal and honesty you can not spend too much time with your pet. Tender Loving care small pets. http://maxpages.com/sugargliders | |
18. Yoogoo - Your Best Archive small rodents, sugargliders, opposums, and hedgehogs. Includes descriptions, care information, prices, and shipping information. Simplypets Features pet news http://www.yoogoo.com/Top/Recreation/Pets | |
19. Vets In Ontario this page is to connect pet owners,breeders and customers with quality pet care. 1560 Specializing in a wide variety of exotics including sugargliders and birds http://mysite.freeserve.com/Ambrookebirds/page4.html | |
20. Sugar Gliders Lots of articles for those considering a pet sugar glider and good care information too (especially the diet information and comparisons). http://exoticpets.about.com/od/sugargliders/ | |
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