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161. Egypt Sufi Dancing,Whirling Dervishes, The Sufi Sect Was Founded In Turkey THE sufi DANCERS copyright©PaulGapper2002. Also known as the Whirling Dervishes, the sufi sect was founded in Turkey during the midthirteenth century. http://www.worldphotos.org/egypt_sufi_dancing.htm | |
162. Information On Sufism, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan Articles on this subject by Hazrat Inayat Khan and Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. http://www.twinoakscenter.com/sufi/sufism.htm | |
163. The Sufi Way To Human Development An introduction to Octagon Press, the work of Idries Shah and his consistent restatement of the sufi position with its relevance to the real needs of our time. http://www.clearlight.com/octagon/index.shtml | |
164. CNN.com - Egypt Court Says Sufi Group Denigrated Islam - September 5, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/meast/09/05/egypt.sufism.reut/index.html | |
165. Sufi Studies Society The sufi Studies Society provides a forum for the study of sufism both in its historical context and as a universal expression of human spirituality. http://www.sufistudies.net/ | |
166. Spiritwalk Traditions: Sufism This site discusses sufism concisely and includes a history of sufism. Several common questions are put forth and answered. http://www.spiritwalk.org/sufi.htm | |
167. Chandra And Davids Qawwali Page (Qawali, Quawali, Kawali) - Isalamic Devotional A page about the sufi devotional musical form, as performed in Pakistan and India today. http://chandrakantha.com/articles/indian_music/kawali.html | |
168. Institute For Sufi Studies The Institute for sufi Studies offers classes and workshops in healing through meditation, art, music, prayer and movement. Online program. http://instituteforsufistudies.org | |
169. Página Principal Orden sufi Musulmana que realiza un trabajo de traducci³n al espa±ol de las obras antiguas que recopilan los dichos del Profeta del Islam, Muhammad (Mahoma), una de las fuentes m¡s importantes para la vida espiritual y la doctrina isl¡mica . http://www.jerrahi.org.ar/ |
170. Kalan Müzik Featuring releases of Turkish classical, folk, protest, and sufi music. Site has complete catalog and store, with sound samples from most releases and some artist information. In English and Turkish. http://www.kalan.com/ |
171. Taneen Home Page A sufi music ensemble, featuring western and middle eastern instrumentation, English lyrics of translated sufi ecstatic love poetry, and Arabic chants. With biography, lyrics, samples, and release ordering. http://www.taneen.org/ | |
172. Learndirect Scotland For Partners News and information on all lifelong learning activities around Scotland for learning providers http://www.scottishufi.co.uk/ | |
173. Learndirect Scotland For Partners This site aims to keep organisations involved in lifelong learning in Scotland informed about activities and developments. Our other websites http://www.lds4partners.com/ | |
174. Come, Come, Whoever You Are... [spirituality, Faith, Religion, New Horizons, New Italian Malay Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish English Greek French German Bulgarian Arabic. http://www.naqshbandi.net/haqqani/ | |
175. Practices Of The Friends In the Name of Allah the Merciful, the Beneficent. Practices of the Friends. Addition to ones religious and social obligations. Opening http://pages.britishlibrary.net/edjason/friends/ | |
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