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101. Sufi Poetry sufi Poetry. updated April 15, 2004. A Gnostics). He is acknowledged as one of the most prominent sufi poets of the IndoPak subcontinent. http://wahiduddin.net/sufi_poetry.htm | |
102. Sufism_1 Series of 3 articles describing history and deviations of sufism. http://www.geocities.com/kkhaan/sufi.html | |
103. What Is A Sufi What is a sufi? by Hazrat Inayat Khan. WHAT is a sufi? from The sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Art of Being, Part I. What is meant by the word sufi? http://wahiduddin.net/hik/hik_what_is.htm | |
104. Index Of Kashmiri Proverbs Large, alphabetically ordered collection, including sayings from sufis of Kashmir (in Kashmiri with English translation and explanation). http://www.kashmir.net/treasure/proverbs/ | |
105. Rumi - Readings & Sufi Music Readings sufi Music. http://www.khamush.com/music/ | |
106. Sufism Arabic attasawwuf. SAMPLE OF sufi MUSIC Nusrat Fatheh Ali Khan (30 seconds), A person who belongs to sufism, is called a sufi. Nearly all sufis are men. http://i-cias.com/e.o/sufism.htm | |
107. Sufi.html As a result, sufi orders, ideas and practices are hidden but alive throughout Yemen. Adherents of these orders and nonsufi Muslims http://www.aiys.org/webdate/sufi.html | |
108. Shirk In The Naqshbandi Sufi Tareeqah Uses Sunnah to evaluate a Naqshbandi article and to demonstrate examples of Shirk. http://www.troid.org/Janaaza/sufi.htm |
109. Kosova Relief-Since The Start Of Our Efforts In 1998, We Have Sent $500,000 Doll The HalvetiJerrahi Order of Dervishes is a traditional Muslim sufi Order, seeking aid for humanitarian relief. http://www.jerrahi.org/kosova/kosova_relief.htm | |
110. Sufi Rhythms For The Daf The Doumbek Page. sufi Rhythms for the Daf by Peyman Nasehpour. At Right Daf, with Persian painting and calligraphy worked on it. Good DAF or sufi links http://www.rhythmweb.com/frame/sufi_daf.htm | |
111. WELCOME: Sufi Conference Online program of this conference in Pacific Grove, California. It is open to sufi's of all lineages and hopes to bring them together. Previous programs still online. http://www.suficonference.org/ | |
112. Webserver Alsufi (Azophi), 903-986 CE ABD AL-RAHMAN AL-sufi (AZOPHI) (903 - 986 CE), by Dr. A. Zahoor. Click here to proceed. http://www.rrz.uni-koeln.de/~a0158/sufismus.htm | |
113. Katinka Hesselink.net - Spirituele Spreuken Trekken Citaten uit verschillende spirituele tradities, zoals zen, sufi, hindoeisme en boeddhisme. http://www.katinkahesselink.net/spr/ | |
114. SUFI CINEMA.COM Free Video Downloads And Streaming Videos (.asf / .rm Formats) The Online Video Zone of the Discourses of the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order of sufis, the Head of which is Maulana Sheikh Nazim alHaqqani. (free) http://www.suficinema.com | |
115. BuddhaNet Magazine Article: One View - Sufi And Dzogchen Reflections sufi AND DZOGCHEN REFLECTIONS. sufi poets in general, and Araqi in particular, often choose to speak of Reality in terms of Love, the Beloved and the lover. http://www.buddhanet.net/mag_one.htm | |
116. Amir Khusrau Website about 12th century Indian sufi poet, his works, life and music. http://www.alif-india.com | |
117. Amir Khusrau, Khusro, Khosrow (or Khusrau). Thirteenth century sufi poet who wrote and sang in several languages. http://www.angelfire.com/sd/urdumedia/ | |
118. Sufi Music From Senegal sufi Music from Senegal. Akassa CD cover, http://alt.venus.co.uk/weed/hamedkane/welcome.htm | |
119. Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order This is a website of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi sufi Order. http://www.nurashkijerrahi.org |
120. Unani Herbal Healing Products and information on herbs used by sufi healers. Courses and workshops offered. Based in Endicott, NY. http://www.unani.com/ | |
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