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81. Sufi Women Organization The sufi Women Organization, as a forum for all sufi women, has been tremendously successful in gathering together women from diverse cultural backgrounds who http://sufiwomen.org/ | |
82. BIOGRAFIE VAN SAFI ALI SHAH sufimeester, met beschrijving van diens leven, reizen en gedachtengoed. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/6525/leven.html | |
83. Sufi Order International - Toronto, Canada The sufi Order International is an esoteric school which provides a setting in which real spiritual experience is possible. http://www.sufiorder.toronto.on.ca/ | |
84. The Sufi Study Circle Of The University Of Toronto The sufi Study Circle of the University of Toronto, is closely affiliated with the GudriShahi branch of the Chishti Order of sufis. http://muslim-canada.org/sufi/ | |
85. Rumi Meditations on love by the founder of the Mawlawi sufi Order, Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi. http://www.khamush.com/ | |
86. Religious Misunderstandings - WILL YOU RETURN TO THIS WORLD AGAIN? A sufi contention against the New Age belief in reincarnation. http://www.ahmedbaki.com/english/books/din/din33.htm | |
87. SUFI BOOKSTORE, MACROBIOTIC BOOKSTORE Dhikr, sufism, sufis, sufism explained, sufi books, Rumi, Inayat Khan, Witteveen, Sam Lewis. FIGHT SPAM! Interested in the significance of our logo? http://www.rosanna.com/shop.htm | |
88. Rosanna's Macrobiotic Kitchen And Sufi Macrobiotic Bookstore Rosanna s Macrobiotic Kitchen features a free newsletter, cancer prevention diet, sufi insight, wellness through nutrition, books bu Kuchi, Aihara, Rumi, Bawa. http://www.rosanna.com/default.htm | |
89. L'Ordine Sufi Nematullahi Principi e pratica di ordine sufi Nematollahi i libri sul sufismo, riviste e poesie, oltre che una buona dose di testi tradizionali e dottrinali. http://www.nimatullahi.org/it/ | |
90. Mainpage Sufi Lovehood All-Beloved sufi Lovehood is a transforming state of the lovers of the AllBeloved. sufi Heartsinging expresses the Love of the Lover to the manifesting Beloved. http://www.xs4all.nl/~sufilab/ | |
91. The Truth About Sufism Critical analysis of sufi beliefs and practices for the sole purpose of warning Muslims against this evil. http://www.theclearpath.com/old/articles/theclearpath/24.html |
92. Glossary Of Muslim Terms The injuctions to invoke Allah are seen by sufi masters as supporting the practice of repeating Allah s names. (p. 223 of The sufi Path of Love). http://www.digiserve.com/mystic/Muslim/glossary.html | |
93. Hermes: Soefie Verhalen sufiverhalen, met toepassing in het dagelijks leven. http://www.katinkahesselink.net/theosofie_nl/sufi_verhalen.html | |
94. Yahoo! Groups : The-heart A portal for an improved ego control and a connection to the Divine. Also, books, music, and photographs. http://www.the-heart.net/ | |
95. Life Of Rumi A short biography of Rumi, with a small selection of poems archived onsite. http://www.armory.com/~thrace/sufi/life.html | |
96. IAS :: Departments :: Sufi Kids The International Association of sufism. IAS DEPARTMENTS sufi KIDS. IAS DEPARTMENTS. Â. sufi Women. Â. sufi Youth. Â. sufi Psychology. Â. sufi Kids. http://www.ias.org/departments/sufikids.html | |
97. The Ahmadiyya Movement Harsh words about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, from a sufi group that considers him to be the Antichrist. http://www.sunnirazvi.org/topics/ahmadiyya.htm | |
98. Sufi Healing, Sufi Healing sufi healing method is an Islamic healing method using Divine spiritual power practiced exclusively by the sufis for centuries. sufi Healing. http://www.all-natural.com/sufi.html | |
99. Świat Sufi Information on the vision of sufism of Hazrat Azad Rasool, with information on activities in Poland and contactadress in New Delhi. http://www.sufischool.org/ | |
100. Il Caravanserraglio:puntosufi Genova Pagine di dialogo islamico cristiano e cultura associate alla tekke dei sufi Jerrahi. Arte, poesie, essenze, novit e link. http://www.puntosufi.it/ | |
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