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61. Sari Gül Sito dedicato al Dervisci Sari g¼l, via sufi che attraverso la danza e la preghiera vuole avvicinare l'uomo alla verit . http://www.sari-gul.org/ |
62. Sufism Vs. Sufi-Claimers Explains what true sufism is and warns of the deviation and misguidance of those who claim to be sufis but who are not. http://www.aicp.org/IslamicInformation/SUFISMvsSUFICLAIMERS.htm |
63. Ibn Al'Arabi: Sufi Mysticism And Pantheism. Ibn al Arabi - the sufi mystic. A history of pantheism and scientific pantheism by Paul Harrison. Are you a pantheist? Find out http://members.aol.com/heraklit1/ibnarabi.htm | |
64. Sufisme Plaatst het sufisme nadrukkelijk binnen de Islam. De schrijver vindt dat veel westerse sufi's niet genoeg moslim zijn en geeft hiervoor argumenten. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/2204/sufisme.html | |
65. Sufi Links sufi and `Irfan Links. sufism is a set of Traditions related to Islamic Mysticism. Nimatu llahi sufi Order. sufi Women Organization. sufi Internet Resources. sufism. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/sufi.htm | |
66. Sufismomexico.org Escuela espiritual y Fundaci³n sin fines de lucro en la Tradici³n sufi Mevlevi. Publicaciones, programas y eventos a nivel internacional. http://www.sufismomexico.org |
67. Sufi Page On BDNY There is a large and active sufi community associated with the Middle Eastern Dance community in New York City and the TriState Area. http://www.bellydanceny.com/sufi.html | |
68. Sudanese And Sufi History 21 years of Sudanese and sufi History at Bergen, 197293 A note on research and resources. 1991 Knut S. Vikør, sufi and Scholar of the Desert-side. http://www.uib.no/hi/sudan.html | |
69. Philosophers : Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Biography of this noted Persian sufi thinker. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/muslim/ghazali.html | |
70. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan By Aporup Acharya On Sulekha A tribute by Aporup Acharya on the sufi sage with a voice from heaven who enjoined to a task on earth. http://www.sulekha.com/articledesc.asp?cid=230895 |
71. The Sufi Study Circle Of The University Of Toronto The sufi Literature ArchiveThe sufi Literature Archive. sufi LITERATURE ARCHIVE C/O CARL W. ERNST DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, NC 275993225. http://www.campuslife.utoronto.ca/groups/sufi/ | |
72. Hazrat Nizamuddin Spiritual Foundation A sufi foundation headed by Shaikhe-Tariqat Hadrat Allama. http://www.angelfire.com/ca/sufi/page5.html | |
73. Al Sufi (903-986 AD) Abdal-Rahman Al sufi (December 7, 903 - May 25, 986 AD). Nebulous Objects in Al sufi s Book of the Fixed Stars 1. h and Chi Per (NGC 869/884), Ptolemy No. http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/Bios/alsufi.html | |
74. Lian Records Li¤n Records presents a new approach to music inspired by mystical world music and Persian sufi music and literature. It has a good section about Persian music with some good articles. http://www.lianrecords.com/ | |
75. Introduction To Gnosis #30 Return to issue contents, The sufi Conundrum. How to Order, by Jay Kinney. Home, I can still recall the first time I ran into someone purporting to be a sufi. http://www.lumen.org/intros/intro30.html | |
76. Back To HOMEPAGE A collection of Gnostic teaching stories of Jesus extracted from a collection translated from Aramaic by the sufi Gnostic and scholar AlGhazali (died 1111). http://geocities.com/metaco8nitron/gosp.html | |
77. Shaman, Saiva And Sufi Index Sacred Texts Shamanism. Shaman, Saiva and sufi. A Study of the Evolution of Malay Magic. by RO WINSTEDT. 1925. Title Page Preface Table http://www.sacred-texts.com/sha/sss/ | |
78. Movimento Sufi Internazionale In Italia E Ticino_Sufismo Sito ufficiale del movimento sufi internazionale in Italia e Ticino presenta l'insegnamento sufi di Hazrat Inayat Khan. http://www.movimentosufi.com/ | |
79. Zensufi Park Tray Of Sweets. Immerse yourself in stories and poetry by mystics, sufi saints, Zen masters, simple beings, and zensufi. Fasten your http://www.zensufi.com/story.htm | |
80. Islamic Hell The Violent Truth behind the sufi Mask. http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate/sufi.html | |
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