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1. Sufi Order International - North America Reference Library. Ten sufi Thoughts, A Meditation Theme for Each Day, The Bowl of Mission Statement of the sufi Order International, Biographies, Contact Information, Coming Events http://www.sufiorder.org/ | |
2. List Of Sufi-related Resources On The Internet List of sufirelated resources on the Internet. sufis are mystics on the path to the Beloved (God). Most sufi-related resources. http://world.std.com/~habib/sufi.html | |
3. Naqshbandi Homepage Copyright © 2003 NaqshbandiHaqqani sufi Order of America All rights reserved. Revised 18 May, 2004 094004 AM . The most distinguished Naqshbandi sufi Way. http://www.naqshbandi.org/ | |
4. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths An annotated and explanatory web directory of sufism designed for students, scholars, and the general public. It includes sections on major sufis and Orders, doctrine and practice, Qur'an commentary and definitions of sufism, sufism in the West, sufi women and the relationship between sufism and Islam. http://www.uga.edu/islam/Sufism.html | |
5. The Nimatullahi Sufi Order Principles and practices of Persian sufism by the Nimatullahi sufi Order.Includes books on sufism, the sufi Journal, poetry and music. The Nimatullahi sufi Order. " Through Love, I have reached a http://www.nimatullahi.org/ | |
6. Sufi Mystica The following selection was posted by IRWINL@cofc.edu To gnosis@netcom.com Date Fri, 22 Apr 1994 142425 0500 (EST) Subject sufi Mystica. sufi TRADITIONS. http://www.webcom.com/~gnosis/sufi.mystica.html | |
7. Sufi Studies Today What is sufism? Idries Shah Works of Idries Shah Reviews Contact. What is sufism? Idries Shah. The Complete Works of Idries Shah. Reviews and Opinions. Contact. Search Site. Last modified December 2, 2003 +slb (web@sufis.org). http://www.sufis.org/ | |
8. Serving The Guest: Recipe Index Recipes from the Maghreb to Indonesia, ranging from small helpings to substantial dishes and from soups to sweets. http://www.superluminal.com/cookbook/index_flat_recipes.html | |
9. Sufi Circle Chef Zaynah's site devoted to various aspects of sufism including a lexicon and bibliography, social commentary, and scholarly works on sufism. http://communities.msn.com/suficircle | |
10. The Threshold Society & The Mevlevi Order England, Vancouver, BC; Portland, Oregon, MilwaukeeMadison; Java. sufi Lodge. streaming audio, interactive forums Sacred Art. sufi Music (Store) http://www.sufism.org/ | |
11. Świat Sufi Strona poà ÂwiÃÂcona tradycji i naukom sufickim (Tasawwuf) na swiecie i w Polsce, oraz sufickiej szkole, kt³ra jest wsp³à Âczesnàinterpretacjà14 wiecznej tradycji mistycznej sufich. http://www.republika.pl/sufism | |
12. Poems By Rumi Fihi ma fihi Discourses of Rumi quoted from William C. Chittick, The sufi Path of Love The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi. Ã. THE TRUE sufi. What makes the sufi? http://www.armory.com/~thrace/sufi/poems.html | |
13. Serving The Guest: A Sufi Cookbook & Art Gallery Serving the Guest Food for Remembrance A cookbook with essays and anecdotes on the historic and contemporary role of food, cooking, meals and hospitality in http://www.superluminal.com/cookbook/ |
14. The International Sufi Movement - Founded By Hazrat Inayat Khan The International sufi Movement was founded by Hazrat Inayat Khan with the following objectsTo realize and spread the knowledge of Unity, the religion of love http://www.sufimovement.org/ | |
15. IAS :: Departments :: Sufi Women Organization Part of the International Association of sufism, the SWO is devoted to creating a harmonious cooperation, friendship and direction to honor the works of sufi women. http://www.ias.org/departments/sufiwomen.html | |
16. Islam, Islamic Studies Resources for the study of Islam, Qur'an, hadith, Sunnah, sufism, sufi orders, Islam in the modern world, Muslim women, Islamic art, architecture, music, and history. http://www.uga.edu/islam | |
17. A Sufi Response To Political Islamism: Al-ahbash Of Lebanon Investigates roots and consequences of the controversies between sufism and its legalist detractors. http://almashriq.hiof.no/ddc/projects/pspa/al-ahbash.html | |
18. Sufi Qur'an Commentary : Sufi Tafsir This discusses the major sufi commentaries on the Qur anwhich are an important but littlestudied dimension of sufism. sufi Qur an Commentary sufi Tafsir. http://www.uga.edu/islam/suftaf/tafsuftoc.html | |
19. Jerrahi- Sufi Jerrahi In Italia - Http://www.sufijerrahi.it Milano Scheda della Tariqa con eventi e musica, temi e dergha, arte e libri. http://www.sufijerrahi.it/ | |
20. Sufi Formulas And Bid'ahs Regards regular reciting of dhikr that is not prescribed in sharee'ah, as an innovation which is not allowed by Islam. http://www.islamicyouthmovement.20m.com/articeng/sufi1/ |
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