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61. Certification And Teacher Training For ESL,EFL,TESOL:Linguistic Funland TESL/ESL focuses on practical English language teaching skills within current 24 weeks of parttime online (distance) study. course for those wanting to teach ESL/EFL http://www.tesol.net/teslprog.teach.html | |
62. Athabasca University | Study Skills Development Math and Math Anxiety Reduction has books that teach and refresh math skills or deal with exam anxiety; the Tobias book does both. study skills books cover http://www.athabascau.ca/html/services/advise/ssbib.htm | |
63. The English And Study Skills Course presentations students also develop the discussion skills necessary for their written work and to teach them some be connected with their academic study but on http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/services/elt/pages/presesh.shtml | |
64. Economics Resources For College Teachers J. See Evensky s website for an online assessment for student ability in the core graph skills for success in economics. Why study Economics? http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/teach-ec.htm | |
65. Gapwork.com - Directories - Gap Year Organisations - Teach And Study Abroad You can also teach subjects such as sport, music, drama You can also study a language, do a photography, music logo Learn or improve your language skills with a http://www.gapwork.com/directories/orgs_teachandstudy.html | |
66. FUSION Anomaly. Autodidact these people data entry, management skills, financial skills, and high children also helps wipe out the teacher s desire to teach. A tenyear study of school http://fusionanomaly.net/autodidact.html | |
67. ED326304 90 How Can We Teach Critical Thinking FOR MORE INFORMATION. Carr, Kathryn S. How Can We teach Critical Thinking? Childhood. Tonjes, MJ, and Zintz, MV teaching Reading, Thinking, study skills. http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/files/critthnk.html | |
68. Wildground Junior School FOR LEARNING. What we teach. texts. Our library also contains two CD Rom computers linked to the Internet to help support study skills. We http://www.schools.hants.org.uk/Wildground-Junior/aboutus/teach.htm | |
69. Learn Online Course - Teach Library Skills 2 - Expert Instruction or exceed educational requirements for the study of the The skills taught in this course include, Synonyms, Homonyms It will teach you how to turn your Brown http://home.universalclass.com/i/crn/2999.htm | |
70. The Richard III And Yorkist History Server Bibliography for Selfstudy Ricardian Reading Reading lists Open Web Quiz Designed to teach students surfing, searching, and evaluating skills. http://www.r3.org/learn.html | |
71. Teducation.com - Southeast Asia Work - Travel - Study - Teach teach in Brunei. Career Advice. How to get what you really want out of your teaching skills design your next position in the location of your choice. study. http://www.butterflylearning.com/ |
72. ED326304 1990-00-00 How Can We Teach Critical Thinking? ERIC Digest. Tonjes, MJ, and Zintz, MV teaching Reading, Thinking, study skills in Content Classrooms. Dubuque, IA Wm. Title How Can We teach Critical Thinking? http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed326304.html | |
73. Goldsmiths College Library - Study Skills study skills. library and bibliographic skills citations and doing a literature search. RDN Virtual Training Suite A set of free teach yourself tutorials http://libweb.gold.ac.uk/menu/studygate.php | |
74. University Of Leicester Library tutor/les1/. Mousercise Sites This tutorial teach how to use a computer mouse. Author apagd/. Back to top. study skills. study skills http://www.le.ac.uk/li/sources/training/ | |
75. Curriculum CURRICULUM What we teach and How we teach it. In Grade 6, the middle school offers a solid academic core, Word Processing and study skills, teacher Advisor http://www.clarkston.k12.mi.us/curriculum.html | |
76. Bridging Programmes And Pathways To Waikato you with the skills and opportunities to help you make the step into tertiary study. Our programmes can teach you the research and learning skills you need to http://www.waikato.ac.nz/enrol/learning/pathways.shtml | |
77. Welcome To Austin Community College Opportunity Center, teach HUDE 0111, Firstyear college experience; Computer Assisted Career Guidance; Adjusting to Learning Disabilities; study skills; Self http://www3.austincc.edu/evpcss/rss/counsel/sched1.htm | |
78. Study Skills Faculty: Ray Peterson Building 488 ext. 2071 Ray s Voice Mail ext. 7875. Return to Lane s Home Page/study skills/On Line College Catalog/Top of this Page http://teach.lanecc.edu/petersonr/ | |
79. Strategy. I. How to Design and teach a Strategy. to learn, keeping in mind the different cognitive skills required to is a reading strategy that builds in study and test http://www.west.net/~ger/Orientation/strategy.html | |
80. Stanford Law School- The case study teaching method is adapted from the case method The method uses a narrative of actual events to teach and hone the skills students need to http://www.law.stanford.edu/casestudies/about.shtml | |
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