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21. TeachersFirst New Teacher Resources What to Expect Your First Year of teaching An on-line, pulls-no-punches resource from the US from your principal, what to expect from students and parents http://www.teachersfirst.com/new-tch.shtml | |
22. Teachers - ED.gov Workshops, new website, and email updates for teachers to share ways to improve student learning. GO . GO . teaching resources from Federal Agencies. http://www.ed.gov/teachers/landing.jhtml?src=pn |
23. LifeWay: Teacher LifeWay s CrisisRelated Articles, Helps and resources Grow the Leaders in Your Class As student teachers and leaders we ve all faced the daunting question http://www.lifeway.com/teacher.asp | |
24. LifeWay: EXTRA! student EXTRA! provides supplemental teaching ideas to enhance the effectiveness of the site and other missions information to supplement your class resources. http://www.lifeway.com/myextra/ | |
25. Teacher Resources - Lesson Framework research papers and projects is a timehonored way to engage students with primary This framework will help you use primary sources throughout your teaching. http://memory.loc.gov/learn/lessons/fw.html | |
26. WI Faculty Resources teacher resources. Writing Matters. (newsletter for instructors of WI courses). Effective Writing Assignments HTML PDF. Responding to student Writing HTML PDF. http://mwp01.mwp.hawaii.edu/resources.htm | |
27. Welcome To Teaching.com against another colleague or student because of the premier Web portal for teachers, librarians, and trends, lesson plans, curriculum resources, book reviews http://www.teaching.com/ | |
28. Reference Materials: Selected Resources On Teaching And Learning Silva, Francisco. (1995). studentgenerated test questions. teaching resources Center, Indiana University 7(2). Cashin, WE (1987). Improving Essay Tests. http://www.ntlf.com/html/lib/bib/bib.htm | |
29. Teacher Resources This area of the NBII provides educators, parents, and students of all ages with access to online resources that emphasize the teaching of biology, biodiversity http://www.nbii.gov/education/ | |
30. Institute For Excellence In Writing This unique site offers resources for writing teachers and home schooling parents who are teaching students to write outside the institutional setting. http://www.writing-edu.com/ | |
31. Teachers.Net - TEACHER RESOURCES - The Most Active Teacher Chatboards & Teacher Contenttype text/html. Chat Center. Lesson Plans. Chatboards. Distance Learning. Live Chatrooms. Job Center. Mailrings. Live Meetings. Meeting Archive. The Gazette. Free Printables. Classrm Photos . http://www.teachers.net/ | |
32. TOPSS Homepage APA sponsored organization supporting the teaching of psychology high school courses. resources for students and teachers including bibliographies and lesson plans. Some portions are membersonly. http://www.apa.org/ed/topsshomepage.html | |
33. Kids In The Creek Introduces students (5th7th grade) to stream-water quality by teaching them to identify insects in the world they inhabit. Materials for teachers include curricula for download and list of general resources. Produced by Bonneville Power Administration, Oregon. http://www.bpa.gov/corporate/kr/ed/kidsinthecreek/homepage.htm | |
34. ESLgold.com resources for teachers and students with a variety of free learning and teaching materials, all categorized for access by skill and level. http://www.eslgold.com/jsps/site.jsp?resource=pag_ex_home |
35. The Earth Science Educator The educational portal site of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Earth Sciences Directorate. It contains hundreds of teaching and learning resources available from within the Earth Sciences Directorate and provides teachers and students with quick access to a set of rich and scientificallyoriented educational resources on a wide range of Earth Science research activities. http://webserv.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESD/edu/ | |
36. ForedBC -- For Education About Our Resources And Environment Nonpartisan organization providing environmental education teaching resources for both teachers and students in a variety of subjects and grade levels. http://www.landscapesmag.com/common/main.cfm | |
37. Argyle Middle School, Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Information for students and teachers at Argyle Midle School. Also includes resources for teaching in Grades 68. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/argylems/ | |
38. Lesson Plans teaching Strategies. Lesson Plans. Academy Social Studies Curriculum Exchange Elementary School (K5). 50 lesson plans for primary grade students. tools and professional development resources to http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
39. Quality Teaching Resources you to register with Quality teaching resources (it s still need Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 to view the resources. Good luck to all students ( teachers!) involved http://www.qualityteachingresources.co.uk/ | |
40. WWW Resources For French As A Second Language Learning It will provide links to resource pages, curriculum planning ideas as well as class activities which your students are sure to enjoy! Happy teaching! http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~weinberg/french.html | |
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