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81. H-Net Review: Victor Stater On Kenneth O. Morgan, Ed., The Oxford Illustrated Hi Protestant religion as the bedrock of British exceptionalism, the stuarts and Hanoverians the formal incorporation of Scotland into a new great britain in 1707 http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=2320998071563 |
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83. National Monarchies, England - The Stuarts The stuarts (Elizabeth I left no heir; she was known as the Virgin Queen. ) He was the first to call himself King of great britain. James struggled with http://members.tripod.com/~mr_sedivy/monarch8.html | |
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89. BBC - History - The Accession Of James I And The End Of The War With Spain Romano britain AD 43 409. Invaders 410 - 1065. Anglo-Normans 1066 - 1215. The Middle Ages 1216 - 1347. Late Medieval 1348 - 1484. Tudors 1485 - 1602. stuarts 1603 http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/timelines/britain/stu_james_i_acc.shtml | |
90. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Great Britain : History : Early Period To The Norman Con great britain, British And Irish Political Geography. More articles from AllRefer Reference on great britain. Click Here. Encyclopedia 4U.com. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/G/GreatBri-history.html | |
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92. House Of Stuart - Encyclopedia Article About House Of Stuart. Free Access, No Re Scotland, or in Gaelic, Alba, formerly an independent kingdom, lies in the northern third of the island of great britain. On March http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/House of Stuart | |
93. History Today - The Early Stuarts; & The Blessed Revolution - The Early Stuarts; Lockyer is the author of several very successful textbooks on britain and Europe Charles I. Unlike John Guy s recent Tudor England, The Early stuarts is less a http://www.historytoday.com/dm_linkinternal.asp?amid=16644 |
94. Guide To The Papers Of The Dering Family, Ca.1450-1680 great BritainHistoryTudors, 14851603. great BritainHistoryStuarts, 1603-1714. Genre Terms. Personal papers. ManuscriptsEnglishWashington, DC. Names. http://shakespeare.folger.edu/other/html/dfodering.html | |
95. Researching Milton Researching John Milton. Miller Library Website. Miller Library Catalog. I. Research assignments all topics to be approved in advance. http://libraryweb.washcoll.edu/milton.html | |
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