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161. Kidsfelt.com Classic stories are brought to life with storytelling and educational products for preschool, kindergarten and homeschool. http://kidsfelt.com/ |
162. Storytelling! storytelling! What are Americans most scared of? In second place is death. storytelling the glamorous life. storytelling Bibliography. http://www.planetesme.com/storytelling.html | |
163. Second Street Puppets Order animal or people puppets with friendly, warm faces and soft, cuddly fur for storytelling in childcare centers, kindergarten, and libraries. Many designs and sets. http://www.secondstreetpuppets.com |
164. Once Upon A Time... Storytelling! Funsmith s storytelling Page. Funsmith s storytelling 101. Lesson 1 Why tell stories? Where to find stories What to look for Choosing a story http://www.pe.net/~funsmith/storyfun.html | |
165. HotWired: Synapse - Brain Tennis Brain Tennis archive, Originally published 9 July 1997 Digital storytelling Is It Art? Back to Synapse. She envisions a digitalera renaissance of storytelling. http://www.hotwired.com/synapse/braintennis/97/31/index0a.html | |
166. Storyfest Journeys - Small Group Travel Tours Welcome to Storyfest Journeys. storytelling Travel Adventures Bob Wilhelm at the gate to Tintagel Castle in Cornwall where Merlin wove his magic. http://www.storyfest.com/ | |
167. Mybackyard: Tell Me A Story - Family History, Telling Stories Start a new family tradition by collecting family stories and having an annual family storytelling evening. http://www.mybackyard.com/current/199p1.htm | |
168. Sheldon Oberman - Writing And Storytelling (Official site) Awardwinning author offers stories, folktales, FAQ, and tips for writers and storytellers, as well as writing challenges and anecdotes about his life and writing. http://www.sheldonoberman.com/index.shtml | |
169. Kamishibai For Kids Homepage Kamishibai for Kids Discover traditional Japanese storytelling cards for teachers, librarians and students. http://www.kamishibai.com | |
170. Perceiving The Foundation Of Storytelling, An Essay By Bill Johnson Perceiving The Foundation of storytelling by Bill Johnson. Revised 12/27/98. When many audience. 10) The Craft of storytelling. Part http://www.storyispromise.com/wfound.htm | |
171. School Of Sacred Storytelling Continuing education seminars, formal apprenticeship programs, and inspiring retreat programs. http://www.storyfest.com/school.html |
172. Personal Storytelling: The Center For Digital Storytelling Center for Digital storytelling trains amateurs to become filmmakers and digital storytellers. The Center for Digital storytelling (motto Listen Deeply. http://www.jdlasica.com/articles/OJR-storytelling.html | |
173. Eldrbarry's Story Telling Page Barry McWilliams' site on the enjoyment of stories and storytelling. Books, resources, links to storytellers; Raven, folk and Bible stories, games, VBS Curriculum, and worship ideas. http://www.eldrbarry.net/ | |
174. Storytelling Websites storytelling Websites and Resources Elizabeth Figa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor University of North Texas School of Library and Information Sciences. http://courses.unt.edu/efiga/STORYTELLING/StorytellingWebsites.htm | |
175. Therapeutic Storytelling Intervention Offering a psychoeducational values and decision making course for use in adolescent group therapy, clinics and classrooms. http://www.tsi.co.nz | |
176. The New York Review Of Books: Darwinian Storytelling Volume 50, Number 3 · February 27, 2003. Review. Darwinian storytelling. By H. Allen Orr. Steven Pinker (click for larger image). Steven Pinker by David Levine. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/16074 | |
177. TimeSlips - Creative Storytelling Project storytelling project with people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. http://www.timeslips.org/ | |
178. Storytelling Family History Biography Life Stories Biographies Oral History Memo Based in Australia, Ann Scally specialises in recording and documenting life stories, business and organisation histories, and celebrated occasions as archival quality books. http://storytelling.com.au | |
179. Tech Head Stories Essays on combining storytelling and technology. http://tech-head.com/ | |
180. Story Arts Online Story Arts Online Story Arts Online is a definite home run for those interested in story telling in the classroom. Vistors will find a plethora of story telling lesson plans, activities, articles http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.storyarts.org/&y=0246E5DDA24B3F2 |
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