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Storytelling: more books (100) |
141. Storytelling Courses A WorldWide List of Courses In and/or About storytelling Taught at Colleges and Universities. *** http//courses.unt.edu/efiga/storytelling/WorldWideList.htm. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~emiller/story-studies.html |
142. Welcome To Telling Tales - The Home Of Storytelling, Stories And Storytellers Bob Wilkin's UK storytelling Website. With stories, UK storytellers, books, and tapes. (Requires RealAudio and Javaenabled browser.) http://www.tellingtales.com/ | |
144. STONE CIRCLE Weekly poetry readings, storytelling and music at Stone Circle in Michigan. Readings take place on Fridays and Saturdays from midJune to Labor Day Weekend. Hosted by Terry Wooten. http://expage.com/page/stonecircle | |
145. Storytelling-storytelling To Change Organizations-storytelling As Organization C how storytelling ignites action in knowledgeera organizations, storytelling as a knowledge management technique storytelling as organization change tool http://www.stevedenning.com/ | |
146. Voices Across America Nationwide network that aims to create youth storytelling clubs, to use storytelling to produce awareness, to create a positive environment for student sharing, to share the spoken word, to create a legacy of storytelling for generations. Info on starting your troupe. http://members.cnetech.com/kctells/ | |
147. Digital Storytelling Finds Its Place In The Classroom Digital storytelling Finds Its Place in the Classroom. Community Building Through storytelling Asking students to write about an important place requires trust. http://www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/jan02/banaszewski.htm | |
148. Mystical Grove - Home A forumdriven site that leans more towards storytelling than statistics or fighting. Many different races to choose from, all creatures welcomed. http://mysticgrove.suddenlaunch.com | |
149. Native American Traditional Storytelling Native American Traditional storytelling. Aadizookaanag, Traditional Stories, Legends and Myths Maya Culture Traditional Storyteller s http://www.hanksville.org/storytellers/traditional.html | |
150. California Indian Storytelling Assn. -- CISA ENTER CISA! Click Here to Enter. http://www.cistory.org/ | |
151. Battling Gods Battle of the Gods and the safety of mankind. Emphasis placed on storytelling rather than statistics. http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/highrpg/ | |
152. An Internet Storytelling Center And Bookstore The storytelling Center, sponsored by the Storybook Lady, includes online Seasonal Holiday Stories, a list of internet storytelling resources and a bookstore. http://www.story-telling.com | |
153. National Theatre : NT Education : Storytelling Learning. NT Education storytelling, Daniel Morden, a performer in the NationalÂs Word Alive Festival, suggests the real value of storytelling for children. http://www.nt-online.org/?lid=2393 |
154. Unregistered Users Restricted Devoted explorers, lovers of fantasy. At Adventures in Agyris, play for the thrill of collective storytelling; postby-post. http://pub118.ezboard.com/badventuresinagyris | |
155. Coming Soon! Sharianne Falter's original stories and articles about storytelling, focusing on educational and therapeutic stories. http://www.storymaven.com | |
156. Storytelling - KM Toolkit: Inventory Of Tools And Techniques - Knowledge Managem storytelling. What is storytelling? storytelling is quite simply the use of stories in organisations as a communication tool to share knowledge. http://www.nelh.nhs.uk/knowledge_management/km2/storytelling_toolkit.asp | |
157. Arcadia - Home Of Storysmith The Free Eduycational Storytelling Game Storysmith is a paper based storytelling game for children. You can read about, and download it from this site for free. http://www.arcadiacasting.co.uk | |
158. Youth Storytelling Youth storytelling.Com. Voices Across American Youth storytelling. Voices of Illusion Youth storytelling Kevin D. Cordi Storyteller. http://www.youthstorytelling.com/ | |
159. Works In Progress Online journal of the art of storytelling. Reviews articles on techniques, theory, and programs. Mid-Atlantic Storytellers of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. http://www.midatlanticstorytell.org/wipsite/home.htm |
160. Belle & Sebastian: Storytelling: Pitchfork Review alt= Cover Art Order Now. Belle Sebastian storytelling Jeepster/Matador; 2002 Rating 6.5 Todd Solondz storytelling was, by http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/b/belle-and-sebastian/storytelling. | |
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