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81. Tejas Storytelling Association Advocacy group for storytelling in Texas, USA. Presents annual festival and conference. http://www.tejasstorytelling.com/ |
82. Movie Structure, Myth And Metaphor Analysis of how the origins of the Hollywood storytelling system lie in the nature of myth and legend. http://www.colinmj.com/cinema/ | |
83. Turner South: Learning Through Storytelling and Turner Learning, Inc., in partnership with your local cable company, are proud to provide you with this Educator s Guide to Learning Through storytelling. http://www.turnerlearning.com/turnersouth/storytelling/ | |
84. Gao Xingjian And "Soul Mountain": Ambivalent Storytelling Essay on the novel by Texan writer Robert Nagle. Extensive bibliography. Also includes summaries and comment on other reviews of the work. http://www.imaginaryplanet.net/essays/literary/soulmountain.php | |
85. CyberJournalist.net: Online Storytelling Forms Online storytelling Forms. This list was the first comprehensive effort to document online storytelling forms (Has since been updated). http://www.cyberjournalist.net/storyforms.htm | |
86. ThinkQuest : Library : The Art Of Storytelling Folktales. Welcome to our site! Central School s ThinkQuest team has been working hard to bring you this site all about storytelling. You http://library.thinkquest.org/J001779/ | |
87. Chicago Storyworks Short articles describing theory and examples of how storytelling can benefit businesses and organizations. http://www.chicagostoryworks.com | |
88. Digital Storytelling Association Join, Contact Us. Our Association. Benefits. Membership. News And Events. Our Community. © 2002 Art Center College of Design Our Association http://www.dsaweb.org/ | |
89. Storyteller.net: Storytelling And Storytellers - Welcome storytelling, Stories, how to, listen to stories, read stories, find tellers and storytellers. http://www.storyteller.net/ | |
90. Entertainment Weekly Movie review and news. http://www.ew.com/ew/article/review/movie/0,6115,199787~1~0~storytelling,00.html | |
91. Civilization.ca - Storytelling: The Art Of Knowledge - Introduction The skillful art of storytelling is passed down from one generation to another by chosen, recognized or hereditary storytellers. http://www.civilization.ca/aborig/storytel/introeng.html | |
92. Pam McGrath, Storyteller, Speaker, Workshop Leader, Coach An Atlantabased professional storyteller, humourist and coach. Includes events, tapes and articles on storytelling. http://www.pammcgrath.com/ | |
93. A Storytelling Store Jonesborough, Tennessee. storytelling tapes, CDs, videos and books. http://www.storytellingstore.com/ | |
94. The Art Of Story Telling The Art of storytelling will help you learn how, and includes hints on techniques, contacts with online story resources and websites, storytellers, and http://www.eldrbarry.net/roos/art.htm | |
95. International Storytelling Center An affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. Site includes information on the storytelling Festival. http://www.storytellingfoundation.com/ | |
96. Effective Storytelling - A Basic Manual Effective storytelling A manual for beginners by Barry McWilliams. Effective storytelling is a fine and beautiful art. . . . ART OF storytelling. . . . . http://www.eldrbarry.net/roos/eest.htm | |
97. Index Puppeteers traveling the South providing children's and adult entertainment, storytelling, workshops, puppet activity kits. Programs available on video and CD. http://www.merryonetters.com | |
98. ETSU Storytelling Page Welcome to the Web Site for storytelling at East Tennessee State University. http://www.etsu.edu/stories/ | |
99. Welcome To The Beyond The Border Festival Takes place every summer in South Wales. Includes programme, and information on tickets, travel and accommodation. http://www.beyondtheborder.com/ | |
100. Apple - Trailers - Storytelling Warner Company. storytelling, Trailer 139 Dark Comedy Noah Fleiss Paul Giamatti John Goodman Julie Hagerty Official Movie Site, Mac http://www.apple.com/trailers/fineline/storytelling.html | |
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