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21. Center For Digital Storytelling Digital storytelling Festival Join Us in Sedona, AZ June 712, 2004, Digital storytelling Association Become a Member! Center for http://www.storycenter.org/ | |
22. All-Reviews.com Movie/Video Review: Storytelling Multiple movie reviews. http://www.all-reviews.com/videos-4/storytelling.htm | |
23. Aaron Shepard Apos;s Storytelling Page Aaron Shepard apos;s storytelling Page quot;On this page, children apos;s author Aaron Shepard offers his resources for storytellers, including the acclaimed series Gifts of Story. quot; Aaron http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.aaronshep.com/storytelling/&y=02 |
24. CDS Cookbook Digital storytelling Cookbook. Our cookbook shares our experience, some recipes and some humour to help you get started with your own storytelling experience. http://www.storycenter.org/cookbook.html | |
25. Untitled Document A storytelling community for children and parents with creative writing, illustrated stories, and interactive activities. Children can read, hear, see, and create stories before them. Stories are available for many different levels of readers. The site offers audio and video content http://www.storybookonline.net/main.html |
26. Christian Storytelling.com - Storytelling Will Give You An Edge In Your Home, Su Promotes storytelling in the Christian community. Includes membership options, an events calendar, instructor certification and newsletter. http://www.christianstorytelling.com/ | |
27. Storytelling In Business,storytelling In Organizations,organizational Storytelli world's leading thinkers explore the role of storytelling in business storytelling in organizations organizational storytelling Why storytelling now What role does storytelling play in the storytelling. Passport to the 21st Century of the Smithsonian Associates events on organizational storytelling in 2001 with John Seely Brown, Steve Denning http://www.creatingthe21stcentury.com/ | |
28. Welcome To The Kids' Storytelling Club Welcome to The Kids storytelling Club. Come on in and browse around. Get some new ideas for stories to tell, storytelling crafts to make, and club activities. http://www.storycraft.com/files/welcome.htm | |
29. Crossroads Of The Heart An overview of the traditional arts in Mississippi, including music and the blues, quilting, traditional crafts, maritime traditions, and storytelling. http://www.arts.state.ms.us/crossroads/ | |
30. Civilization.ca - Storytelling: The Art Of Knowledge Stories from Canada's First Peoples the Inuvialuit, the Algonquin, the M©tis and Cree, the Nisga'a, the Abenaki and the Mi'kmaq. http://www.civilization.ca/aborig/storytel/indexeng.html |
31. Story Arts | Storytelling Activities & Lesson Ideas Educational Web site, designed for teachers, librarians, and students explores the use of storytelling in the classroom to enhance speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. storytelling Activities Lesson Ideas. This collection of storytelling activitiesdeveloped by Creating Personal Fables. storytelling Festival Day. Art History is Filled with Stories http://www.storyarts.org/lessonplans/lessonideas | |
32. Storytelling (2001) storytelling (2001) Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site, Fan Sites. http://www.imdb.com/Title?0250081 |
33. Points Of Entry 2004 Offers writers and teachers in professional journalism models for storytelling by presenting literary journalism (creative nonfiction), short fiction and oral and Native American stories and scholarship. http://users.cnu.edu/~tlee/PointsofEntry.html | |
34. Handbook For Storytellers A handbook for teachers, librarians and others interested in the art of storytelling. You ll need to develop your own storytelling style. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/storyhandbook.htm | |
35. Eternal Principles Of Storytelling Screenwriting seminars which identify the principles that have given the great stories their potency and how those principles can be used in a writers work. http://vidmaker.bizland.com/eternalprinciplesofstorytelling/ | |
36. Origins Of Storytelling Origins of storytelling. Purposes of storytelling. She found evidence to support many theories on the origins of storytelling, including http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/storyorigins.htm | |
37. ACTING IS STORYTELLING Acting, is, always has been and always will be, storytelling. The Millennium System teaches you how. Created by long time actor, Ken Farmer. http://acting.freeservers.com | |
38. Storytelling http://www.finelinefeatures.com/sites/storytelling/ | |
39. The Art And Science Of Storytelling Therapy Offers a training seminar on a medium of communication between therapist and client. The therapist incorporates verbal and nonverbal information provided by the client into the formulation and delivery of a story that affects therapeutic outcome. http://storytellingtherapy.com | |
40. PIZZAZ! Creative Writing And Storytelling Ideas is dedicated to providing simple creative writing and oral storytelling activities with copyable (yes, copyable!) handouts for use with students of all ages. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~leslieob/pizzaz.html | |
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