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141. Sams Teach Yourself Ruby In 21 Days Book homepage. Numbered source listings. Misprint list. Ruby resources. http://www.rubyist.net/~slagell/ |
142. Using Tattooing To Teach Boolean Searching. Provides a library instruction lesson plan that details how to teach students about Boolean searching using tattooing as an example. http://www.libraryinstruction.com/boolean.html | |
143. Spilsbury - We Deliver Fun! Puzzles and games designed to teach patience and develop creativity. http://www.spilsbury.com/ | |
144. Woman's "True" Profession: Voices From The History Of Teaching-Harvard Education Women have always been teachers. So begins this second edition of Nancy Hoffman sclassic history of women and the teaching profession in the United States. http://gseweb.harvard.edu/~hepg/womanstrueprofession.html | |
145. Kelly's Day Care teach the children ABC's, numbers, stuff to get kids ready for kindergarten. Accepts from 1 year old up. http://members.aol.com/kellycare/ | |
146. A Brief History Of Library Instruction In The United States Of America A Brief history of Library Instruction in the United States of America that librarianshave always to a limited degree been involved in classroom teaching. http://www.libraryinstruction.com/lihistory.html | |
147. SoYouWanna Teach English Abroad? Offers guidance in teaching English abroad where to go, what to expect, and how to find a job. http://www.soyouwanna.com/site/syws/englishabroad/englishabroad.html | |
148. Teach Reading Using Phonics... A Child's Guide To Pronunciation (On Top Of The W Turn reading failure into success. This teaching tool for parents and teachers was developed by an experienced teacher. It has been proven to work through many years classroom use. http://www.ontopoftheworldpress.com/ | |
149. Social Studies Development Center 2003. Teaching About Due Process of the Law state Certification Requirements forHistory Teachers Civic Education in the Preparation of Social Studies Teachers http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/digest.htm | |
150. Math Worksheets Features printable worksheets for students to practice with. http://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/math/ | |
151. Welcome An online virtual dissection of a frog that uses flash to teach frog anatomy and physiology. http://www.froguts.com/ |
152. TEACH Magazine An ezine To Encourage And Challenge Homeschoolers (T.E.A.C.H.) with articles, helps, curriculum suggestions, and homeschool support. From a Christian persepctive. http://www.teachmagazine.com | |
153. Learn More Teach More Project Members Biographies - UNC-CH of North Carolina Chapel Hill, teaching American legal lecture outlines for the Americanhistory survey course. his research on the United States Supreme Court http://www.dlt.ncssm.edu/lmtm/UNC-CHbios.htm | |
154. Stuart Wilkins --> Technical Support, Antivirus, Security And Training Computer training and support. I teach friendly, professional classes on many different aspects of PC's and Macintoshes. Located in Australia. http://www.stuartwilkins.net | |
155. Cooperative Teacher Applicant Pool Submit an application online to teach in Colorado through Centennial BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services). This is a nocost service. http://ctap.cboces.org/ | |
156. CSHC: AERA Teaching History SIG What counts and why? Exploring historical significance as constructed bysecondary United States history teachers Mimi Coughlin, Boston College; http://www.cshc.ubc.ca/teachingsig.php | |
157. Welcome To What's The Word? A vocabulary building product utilizing videos, flashcards and workbooks to teach commonly tested words. For test preparation and basic vocabulary building for ages 13 to adult. http://www.whats-the-word.com/ |
158. ITC-training.com - International Tefl Certificate Offers TEFL certificate programs in Prague, Barcelona and Madrid. Information on housing, airfares and course fees. http://www.itc-training.com/ | |
159. HOME---www.teach-in-china.cn Lists vacancies in educational institutes in the North of China. http://www.teach-in-china.cn | |
160. File Not Found @ Nationalgeographic.com Educational program joining parents and teachers together to teach children about geography using current events, news resources, and materials from the National Geographic Society. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/challenge | |
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