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State History Teach: more books (85) | ||
121. Website Disabled Searching for volunteers to teach English in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Threemonth, six-month and one-year tours are available. http://teachenglishafrica.homestead.com/home.html | |
122. Teach Any Child Or Adult To Read - Readucate - Fighting Illiteracy In South Afri Introduces simple home reading program designed for all ages. Includes ordering information. http://www.teachingtoread.com/ | |
123. Teach R Kids Math Large collection of online activities and interactive worksheets allow kids to practice basic math skills. http://www.teachrkids.com/ | |
124. Lesson Plans At Yes, I Teach Lesson plans sorted by season, month, and holiday. http://www.yesiteach.org/lesson2.htm | |
125. This Page Has Moved. If You Are Not Automatically Redirected To This Page has moved. If you are not automatically redirectedto the new website click here http//www.qaronline.org. http://www.ah.dcr.state.nc.us/qar/main/intersal.htm | |
126. Computer Teach - Computer Training Class, Computer Home Tutoring Course, Basic T Computer classes of 5 or less. Basics to Advanced. Internet, Word, Excel, Programming. Children's classes also available. Located in New York, United States. http://www.computerteach.net | |
127. Teaching Jobs - Teachwave For Teaching Positions, Teacher Jobs Plus Education Jo TeachWave is a free job posting and resume search service for all K12 public and private schools. Teachers and administrators may search for jobs and post their resume for schools to search. http://www.teachwave.com/ | |
128. WorldTeach. It's The Experience Of A Lifetime. Markets material on how to find work as a teacher in Europe, Mexico and Japan. http://www.worldteach.com/ | |
129. American Labor History to a posted Labor history Bibliography, the Illinois Labor history Society offersa Curriculum of United States Labor history for Teachers, a Bibliography of http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/6460/AmLabHist/ | |
130. Canada Teach And Travel Offers TESOL certification courses in various locations. Information about course schedule. http://www.teachandtravel.com/site/main/index.php?SID=4d095788ec9e85f3d7dbff1c85 |
131. Student Search Center Allows students and teachers alike to search for web sites on various topics. All sites are strictly reviewed for youth safety. http://www.teach-nology.com/mega_search/ | |
133. Geo Teacher: Links For Geography, High School Students, Teachers, Parents, Web P Geography, sociology, high school students, student research, teens social studies teaching tools, parents, teachers, web page resources. http://home.att.net/~rmmwms/geoteach/geoteacher.html | |
134. Gambling Times - Player's Guide Page is set up to teach one the basics. http://www.gamblingtimes.com/bascraps.html | |
135. Www.learn2.com E-learning Online Superstore Seeks to teach everyone everything. http://www.learn2.com/ | |
136. Genesis Volunteer Program Seeking volunteers to teach English to children in Ecuador coast. Information about the town, Bahia, and about volunteering. http://www.bahiacity.com/volunteer |
137. The Talking Page Literacy Organization System uses neurolinguistics to teach 4 6 year old children to write, spell, and read. http://www.talkingpage.org | |
138. OAH Magazine Of History | A Quarterly Magazine For Teachers Of History States Constitution / 1 Â Winter 1988. Volume 2 Nationalism and Northwest Ordinance/ 4 Â Fall 1987 American Indians / 3 Â Spring 1987 history Teaching http://www.oah.org/pubs/magazine/ | |
139. Welcome To TeachEnglishKorea Teaching jobs offered at ECY schools. http://www.teachenglishkorea.com/ |
140. Sams Teach Yourself Python In 24 Hours By Ivan Van Laningham; Sams Publishing, 2000, ISBN 0672317354. Split into 24 handson, 1 hour lessons; steps needed to learn topic syntax, language features, OO design and programming, GUIs (Tkinter), system administration, CGI. Sams Publishing http://www.samspublishing.com/catalog/product.asp?product_id={567517C6-BFED-439A |
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