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81. RESOURCES FOR EDUCATORS A valuable resource for teachers, this quarterly journal articles that explore thehistory and culture of are available; call the state Historical Society of http://www.state.nd.us/hist/teach.htm | |
82. How Will States Define Âhighly Qualified Teachers need to take. But, if the teacher is not teaching state history, parentsshould not be overly alarmed. Teachers prepared and licensed http://www.ewa.org/infocenter/topics/teacherquality.htm | |
83. Teaching Documents, Links For Mineralogists of Tromsø, Norway Flashed teaching resources in Mineral Sciences Section, NaturalHistory Museum of Planning, Southwest Missouri state University, Springfield http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/mineralogie/links/teach/teaching.html | |
84. Border Studies Curriculum the worldwide web, teachers are free to pick and choose which lessons might be helpfuladditions to their study of US, state, local, or border history, culture http://www.nmsu.edu/~bsc/ | |
85. Students On Site: Educators We work with teachers to incorporate our website and/or weekly classlessons into a larger class project on local or state history. http://www.artsofcitizenship.umich.edu/sos/edu/ | |
86. An Inquiry Approach To Teaching U.S. History By John McClymer, Assumption Colleg RE An Inquiry Approach to Teaching US history By Dawn Riggs, SanDiego state University. As a colleague who struggles to make the http://www.h-net.org/teaching/essays/riggs.html | |
87. NEA: American Teachers Association ATA history. Later he returned to teaching math and Latin at Bishop. He became oneof the founding members of the Colored Teachers state Association of Texas. http://www.nea.org/events/ATA.html | |
88. Teacher Resources - NYS Museum help Earth Science teachers improve Regents Examination scores by becoming more familiarwith the geologic environment and geologic history of New York state. http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/education/teacher/workshops.html | |
89. Georgia College & State University Tenure track position in the historyof Latin The successful applicant will teach upper division and graduate......Georgia College and state University. http://www.southwestern.edu/natfacid/Georgia_Coll_St_Unv.html | |
90. Read This: Using History To Teach Mathematics: An International Perspective presents a broad spectrum of ideas about how to use history in teaching, from things threeof the 31 contributors are from the United States, matching the http://www.maa.org/reviews/usinghist.html | |
91. New York Teacher. The Official Publication Of New York State United Teachers. publication of New York state United Teachers. May 5, 2004. ON THE COVER Reenactinghistory and reinvigorating the classroom history teachers reenact historic http://www.nysut.org/newyorkteacher/ | |
92. SIRS Web Resource Center - Information on the school system of the United States. as history September 11as history; AandE.com Lesson plans and activities to teach students historical http://www.sirs.com/wrc/teachers.html | |
93. Frame B helps teachers meet the requirements of national and state history standards.provides an excellent assessment tool for classroom use. http://nationalhistoryday.org/03_educators/frameb_03.html | |
94. Activities To Help Your Child Learn To Write Activities to help parents teach their children to write well. http://bettergrades.tripod.com/write/ | |
95. LSU Department Of History degrees with specializations in United States, Latin American these areas as wellas East Asian history. designed primarily for secondary and college teachers. http://www.artsci.lsu.edu/hist/ | |
96. Teaching Ideas And Topics National Council of Teachers of English offers suggestions for teaching ESL, journalism, literature, reading, writing, and vocabulary. http://www.ncte.org/teach/ |
97. Teach Phonics With Flash Cards, Lesson Plans & Worksheets Markets three phonetic language arts programs based on the multisensory Spalding Method. http://www.teachphonics.com/ | |
98. Abcteach -- 5000+ Free Printable Pages And Worksheets Includes dozens of free printable activities, research and report help, project and writing ideas, and diorama themes to print. http://www.abcteach.com/ | |
99. Learn To Read At Starfall - Teaching Comprehension And Phonics Free site to teach the basics of reading. Features interactive books and phonics games. http://www.starfall.com/ | |
100. Worksheets, Teaching Tips, And Rubrics From TeAch-nology.com Web portal for educators. Includes lesson plans, tools, worksheets, articles and tips for teachers. http://www.teach-nology.com/ | |
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