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State Game Lands Recreational: more detail | ||||
61. NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION POLICY lands acquired within the state forests with the Fish and game Protection Fund andthrough PittmanRobertson legislation will be managed in accordance http://www.midnr.com/Publications/pdfs/InsideDNR/NRC/NRC_Policies/2207.htm | |
62. California State Assembly Republican Caucus parties to facilitate public access to private lands. the SHARE Program, the Fishand game Commission would the program cannot come from the stateÂs General http://republican.assembly.ca.gov/issues/index.asp?RefID=1588&WPID=3&body=Focus& |
63. The Hellbender Chronicles: Pennsylvania State Game Lands Archives on a 99.6acre parcel of state game lands 262 in and gas rights will revert to thegame Commission, if well as 70.3 acres located under privately-owned lands. http://www.alleghenydefense.org/chronicles/archives/cat_pennsylvania_state_game_ | |
64. National Park Service: Recreational Use Of Land In The United States (Federal La 8. 8 Land in the United states Dedicated to Migratory Bird and Upland game Refuges,prepared by the US 30. 1034. Local and state jurisdiction Acres. http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_books/recreation_use/chap3-1a.htm | |
65. Date April 30, 2001 All persons, upon request from a game warden, DNRC employee, or law enforcement officer,must present their state land recreational use license for inspection. http://www.fungaljungal.org/newslett/state.htm | |
66. National Geographic TOPO! SE Pennsylvania And South New Jersey Recreational Area seamless USGS maps of Appalachian Trail, Greater Philadelphia, NJ Pine Barrens, PAState game lands. Topic, SE Pennsylvania/South New Jersey recreational Areas. http://www.rei.com/online/store/ProductDisplay?productId=3023566&storeId=8000&ca |
67. OLC - State Agencies That Help Protect Land areas, settings for historic homes, scenic views, lands adjacent to public parksand game preserves, and Thanks in part to new state and federal financial http://www.dcr.state.va.us/olc/whereto3.htm | |
68. WDFW NEWS RELEASE: Commission OK's 6-year Game Plan, Adopts Salmon-farming Rules birds for training, and the state s plan is Amendments to rules governing big gameand wild Establishing 2003 Private lands Wildlife Management Area hunting http://www.wdfw.wa.gov/do/dec02/dec0902a.htm | |
69. State Agency Histories, Maryland State Archives services to help acquire, develop, and manage public lands and scenic rivers, andplan for or modify state parks See also game and Inland Fish Commission http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/refserv/staghist/html/sh141.html |
70. RECREATIONAL USES OF CITY OF LOS ANGELES LAND come under the jurisdiction of the state of California Department of Fish and game. Cuttingor gathering firewood on City land is permissible during http://www.thesierraweb.com/generalinfo/dwpinfo.html | |
71. The Montana Standard - Butte, Montana USA Keep in mind A state Land recreational Use License is required to recreateon state School Trust lands for those 12 years of age and older. http://www.mtstandard.com/huntingguide/stateland.html | |
72. State Administrators Contact List - Recreational Trails Program - FHWA Recreation Division Maine Bureau of Parks and Land Department of ne.us/parks/parks.htmlDuane Westerholt, state Trails Admin Nebraska game and Parks http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/rectrails/rtpstate.htm | |
73. Lassen National Forest - Recreational Activities Hunting With the exception of state game refuges, most of game species found on theForest include Black Tailed places where nature is the land manager and http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/lassen/recreation/ | |
74. VDGIF > Hunting > Regulations And Licenses > Lands be unloaded and cased) to hunt on National Forest lands. Penraised game birds maybe taken on licensed A state resident hunting pen-raised game birds on a http://www.dgif.state.va.us/hunting/regs/section5.html | |
75. Lake Carl Blackwell or bow and arrows on the lake or adjacent lands is prohibited issued under Universitypolicy are subject to the game and fish laws of the state of Oklahoma http://home.okstate.edu/policy.nsf/0/65f1966f53c24314862562e4007323aa?OpenDocume |
76. Letter From DENR Secretary Wayne McDevitt To Governor James B. Access to the game lands will be provided to the This state park will serve as theconversion for County property currently restricted by the Land and Water http://www.enr.state.nc.us/jocassee/thanks.htm | |
77. DNR The history of Pere Marquette state Park centers around but stopped just short ofthe park land. and prairies, native American people hunted game, gathered food http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/Landmgt/PARKS/R4/PRM/Peremarq.htm | |
78. Maryland's Public Lands: Maryland DNR state Park and Forest Camping and Cabin Reservations, 1888-432-2267. http//reservations.dnr.state.md.us state.md.us. Maryland's Parks, Forests and WMAs. Recreation. Historical and Cultural Resources. Preserving Public lands http://www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands | |
79. Alaska's National Parks Monument and Preserve Bering Land Bridge National Gulch Recreation Area ClearwaterRecreational Site Crooked Habitat Area Goose Bay state game Refuge James http://www.us-national-parks.net/state/ak.htm |
80. SUMMARY state game Land 80. Weiser state Forest. Mackin Engineering identified 185 recreationalfacilities during the field view and background information review of the http://www.mbcomp.com/swatara/RCP/chapter6.htm | |
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