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State Game Lands Recreational: more detail | ||||
41. Greater Scranton Chamber Of Commerce - Quality Of Life This part of the state offers many recreational activities, including the popular Bestbets for hares on public ground are state game lands, state parks and http://www.scrantonchamber.com/scranton/Pages/sprtsFishing.htm | |
42. Come, Stay & Play state game lands  There are 5 state game Land areas located in SusquehannaCounty for various seasonal recreational activities. http://www.susquehanna.pa.us/Tourism/attractions.htm | |
43. Leadership Clinton County Whichever you choose, you will have an enjoyable outdoor recreational experience ourland covered by state forest, state parks or state game landsyour ability http://www.clintoncountyinfo.com/camping.htm | |
44. CGIA Cultural Resources Data areas, state park areas, state recreational areas, state Format ARC/INFO Projectionstate Plane 1983 WILDLIFE RESOURCE COMMISSION game lands All publicly http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/stacks/gis/cgia/cg83cult.html | |
45. GIS Lookup: Recreational Facilities Dynamap/2000 recreational Areas, GDT, Point, Shapefile, 1 CGIA state Parks, NCCGIA,Polygon, ARC/INFO, 1 CGIA game lands Wildlife Resource Commission, NCCGIA, Polygon, http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/stacks/gis/themes/term0289.html | |
46. Bureau Of Land Management Arizona state Parks · state Trust lands · game Fish Range Access Permit · AZ stateLand recreational Permit. PLIA Public lands Interpretive Association is a http://azwww.az.blm.gov/plic.htm | |
47. Recreational Leases Many CRP lands in Minnesota are particularly wellsuited to and wetlands provide habitatfor game and nongame lie next to wildlife refuges, state and national http://www.mda.state.mn.us/crp/reclease.htm | |
48. News Release #20-01 and more people participating in general outdoor recreational activities, the arethreatening wildlife habitats and disturbing wildlife on state game lands. http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PGC/newsroom/2001news/nr21-01.htm | |
49. News Release #07-01 With more and more people participating in outdoor recreational activities, the arethreatening wildlife habitats and disturbing wildlife on state game lands. http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PGC/newsroom/2001news/nr07-01.htm | |
50. Land Ho! Should Government Be Landlord? Â [Mackinac Center For Public Policy] stateowned lands are classified in nine major categories state forests, game areas,parks and park sites, recreational areas, public water access sites, fish http://www.mackinac.org/1856 | |
51. TOPO! Interactive Maps For SE Pennsylvania And S New Jersey Recreational Areas and S New Jersey recreational Areas includes USGS maps for the Appalachian Trail,Greater Philadelphia, NJ Pine Barrens and the PA state game lands. http://www.4x4books.com/wftsepe.htm | |
52. Parks, Hiking And Bike Trails, Recreation Lands In Pennsylvania's 12th District Pennsylvania s state Forests have many natural areas, splendid scenary anda variety of recreational opportunities. state game lands for Hunting. http://www.house.gov/murtha/district/tour2.htm | |
53. Pennsylvania Code (2) The Director has the authority to close state game lands or portions thereof,to recreational or other uses, when the specified uses may be or have become http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/058/chapter135/chap135toc.html | |
54. Wisconsin Water Policies (1) In the acquisition of recreational lands, the department heavily populated (h)Sales of state land that are Acquisition of fish and game lands adjacent to http://www.aqua.wisc.edu/waterpolicy/browse_category.cfm?PageNum_rsRecordsByCate |
55. Term Project Assignment The impact of recreational use of PA state Forest land. Land management of PA sstate game lands are current land management practices encouraging http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/abrahmsn/bi415/project.html | |
56. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE will remain open after development. state game lands also border thepark making additional recreational opportunities available. http://www.senatormusto.com/pressrel/DCNR Nescopeck State Park.htm | |
57. Getting Outdoors In New York State map on various kinds of trails in New York state Forest lands for Region 7. Openingthe Outdoors recreational facilities for persons with disabilities. http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/outdoors/ | |
58. North-Lands - PA State Forest Info ~ Pennsylvania state Forest state game lands Information ~ The northcentral region of Pennsylvania has the greatest concentration of state Forest and state game lands in the Commonwealth. and http://www.north-lands.net/sforest.htm | |
59. South Dakota Office Of School Public Lands Adhere to the rules and regulations of the game, Fish and Parks Department be doingyour part to help protect South Dakota s state trust lands and keep http://www.sdpubliclands.com/Default.aspx?navid=4 |
60. NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION POLICY lands and rights in lands within this state should be a list of those lands and rightsin lands it has be acquired with money deposited in the game and Fish http://www.midnr.com/Publications/pdfs/InsideDNR/NRC/NRC_Policies/1042.htm | |
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