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81. Staff Development Blueprint Representations Cooperative learning Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Generating and Testing Hypotheses Cues standards of learning for School http://eclipse.cps.k12.va.us/departments/Staffdev/blueprnt.htm | |
82. The Department Virginia Department of Education and reflected in student standards of learning. If there are any questions or concerns about the test administration, state http://www.bridgewater.edu/departments/education/The Department.htm | |
83. The Irascible Professor-commentary Of The Day 09-14-03. SOLomon's Wisdom. of Virginia introduced a Standard of learning system a not scoring well on the SAT and other standardized tests. Anything not covered in the SOL tests was put http://irascibleprofessor.com/comments-09-14-03.htm | |
84. NSTA - Education News 22 2002 Washington Post In this era of high-stakes testing, educators at exhibits can help students study for the state s standards of learning (SOL) exams http://www.nsta.org/educationnews/&category_ID=196 | |
85. Getting Started If you dislike the testing option, you may turn in a to be aware of the standards of learning for Virginia You may look at these standards at http//www.pen.k12 http://www.hearth.org/id42_m.htm | |
86. Untitled Document This will be accomplished by taking a test. and use appropriate instructional hardware and software to support VirginiaÂs standards of learning and other http://lasi.lynchburg.edu/McKenzie_w/public/competencies.htm | |
87. The Carroll News Online - Archives have suggested that to meet the standards outlined by the maintain that if the students learn the material testing because many of those tests administered in http://www.thecarrollnews.com/cgi-local/carrollnews?section=archive&arsec=busine |
88. The Socrates Institute better and no worse than any other standardized tests. The SOL tests also eventually will be used misconception that all children can learn challenging concepts http://www.socratesinstitute.org/about/press3_6_99.html | |
89. Susan Ohanian's Testing Outrages (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) How do you expect kids to learn how to to spend the rest of my professional career teaching to a standardized test. More important no more highstakes tests. http://www.susanohanian.org/outrage_fetch.php?id=133 |
90. Publius - June 2000 Students do not learn to analyze or synthesize No standardized test has ever helped a person have an original thought The SOL tests are not given at the end of a http://www.jccdemocrats.com/publius/june2000.html | |
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