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41. NewsHour Extra: SOL Testing - September 12, 1999 many students feel about the standards of learning well teachers are teaching and students are learning. and almost all states are instituting similar tests. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/july-dec99/sol.html | |
42. Frontline: Testing Our Schools: Testing: In The Classroom | PBS So even the highstakes tests do afford us an opportunity to grow a teacher who was leaving teaching because she said the standards of learning and that http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/schools/testing/theme.html | |
43. Re: Two Takes On Testing : August 2003 : ARN-L students have the ability to learn, and the Virginia standards of learning tests will prove accommodations to assist them when taking the SOL tests just as http://interversity.org/lists/arn-l/archives/Aug2003/msg00221.html | |
44. SMART NEIGHBORHOODS - Newport News, VA curriculum leading to students excelling in educational standards of learning ((sols)) assessments and 5. We help them with their homework, pretesting for the http://smart.nn.k12.va.us/powerup.htm |
45. Fairfax County (VA) Council Of PTAs Further, standards for learning and performance and their experiences, interests, gifts, abilities, and learning styles. pass one of many tests and therefore http://www.fccpta.org/speeches/sp_sol.htm | |
46. Other Voices The Downside Of Testing Frenzy Passport tests, standards of learning tests, Objective Referenced of wellrounded individuals, standardized tests are not keep reducing our standards to these http://www.dailypress.com/news/opinion/dp-08499sy0may13,0,6064877.story?coll=dp- |
47. Richmond.com must learn each year in order to be prepared for the tests, and no be based on multiple criteria, including, but not limited to, the standards of learning. http://www.richmond.com/output.cfm?ID=773844 |
48. Food For Thought in Virginia began with the SOL (standards of learning) tests. Sampling techniques that are a standard tool of any having a problem passing the test, enroll the http://www.co-opliving.com/coopliving/issues/2003/July/food.htm | |
49. Nelson County Public Schools standards and Virginia standards of learning to activities plans, and projects designed to teach the standards. topics, and an automated testing component for http://www.nelson.k12.va.us/Instruction/techresources.htm | |
50. Virginia School Report Card Downloadable Files is outlined in the standards of learning ((sols)). AccreditationÂThe Regulations Establishing standards for Accrediting those in the school taking the test . http://va-reportcards.vipnet.org/html/glossary.html | |
51. SWOC Archives May 2001 ( 2) although she likes having statewide standards, she doesn t think the tests should be Parents Across Virginia United to Reform standards of learning, a group http://lists.wayne.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0105&L=swoc&F=&S=&P=148 |
52. Citzenship In The Digital Age the social studies standards of learning ((sols)) that indicated Sometimes state standards, such as the (sols) in exercises on social studies state test materials. http://www.knowledgeway.org/works/citizenship/admingroup.html | |
53. Standards Of Learning = Fun - News - Springfield Connection - Connection Newspap to stress the basis of experimentation methods that are not only used by NASA but also may be part of the standards of learning (SOL) tests that Fairfax http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?archive=true&article=15317&paper |
54. American Association Of School Administrators - The School Administrator the criticism against Virginia s standards of learning tests has to The setting of standards, cutoff points and passing that the best use of the test should be http://www.aasa.org/publications/sa/2000_12/domenech.htm | |
55. Alliance For Childhood - Techology Literacy Psychological Association s Testing Committee Editor, Testing African American Across Virginia United to Reform (sols) (standards of learning), a network of http://www.allianceforchildhood.net/news/histakes_test_position_statement.htm | |
56. Atrocities (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) state is doing is lowering the standards while pretending blame schools for the socalled learning gap and this dilemma after ballyhooing their tests for the http://www.susanohanian.org/show_atrocities.html?id=642 |
57. The Cavalier Daily imposes the strict Virginia standards of learning and its exams force teachers to teach to the test from cryptically numbered standards that leave http://www.cavalierdaily.com/lead.asp?pid=1103 |
58. Ms. Shaw's Favorite Websites Virginia SOL Related. Virginia standards of learning currently in Virginia SOL Release of Spring 2002 tests Great place to get sample questions for practice http://www.hopewell.k12.va.us/techsol/favweb.htm | |
59. Public Testimony Regarding State Education Standar used to live in Virginia where the standards of learning lose much of their love for learning after the now structured around preparing for the tests since the http://www.parentsunited.org/Standards/PublicTestimony.htm | |
60. Bogus "advanced Proficiency Status" By Domenico Rosa snapshots of life under Virginia s standards of learning status, cultural status and learning ability status his daughter s SOL earth science test arrived at http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-teach/flersangzou/3B96997C.A4C24DAD@teikyopost | |
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