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81. Paul Fleisher--standardized Testing We give kids a multiple choice test. The Virginia standards of learning may be the most destructive thing politicians have done to public schools since http://home.earthlink.net/~pfleishe/SOLessay.html | |
82. Virginia Standards Of Learning - HamptonRoads.com SchoolZone SOL Center The standards of learning are the Hampton Roads school districts are applying these standards. Special Reports 2002 test results Region s schools http://home.hamptonroads.com/schoolzone/schoolsol/search.cfm | |
83. SchoolZone - SOL Questions Answered SOL Center Questions and Answers There have been many questions concerning the standards of learning (SOL) since the first test results were released http://home.hamptonroads.com/schoolzone/schoolsol/solQuestions.cfm | |
84. STATE TESTING PROGRAM The standards of learning Test assesses students progress on the stateÂs standards of learning in the content areas and associated levels listed below http://www.spotsylvania.k12.va.us/instruction/mpos/testing.htm | |
85. The Best Answer (washingtonpost.com) standards of learning were introduced to The intense pressure to raise test scores eventually squeezed the life out of school, both for my kids and for me. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A48919-2004Feb17.html | |
86. The Truth About SOLs is indisputably essential for all children to learn. college survey course, while other standards are developmentally Many test items look more like Trivial http://www.fairtest.org/arn/The Truth About SOLs.htm | |
87. VEA : Search Results : Article Detail fear of overreliance on standardized tests, pointing out is becoming an obstruction to learning. She spoke of technical validity in the tests and concluded http://www.veaweteach.org/search_results_detail.asp?ContentID=343 |
88. Standards Of Learning Fishburn Park used some of the same techniques that have been successful in raising test scores in Fishburn Park Elementary standards of learning Pass Rates http://www.roanoke.k12.va.us/schools/fishburn/sol2.html | |
89. Fairfax County (VA) Council Of PTAs spent reviewing for the SOL tests time that to stop important classroom discussions and learning experiences, just move on to one more benchmark or standard. http://www.fccpta.org/speeches/sp_sol.htm | |
90. NewsHour Extra: SOL Testing - September 12, 1999 testThat s how many students feel about the standards of learning how well teachers are teaching and students are learning. It s a really big test because if http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/july-dec99/sol.html | |
91. The Civil War At Endview's Education Department And School Group Tours with programs that meet multiple standards of learning of a house museum, artifacts, handson learning, and critical to 8th grade Virginian SOL test as a http://www.endview.org/educatio.htm | |
92. Article | Study Rates Florida First In School Tests at the expense of important learning skills and of the report, compared highstakes standardized tests with their low of the Florida s state tests and Stanford http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/_richmond_td-study_rates_fla_f.htm | |
93. Standards Of Learning and books that have withstood the test of time grammar are not substitutes for learning the rules Please note the Computer/Technology standards following grade http://www.knowledge.state.va.us/main/sol/solview.cfm?curriculum_abb=E/W |
94. Nelson County Public Schools standards and Virginia standards of learning to activities plans, and projects designed to teach the standards. topics, and an automated testing component for http://www.nelson.k12.va.us/Instruction/techresources.htm | |
95. Del Ray Citizens Association BBS http//personal.cfw.com/~dday/SOLletters.html Standardized testing on such a prep centers, with teaching to the test replacing genuine learning. http://www.delraycitizen.org/discus/messages/38/45.html?TuesdayNovember219990448 |
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